Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

2876 Catálogo de libros: Astronomía, espacio y tiempo

Libros Eliminar filtro Matemáticas y ciencia Eliminar filtro Astronomía, espacio y tiempo Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Formas tradicionales y ciclos cósmicos
    René Guénon
    Los artículos reunidos en el presente libro representan acaso el aspecto más "original" -también el más desconcertante para muchos lectores- de la obra de René Guénon. Se le hubiera podido dar el título Fragmentos de una historia desconocida, pero de una historia que engloba protohistoria y prehistoria por cuanto empieza con la Tradición primordial contemporánea de los comienzo...

    23,42 €

  • 50 Targets for the Mid-Sized Telescope
    John Read
    Written as a follow up to 50 Things to See with a Small Telescope, containing virtually no overlap in content, 50 Targets for the Mid-Sized Telescope introduces the beginner stargazer to an assortment of astronomical wonders. With easy-to-follow star maps, unique for each target, the budding astronomer will explore the universe like never before.Each target has been carefully c...

    26,48 €

  • Rescuing Rose
    Isabel Wolff
    Rose Costelloe LOVES problems!  Other people's problems that is.  As an agony aunt she adores dishing out advice on everything from dizziness to divorce.  But this rather thorny Rose is not so good when it comes to her own life. Her new marriage is in shreds, she's had to move house, and the bills are piling up.  But then her best friends,  twins Bella and Bea, suggest ...

    12,84 €

  • Climate Change and Global Warming - Exposed
    Andrew Johnson
    The weather is something which affects all of us, every day of our lives. It dictates our long and short-term plans. In the UK, the weather is the "default topic" of conversation for strangers and friends alike. Though it has obvious and far reaching importance, most people don't know very much about the weather. These days, they don't take time to observe it and probab...

    13,82 €

  • Adventures in Earth Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    ADVENTURES in EARTH SCIENCE is not just an in-depth textbook but a series of adventures across seven continents and beyond in the sciences of astronomy, geology, meteorology and oceanography. It has been written with over forty years of experience in studying, researching and teaching earth science. Whilst it has been designed for senior high school and junior university or col...

    142,25 €

  • The Astronomy of the Bible
    E. Walter Maunder / EWalter Maunder
    A commentary on the astronomical references of holy scripture. Facsimile reprint of the first edition, including index and 34 illustrations. ...

    19,44 €

    Very-high-energy astrophysics studies the most energetic photons in the sky, allowing the exploration of violent and extreme non-thermal phenomena in the Universe. Significant advances in knowledge have been made in this field using ground-based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) as detectors, to study these physical processes in the Universe. This book reviews th...

    219,27 €

  • Celestial Mechanics
    A.O. Leuschner / A.OLeuschner
    A Survey of the Status of the Determination of the General Perturbations of the Minor Planets (Asteroids). ...

    11,77 €

  • A Reckless God?
    What sort of God would create such an unimaginably vast and beautiful universe? This question lies at the heart of a profound exploration of faith and creation in this thought-provoking book A Reckless God? Currents and Challenges of the Christian Conversation with Science. The authors delve deeply into the nature and character of the Christian God, attempting to understand why...

    24,95 €

  • Alien Physics
    Peter A Jackson
    A report on apparent subliminal communication by intelligent Aliens who wish to help us advance our theoretical understanding of nature and the universe. Seemingly unable to communicate with or guide us directly, they’ve studied all our doctrinal and alternative theories and pointed to those consistent with their own far more advanced understanding. The many inconsistencies and...

    21,47 €

  • Moon Lore
    Timothy Harley
    A rare grimoire of lunar folklore, myth, and legend, Moon Lore explores the cultural and historical significance of the Moon, offering astronomical, spiritual, and astrological insight.’Soon as the evening shades prevail,The Moon takes up the wondrous tale.’-Addison, Ode, 1712A masterpiece of storytelling, Moon Lore brings Timothy Harley’s rigorous academic research to life in ...

    25,56 €

  • Moon Lore
    Timothy Harley
    A rare grimoire of lunar folklore, myth, and legend, Moon Lore explores the cultural and historical significance of the Moon, offering astronomical, spiritual, and astrological insight.’Soon as the evening shades prevail,The Moon takes up the wondrous tale.’-Addison, Ode, 1712A masterpiece of storytelling, Moon Lore brings Timothy Harley’s rigorous academic research to life in ...

    35,73 €

  • The Hidden World of Feather Wrenches and Moons
    Terry Jox
    Explore the fascinating world of Feather Wrenches and Moons in this comprehensive guide. From their origins and history to their application in lunar exploration, this book delves into the interplay between these tools and celestial bodies. Discover advancements in Feather Wrench technology, examine their role in moon habitability, and consider the ethical implications of their...

    83,09 €

  • ISRO’s History
    In the vast cosmic expanse, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) shines as a beacon of human ingenuity and determination. Join author Anand Shinde on a celestial journey through the captivating history of ISRO, India’s pioneering space agency. From its modest beginnings to the groundbreaking triumph of Chandrayaan-3, this book chronicles ISRO’s evolution, technological...

    28,72 €

    Glenys Livingstone
    This book is the documentation of a poetic ceremonial process practiced over decades, which has been the making of a world, a creative context in which She could be expressed and heard. Please note that this is the Black and White version of the book offered at a lower price point. If you would like the color version of the book, please order that version. ...

    20,20 €

  • The Star That Lost Its Twinkle
    Jessica Lawson
    In a shimmering galaxy filled with countless stars, there lived one special star named Nora. But one night, something unexpected happened - Nora lost her twinkle. Feeling lost and unsure of herself, Nora embarks on an enchanting journey through the cosmos to rediscover her shine.Join Nora on her cosmic adventure as she encounters celestial friends who teach her invaluable lesso...

    22,48 €

  • Innovations That Changed the World
    'Innovations That Changed the World: A Journey through Science and Technology' is a captivating exploration of humanity’s most groundbreaking inventions and discoveries, charting the course of scientific and technological progress from ancient times to the present day. This comprehensive volume delves into the pivotal moments and ingenious minds that have shaped our modern worl...

    34,43 €

  • Reaching for the Stars
    'Reaching for the Stars: A History of Space Exploration' is a captivating and comprehensive book that takes readers on an exhilarating journey through the history of humanity’s exploration of space. From ancient stargazers to modern-day astronauts, the book provides an in-depth look at the advancements, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped our understanding of the universe...

    34,54 €

  • Fluidodinamica complessa
    Youssef Hairch
    L’accoppiamento delle equazioni di Navier-Stokes con il modello di Allen-Cahn rappresenta un progresso significativo nel campo della meccanica dei fluidi e della modellazione delle interfacce. Questo sviluppo ha le sue radici nella necessità di comprendere e simulare meglio la complessa dinamica dei fluidi multifase. Questo libro (Complex Fluid Dynamics: Approaches with Allen-C...

    60,70 €

  • Komplexe Fluiddynamik
    Youssef Hairch
    Die Kopplung der Navier-Stokes-Gleichungen mit dem Allen-Cahn-Modell stellt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt im Bereich der Strömungsmechanik und der Modellierung von Grenzflächen dar. Diese Entwicklung hat ihre Wurzeln in der Notwendigkeit, die komplexe Dynamik von mehrphasigen Flüssigkeiten besser zu verstehen und zu simulieren. Dieses Buch (Dynamik komplexer Fluide: Approaches ...

    60,83 €

  • Dynamics of Complex Fluids
    Youssef Hairch
    The coupling of the Navier-Stokes equations with the Allen-Cahn model represents a significant advance in the field of fluid mechanics and interface modeling. This development has its roots in the need to better understand and simulate complex multi-phase fluid dynamics. This book (Complex Fluid Dynamics: Approaches with Allen-Cahn and Navier-Stokes) explores the approximation ...

    60,58 €

  • Dinâmica de Fluidos Complexa
    Youssef Hairch
    O acoplamento das equações de Navier-Stokes com o modelo de Allen-Cahn representa um avanço significativo no domínio da mecânica dos fluidos e da modelação de interfaces. Este desenvolvimento tem as suas raízes na necessidade de melhor compreender e simular a dinâmica complexa de fluidos multifásicos. Este livro (Complex Fluid Dynamics: Approaches with Allen-Cahn and Navier-Sto...

    60,70 €

  • Сложная гидродинамика
    Ёуссеф ХАИРЦХ / Ёуссеф ХАИРЧ
    Соединение уравнений Навье-Стокса с моделью Аллена-Кана представляет собой значительный прогресс в области механики жидкости и моделирования границ раздела. Корни этой разработки лежат в необходимости лучшего понимания и моделирования сложной динамики многофазных жидкостей. Эта книга (Complex Fluid Dynamics: Подходы с использованием методов Аллена-Кана и Навье-Стокса) исследует...

    62,08 €

  • El sistema solar espacial
    Patricio Garrido
    El sistema solar espacial contiene muchas ideas nuevas sobre el espacio y el Big Bang, y presenta un modelo diferente de ver a los sistemas planetarios en general a la estructura del espacio, al universo en sí, proponiendo, de hecho, que vivimos en un sistema solar espacial y no planar, como hasta el momento conocemos, donde los planetas no se mueven alrededor del sol ni en cír...

    46,29 €

  • The Cosmic Egg
    Fritz Blackburn
    There is now convincing evidence that the universe is a living organism! The questions of what the universe is, where it came from, what it evolves towards, and how it relates to human existence-is conclusively answered in terms of morphology as they arise from Plato’s forms and Sheldrake’s work on morphogenetics, but mostly by genetics itself.'The Cosmic Egg' is a mind-blowin...

    14,20 €

  • Lunar Explorations - The Moon In Plain English
    Laurence Waite
    Life on Earth is impacted daily by the moon in a mysterious yet fascinating fashion as it toils with tidal forces, guides migration, influences our weather and much more. Its moonlight can trigger species’ procreation, coral spawning on the Great Barrier Reef, and perhaps even affect human behaviour.The author, an amateur astronomer and photographer, provides a unique and inter...

    22,44 €

    Ching-Ray Chang / Meng-Chien Wang / MENG-CHIEN WANG CHING-RAY CHANG
    The first industrial revolution was accompanied by the emergence of the School of Engineering, the second brought about the School of Electrical Engineering, and the third digital revolution led to the School of Information. It is now obvious that the change in this quantum revolution must lead to the emergence of the School of Quantum Science and Technology. Quantum technology...

    120,14 €

    Ching-Ray Chang / Meng-Chien Wang / MENG-CHIEN WANG CHING-RAY CHANG
    The first industrial revolution was accompanied by the emergence of the School of Engineering, the second brought about the School of Electrical Engineering, and the third digital revolution led to the School of Information. It is now obvious that the change in this quantum revolution must lead to the emergence of the School of Quantum Science and Technology. Quantum technology...

    47,72 €

    Hantée par des souvenirs d’enfance traumatisants, l’auteur relate son vécu. LE TEST d’un homme dans le doute, la querelle éternelle entre ALINE ET LESLIE, LE DEPART imminent d’un paradis, L’ESPOIR d’une femme seule, L’HISTOIRE MAL RACONTEE où je suis la méchante, LA DANSE DE LA HONTE pour un bonheur, LE FILS PRODIGUE qui revient sauver son père indigne, LUC LE CHIEN de sa femme...

    34,01 €

  • Die himmlische Symphonie
    Ruby Jindal
    Die Astrologie, eine Praxis, die so alt ist wie die Zivilisation selbst, überbrückt die Kluft zwischen dem Kosmos und der menschlichen Seele. Wenn wir die Sterne betrachten, werden wir an unseren Platz im Universum und an den zeitlosen Tanz erinnert, der alle Lebewesen miteinander verbindet. Dieses Buch, 'Celestial Symphony: Eine Erkundung der Astrologie' ist eine Einladung, in...

    60,26 €