


Maya Faro

10,07 €
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Your Wellness Books
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10,07 €
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Buddhism for Busy People- All You Need to Know to Transform Your Life!Do you want to learn more about Buddhism but don’t know where to start?Confused when it comes to “Buddhism information overload”?Overwhelmed when it comes to complicated theory that seems impossible to apply in a busy, modern world?What if you could have one simple guide that distills all you need to know to transform your lifestyle to get the results you deserve? If you are looking for a simple guide that is modernized, PRACTICAL, and totally adapted to a busy, 21st-century persons’ needs you have come to the right place… What’s Inside?-A Brief History of Buddhism and How It Can Transform Your Life with More Peace of Mind-How to Raise Your Awareness and Stop Wasting Your Time and Energy on Things That Don’t Matter-Leave the World of Illusions and Restore Balance with Easy Buddhism Techniques Anyone Can Master-How to Change Your Perception and Create Happiness and Peace Even When Things Go Wrong-Create Authenticity and Love Yourself with Buddhism-How to Practice Buddhism in Daily Life Even on a Busy Schedule+-Bonus Chapter: The Joy of Mindfulness: How Mindfulness Can Change Your Life You see, Buddhism doesn't have to be about complicated rituals, expensive retreats and difficult spiritual how-to manuals! It all comes down to diving deep, making friends with your emotions (both good and bad) and understanding your awareness. This is what this book is designed to help you with…In this book, you will find effective techniques to step out of your mindless, stressful thinking and allow your mind to finally embrace Buddhism lifestyle so that you can achieve peace and happiness in all areas of your life… Scroll to the top of the page and select the 'buy button' and start transforming your life with effective Buddhism techniques today!

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