Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

101565 Catálogo de libros: Lenguas

  • Aprender Inglés
    Carlos Aguerro
    Los verbos modales en inglés funcionan como auxiliares y se unen directamente al verbo principal.En este librito voy a explicar a usted cómo los angloparlantes usan Can / May para expresar capacidad, posibilidad, permiso o suposición y Must / Need para expresar deber, obligación, deducción o necesidad. ...

    7,78 €

  • Aprender Inglés
    Carlos Aguerro
    ¿Cómo decir malas palabras en Inglés?Si usted quiere satisfacer su curiosidad, este librito es para usted.Para su conveniencia, lo dividí en tres secciones: expresiones y exclamaciones de ira o frustración, insultos y por último, palabras referentes al sexo.Tengo una recomendación para usted: ¡diviértase, y por una vez en la vida, olvide las formalidades! ...

    7,78 €

  • Imparare l’Inglese
    Andrea Conti
    Quante volte, in Inglese, ci è capitato di avere sulla punta della lingua quello che vorremmo chiedere ma non ci vengono in mente il termine o la frase giusti?In questo libro sono raccolte cento domande che possono tornare utili in molte situazioni, a partire da un primo approccio conoscitivo fino al check-in in aeroporto o in hotel, passando per una conversazione a cena fuori ...

    7,91 €

  • Englisch Lernen
    Sabine Mayer
    Wie flucht man so richtig auf Englisch?In diesem Buch finden Sie die gängigsten Ausdrücke dafür.Um es Ihnen so einfach wie möglich zu machen, wurden die Wörter und Wendungen in drei Bereiche unterteilt: wütende und frustrierte Flüche, Beleidigungen und schließlich vulgäre und sexuelle Begriffe.Vergessen Sie die britische Höflichkeit und Ihr gutes Benehmen und ziehen Sie so rich...

    17,51 €

  • Aprender Inglês
    Linda Milton
    Como dizer palavrões em Inglês? Se você está curioso(a), este é o livro certo para você.Para sua conveniência, eu o dividi em três seções: expressões e exclamações de raiva ou frustração, insultos e, por último, palavras relacionadas ao sexo.Tenho uma recomendação para você: divirta-se e, por uma vez na vida, esqueça as formalidades! ...

    11,90 €

  • Corso di Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    Nella lingua inglese quando sono presenti più avverbi in una stessa frase, in genere si piazza prima quello di modo, poi quello di luogo e infine di tempo. Ma quando invece ne è presente solo uno?In questa piccola guida troverai tutte le posizioni preferenziali degli avverbi in Inglese. ...

    11,95 €

  • Come Scrivere una Lettera Formale in Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    Scrivere una lettera formale in Inglese è tutt’altro che semplice. Per ottenere un risultato finale che non ci faccia sfigurare agli occhi di un madrelingua, occorre attenersi a regole piuttosto ferree che spaziano dall’impaginazione (Layout) alle formule di apertura (Salutation) e congedo (Complimentary close), passando per uno stile che sappia essere formale, chiaro e conciso...

    11,98 €

  • Corso di Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    In questo libro approfondiremo le diverse accezioni dei verbi modali inglesi Can - May per esprimere possibilità, capacità, permesso, ipotesi e Must - Need per esprimere dovere, obbligo, deduzione e necessità. ...

    11,98 €

  • Imparare l’Inglese
    Andrea Conti
    Alzi la mano lo studente che non si è mai chiesto come si dicano le parolacce in Inglese o che non è mai andato a sbirciarle su internet.Qui ne sono raccolte molte, suddivise per comodità in tre sezioni: le esclamazioni di rabbia e/o frustrazione, gli insulti e, infine, le 'dirty words' in ambito sessuale.Parola d’ordine: divertirsi e - per una volta - bando alle formalità! ...

    7,46 €

  • 英語のことわざ、 イディオム、フレーズ
    セス スミット
    英語のことわざ、イディオム、フレーズ: English proverbs, idioms and phrases. ...

    17,51 €

  • Corso di Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    In questo libro vedremo quando usare 'which' oppure 'that' per introdurre le subordinate relative in inglese, imparando a riconoscere le 'restrictive clauses' e 'non-restrictive clauses'.In appendice 20 esercizi per mettere in pratica quello che hai imparato. ...

    11,66 €

  • IELTS Guide
    Dewan Mukto
    A guide book for helping IELTS candidates achieve a band score of 8.0 or above overall. ...

    12,42 €

  • The Basque Language
    Classic Grammars / Van Eys
    One of the hallmarks of van Eys’s work is that, for the first time, in a truly scientific way, a large number of Basque linguistics. When, shortly after 1860, van Eys began to study the Eskuara, he found himself in the presence of an immense literature.He gave new solutions to many Basque problems, many of them definitive.Basque linguistics is indebted to van Eys for many advan...

    20,48 €

  • Símplices
    Lino Porto
    Poemas compostos pelo poeta entre 2017 e 2020, durante a sua vivência no Rio de Janeiro, mais precisamente no bairro boêmio da Lapa, fruto de sua convivência com pessoas simples, mas que lhe demostraram interesse por poesia, uma imensa curiosidade por esse bicho exótico e aparentemente manso. Além das pessoas simples, o que inclui mendigos e drogados, também estudantes universi...

    7,28 €

    Janvier Antonio Muhindo Miregho
    Dans ce présent recueil, nous vous tançons l’histoire d’une amitié réelle entre deux amants, Doksa et Vylsie, à travers quelques poèmes prononcés par le jeune Doksa, toutes les fois qu’il croisait sa muse. Nous y avons inséré une autre partie nommée, poésie choisie, pour juste donner une idée sur la romance. Ces poèmes sont romantiques et parfois mélancoliques. Comme le dit le ...

    34,38 €

  • Féminin & Masculin
    Mustapha Guenaou
    Cette publication, un recueil de poésie en acrostiche, est un hommage à rendre aux personnes méritantes. Ces prénoms rappellent l’Homme, qu’il soit femme ou homme, de Tlemcen, du Hawz et des localités de la Wilaya, voire autres. Elle regroupe des poèmes où le lecteur découvre un ensemble d’éléments biographiques et descriptions. Ce travail de recueil s’étend à travers la compét...

    34,01 €

  • Guide to English Language
    Carolyn B. Warner
    Whether you’re an expert or a beginner, there’s always something new to learn when it comes to the always-evolving English language. Don’t rely on multiple incomplete textbooks that contradict each other-fill in all the gaps in your grammar knowledge with one go-to guide. This course gives you key exceptions, common grammar mistakes, thousands of real-world examples, and hundre...

    14,31 €

    Théophile OYE EDYOA Poète Héraut
    L’Oiseau de Minerve est un recueil de poèmes qui se veut réaliste. Il désire vous inciter à prendre souvent des décisions qui s’imposent et par le fait même des décisions qui tracent clairement et grandement le chemin de la vérité, du droit et de la justice. Chaque poème de ce recueil veille à éveiller en vous la soif de la vérité, la passion d’exprimer vos sentiments spontané...

    34,07 €

  • Un sourire envolé
    Patrick Mbuyu
    Suite aux rejets, à la déception, la perte d’une amie et aux amis qui, quand vient le temps nuageux s’en vont, certains amoureux ont vu leur amour partir comme les étoiles filantes au firmament, en emportant leur joie et leur sourire.Un jeune amoureux vivait bel et bien avec sa copine, leur amour était vrai et visible, tous on les enviés, chaque jour était une danse de joie, c’...

    37,48 €

  • Reading Chinese Characters (Part 17) - Test Series for HSK All Level Students to Fast Learn Recognizing & Reading Mandarin Chinese Characters with Given Pinyin and English meaning, Easy Vocabulary, Mo
    Rongrong Cai
    Chinese characters, also known as Hanzi (汉字) are the backbone of the Mandarin Chinese language (普通话). There are thousands of these Chinese characters that you need to know in order to master the language. How many Chinese characters do you know already? In this book series, you will be exposed to thousands of multiple answer objective type question to recognize the Chinese char...

    64,72 €

  • Spanish Sentence Builder TRILOGY - Part 2
    Dr Gianfranco Conti / Dylan Viñales
    Spanish Sentence Builders - TRILOGY - Part II is a workbook aimed at Key Stage 3 students, co-authored by two modern languages educators with over 60 years of extensive classroom experience between the three, both in the UK and internationally. .This ’no-frills’ book contains 13 units of work on very popular themes, jampacked with graded listening activities, vocabulary-buildin...

    36,72 €

  • Grammar of The English Language
    Joseph N. Byrd
    The present performance is, so far as the end could be reached, the fulfillment of a design, formed about twenty-seven years ago, of one day presenting to the world, if I might, something like a complete grammar of the English language;-not a mere work of criticism, nor yet a work too tame, indecisive, and uncritical; for, in books of either of these sorts, our libraries alread...

    15,23 €

  • Crosswords for English Learning
    Ruth Gilbert Watson
     The main aim of the book is to provide a way of learning vocabulary which, apart from being informative, is also enjoyable and entertaining. Students of all ages can now learn new words through games and images. All the words are illustrated on the page preceding the crosswords. The ?rst page of crosswords in each unit concentrates on 10 words drawn from the main subject. With...

    18,99 €

  • Clear Alphabet Dictionary
    Sonya Howard
    The Clear Alphabet Dictionary is a tool to enable students of English to learn new phonetic Clear Alphabet, so that they can use it confidently as a means to read, write, and understand the sounds of English - and as a result to pronounce words and sentences better. It is a tool that enables teachers to explain the relationship between spelling and sounds at word level, and con...

    17,00 €

  • Practical English Composition For the High School
    Edwin Lillie Miller
    In every lesson of this book provision is made for oral work: first, because it is an end valuable in itself; second, because it is of incalculable use in preparing the ground for written work; third, because it can be made to give the pupil a proper and powerful motive for writing with care; and, fourth, because, when employed with discretion, it lightens the teacher’s burden ...

    14,28 €

  • Public Speaking
    Clarence Stratton
    Importance of Speech. There never has been in the history of the world a time when the spoken word has been equaled in value and importance by any other means of communication. This book is a must for serious speakers. It brings up and gives great examples of good public speaking for everyone. Anyone want to improve their speeches or just get started? Try this for great ideas a...

    19,77 €

  • China and the Chinese Language
    Herbert Allen Giles
    The following Lectures were delivered during at Columbia University, in the city of New York, to inaugurate the foundation by General Horace W. Carpentier of the Dean Lung Chair of Chinese. By the express desire of the authorities of Columbia University these Lectures are now printed, and they may serve to record an important and interesting departure in Oriental studies. It is...

    13,31 €

  • Complete 12-week Spoken English Study Course
    Alice N. Elliott
    This book is a great bundle of supportive reference guides and practice books to introduce English language rules, grammar, and vocabulary at an advanced level.Ideal for English test preparations or ESL lesson plans, the Course Books use visual teaching methods to introduce the English language, reinforced through a variety of exercises and examples when used alongside the bund...

    14,31 €

  • Reading Chinese Characters (Part 14) - Test Series for HSK All Level Students to Fast Learn Recognizing & Reading Mandarin Chinese Characters with Given Pinyin and English meaning, Easy Vocabulary, Mo
    Rongrong Cai
    Chinese characters, also known as Hanzi (汉字) are the backbone of the Mandarin Chinese language (普通话). There are thousands of these Chinese characters that you need to know in order to master the language. How many Chinese characters do you know already? In this book series, you will be exposed to thousands of multiple answer objective type question to recognize the Chinese char...

    64,72 €

  • Reading Chinese Characters (Part 18) - Test Series for HSK All Level Students to Fast Learn Recognizing & Reading Mandarin Chinese Characters with Given Pinyin and English meaning, Easy Vocabulary, Mo
    Rongrong Cai
    Chinese characters, also known as Hanzi (汉字) are the backbone of the Mandarin Chinese language (普通话). There are thousands of these Chinese characters that you need to know in order to master the language. How many Chinese characters do you know already? In this book series, you will be exposed to thousands of multiple answer objective type question to recognize the Chinese char...

    64,72 €