Catálogo de libros: Ficción y temas afines

374570 Catálogo de libros: Ficción y temas afines

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  • Rollo in Holland
    Jacob Abbott
    Follow Rollo, and his friends, on their many adventures. You will have fun learning about subjects such as ethics, history, science, friendship and family. He will take you on adventures around the block, and around the globe! ...

    20,54 €

  • Rollo on the Atlantic
    Jacob Abbott
    Follow Rollo, and his friends, on their many adventures. You will have fun learning about subjects such as ethics, history, science, friendship and family. He will take you on adventures around the block, and around the globe! ...

    20,39 €

  • Planet Nightmare
    Murray Leinster
    In a far distant future mankind must cope with huge insects and titanic fungus growths. Life has been greatly altered, and Man is now in the process of becoming acclimated to the change. Burl, our hero, must not only deal with the huge insects and the terror that they inspire but with a far greater danger menacing the human race the deadly Red Dust. Preoccupied with staying ali...

    20,28 €

  • Rollo on the Rhine
    Jacob Abbott
    Follow Rollo, and his friends, on their many adventures. You will have fun learning about subjects such as ethics, history, science, friendship and family. He will take you on adventures around the block, and around the globe! ...

    20,42 €

  • Rollo at Work
    Jacob Abbott
    Follow Rollo, and his friends, on their many adventures. You will have fun learning about subjects such as ethics, history, science, friendship and family. He will take you on adventures around the block, and around the globe! ...

    20,53 €

  • Rollo in London
    Jacob Abbott
    Follow Rollo, and his friends, on their many adventures. You will have fun learning about subjects such as ethics, history, science, friendship and family. He will take you on adventures around the block, and around the globe! ...

    20,51 €

  • Wonder Stories Super Pack
    Fletcher Pratt
    Wonder Stories was founded by legendary publisher Hugo Gernsback after he left Amazing Stories. Wonder Stories thrived in one form or another for more than thirty years, briefly rivaling even Astounding. This four hundred plus page anthology collects ten important stories from the magazine's zenith. ...

    30,70 €

  • The Worshippers
    Damon Knight
    Destiny reached out a hand to Algernon Weaver-but he was a timid man, at first. But on the strange world of Terranova, there was much to be learned-of destiny, and other things.… ...

    14,24 €

  • Space Science Fiction Super Pack
    Philip K. Dick
    Space Science Fiction was launched in may of 1952. During it's impressive run it published many of Science Fictions top writers. Collected here in this massive six hundred plus page anthology are all of the most important stories that were published during its distinguished run. ...

    29,95 €

  • Lost Illusions
    Honoré De Balzac
    Balzac is regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature. He is renowned for his multi-faceted characters; even his lesser characters are complex, morally ambiguous, and fully human. Inanimate objects are imbued with character as well; the city of Paris, a backdrop for much of his writing, takes on many human qualities. Lost Illusions concerns Lucien de Rubem...

    35,81 €

  • Beyond the Gates
    Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
    I had been ill for several weeks with what they called brain fever. The events which I am about to relate happened on the fifteenth day of my illness. ...

    28,28 €

  • The Ghost Ship
    John C. Hutcheson / John CHutcheson
    Young Dick Haldane sets out on his first sea voyage aboard the S.S. Star of the North, from the deck Dick sees a Ghost Ship. A large fullrigged ship with white canvas sails all crimson from a last expiring gleam of the Sun’s afterglow. The ship’s sails were tattered and torn, with the ragged ends blowing out loose from the boltropes in the most untidy fashion, unkempt, uncared ...

    27,93 €

  • A Collection of Lovecraft
    H. P. Lovecraft / HPLovecraft
    Collected here are 14 tales of terror and the supernatural by one of the greatest masters of all time.The AlchemistThe Beast in the CaveMemoryThe Picture in the HouseBeyond the Wall of SleepDagonThe White ShipThe Statement of Randolph CarterThe Doom That Came to SarnathPoetry and the GodsNyarlathotepThe Cats of UltharPolarisThe Street ...

    20,03 €

  • Coming Attraction
    Fritz Leiber
    Wysten Turner is a Brit visiting America after it’s great war with Russia. He meats a woman with a tail of woe in the streets of New York. Her boyfriend is a professional wrestler who beats her. She begs Turner to help her escape him, but is the situation as straight forward as it seems? ...

    14,28 €

  • Four Arthurian Romances -Eric Et Enide-
    Chretien Detroys
    Erec et Enide features many of the common elements of Arthurian romance, such as Arthurian characters, the knightly quest, and women or love as a catalyst to action. While it is not the first story to use conventions of the Arthurian characters and setting, Chrétien de Troyes is credited with the invention of the Arthurian romance genre by establishing expectation with his cont...

    17,94 €

  • Four Arthurian Romances -Yvain-
    Chretien Detroys
    In the poem, Yvain seeks to avenge his cousin Calogrenant who had been defeated by an otherworldly knight Esclados beside a magical storm-making stone in the forest of Brocéliande. Yvain defeats Esclados and falls in love with his widow Laudine. ...

    17,93 €

  • A Study in Scarlet
    Arthur Conan Doyle
    Doyle, unsuccessful in his medical practice, in need of money and a more satisfying career, had already sold a number of magazine stories when he wrote the novella, 'A Study in Scarlet,' the first Sherlock Holmes story, which, after many rejections, was published in Beeton’s Christmas Annual for 1887. Doyle got twenty-five pounds for all rights to the story. He never received a...

    17,85 €

  • Indian Boyhood
    Charles A. Eastman / Charles AEastman
    The Memoirs of an Indian boyhood, is and autobiography by Charles Eastman. Eastman was a Native American physician, writer, national lecturer, and reformer. He was of Santee Sioux and Anglo-American ancestry. Active in politics and issues on American Indian rights, he worked to improve the lives of youths, and founded 32 Native American chapters of the Young Men’s Christian Ass...

    20,37 €

  • Genji Monogatari
    Lady Murasaki Shikibu
    The Tale of Genji Monogatari is a classic work of Japanese literature attributed to the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu in the early eleventh century, around the peak of the Heian Period. It is sometimes called the world’s first novel, the first modern novel. ...

    36,96 €

  • Otto of the Silver Hand
    Howard Pyle
    Born into a family that is already engaged in a blood feud with another noble house, Otto is sent to live with monks, but is reclaimed at age 12 by his militant, but loving father. The gentle-natured boy is kidnapped and mutilated by the rival family. Pauline, his captors daughter helps him escape. His father allows him to return to the monks who place him under the emperor’s ...

    17,98 €

  • Notes from the Underground
    Fyodor Dostoyevsky
    Notes from Underground is a study of a single character, and a revelation of Dostoyevsky’s own deepest beliefs. In this work we follow the unnamed narrator of the story, who, disillusioned by the oppression and corruption of the society in which he lives withdraws from that society into the underground. Considered by many to be the first existentialist novel, Notes from the Und...

    20,46 €

  • Second Sight
    Alan E. Nourse / Alan ENourse
    (Note: The following excerpts from Amy Ballantine’s journal have never actually been written down at any time before. Her account of impressions and events has been kept in organized fashion in her mind for at least nine years (even she is not certain when she started), but it must be understood that certain inaccuracies in transcription could not possibly have been avoided in ...

    14,28 €

  • The Reluctant Dragon (Illustrated Edition)
    Kenneth Grahame
    In this delightful tale an unnamed boy discovers that there is a dragon living in the downs above his house. But this is no ordinary dragon, this is an erudite, poetry-loving dragon. The boy and the dragon become friends in short order. Unfortunately, the villagers also discover that there is a dragon living in the downs and they send for the great dragon slayer St. George. The...

    18,09 €

  • The Wind People
    Marion Zimmer Bradley
    Sometimes she had walked for days at a time in that dream; she would wake to find food that she could not remember gathering. Somehow, pervasive, the dream voices had taken over; the whispering winds had been full of voices and even hands. She had fallen ill and lain for days sick and delirious, and had heard a voice which hardly seemed to be her own, saying that if she died th...

    13,89 €

  • The Sentimentalists
    Murray Leinster
    You do not always have to go looking for a guardian angel. He may be looking for you-but perhaps for somebody else’s benefit!Rhadampsicus and Nodalictha were on their honeymoon, and consequently they were sentimental. To be sure, it would not have been easy for humans to imagine sentiment as existing between them ...

    14,19 €

  • The Marvellous History of King Arthur in Avalon
    Geoffrey Junior
    THE writer considereth the truth of the matters which are recorded in the Historie of King Arthur concerning the site of the Island of Avalon and the family of Queen Morgan la Faye. He telleth how Morgan la Faye carried away King Arthur and his Round Table into Avalon; and how she made them pass the time there for many hundreds of years; how she put King Arthur to sleep; of the...

    18,03 €

  • The Wild One
    Marion Zimmer Bradley
    This is a story that they tell on the solitary farms on the borders of the Catskill mountains, where I grew up. It is a mistake to think that country is settled and modern, just because the big highways stretch from city to city, and the factories hold out clean jobs that pay better than the scratch-the-soil farming on shale rock. For between every farm is a stretch of woodland...

    13,90 €

  • The Planet Savers
    Marion Zimmer Bradley
    In The Planet Savers Marion Zimmer Bradley introduced the world to her amazing Darkover series. A disease threatens all of Darkover and the only man that can save Darkover has a multiple personality disorder. He is two distinct men. But two men who hate one another and vie for possession of their one body. But to save Darkover they must work together. ...

    17,99 €

  • Star Surgeon
    Alan E. Nourse / Alan ENourse
    A Sector General NovelIn the far future Humans are part of an intergalactic civilization populated with countless alien races. Humans are prized for their medical expertise and make up almost all of doctors in the galaxy. Dal Timgar is the first non-human to attempt to become a qualified physician recognized by the Hospital Earth. But, before he reaches his goal he and his comp...

    17,73 €

  • Bear Trap
    Alan E. Nourse / Alan ENourse
    The Secretary of State has died and Tom Shandor discovers that the Secretary requested that he put together his official biography for national consumption. Shandor has no idea why he’s been chosen for the project nor the shocking secrets he’ll find once he starts the project. There’s more riding on the choices he will make than he could possible imagined. ...

    14,19 €