History of the Blue Baron

History of the Blue Baron

Luca Stefano Cristini

18,21 €
IVA incluido
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18,21 €
IVA incluido
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This is the story of the Blue Baron, born Carlo Luigi Amedeo Winspeare Guicciardi and his active participation in the Second World War as a pilot officer in the Regia Aeronautica. But let us take two steps back. Carlo Winspeare, son of Edoardo and Clara Sarauw, was born on 13 March 1917 in Valletta (Malta) where his father, who had travelled the world in the retinue of Luigi Amedeo di Savoia, the adventurous Duke of the Abruzzi, was working as an attaché militaire, as an officer in the Regia Marina. Don’t be fooled by the name that betrays English origins, the Blue Baron was a true Italian hero. With his military flights, he took part in numerous reconnaissance and reckless war missions, one of the best known of which was certainly the Battle of Mid-August on 12-13 August 1942, pompously commemorated by the regime as the 20th year of the fascist era. In this book, the author recounts all these adventures!

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