Awakening Amidst the Chaos

Awakening Amidst the Chaos

William Vincent

17,33 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
Política y gobierno
17,33 €
IVA incluido
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In 'Awakening Amidst the Chaos: Unveiling the Economic Deception,' readers are taken on a compelling journey through the intricate web of economic and political maneuvers shaping today’s global landscape. The book delves deep into the actions and plans of the deep state, corrupt politicians, the private Western central bank, and the World Economic Forum, unraveling their concerted efforts to steer the world into the realms of the Green New Deal and the Great Reset.The narrative vividly describes how these elite groups are manipulating the economy, from instigating the sabotage of pipelines to imposing restrictive green policies, all under the guise of climate change and economic reform. However, as the author points out, their plans are increasingly meeting resistance from an awakening public, who are feeling the pinch of economic hardship and beginning to see through the deception.Central to the book is the contrast between the lies propagated by these powerful entities and the truth, as represented by figures like Donald Trump. It highlights Trump’s strategic use of truth as a weapon against economic manipulation, especially his advocacy for energy independence, tariffs, and the creation of Special Economic Zones (SEZs).The book is not just an exposé but also a clarion call for awareness. It stresses the importance of understanding the real impact of inflation, the rising fuel prices, and the actual state of unemployment, starkly contrasting these realities with the misleading narratives often presented.'Awakening Amidst the Chaos' is an essential read for anyone seeking to understand the complex interplay of economics and politics in our time. It serves as both a warning and a guide, offering insights into the tactics used by the global elite while highlighting the potential for change and empowerment in the face of economic deception.

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