Rachna Sharma
As parents and teachers, we often try to fix the situations and circumstances our kids are in to avoid themgetting hurt, frustrated or disappointed. However, when kids are on their own on the playground, in aclassroom, or at a gathering, they may find themselves in challenging situations without you.The earlier our kids learn to analyze and reflect on their days and develop an understanding of lesspredictable situations, the better skills they’ll have to navigate through their world. They must develop toolsand strategies to support themselves independently.Mindfulness is one immensely helpful tool that children can use to help themselves in difficult situations. It istruly a magic wand that one can use to create space between problems, and reactions to such problems.This book highlights valuable strategies such as positive affirmations, gratitude, mindful listening, kindness,empathy, positive thinking patterns, taking breaks, and deep breathing to deal with negative emotions andsituations. The book also highlights how mindfulness can add to your life and relationships in general.Triggering situations may vary day to day, but mindfulness remains a reliable tool that children can lean on.