James Green
Farming, growing your own crops, and raising animals have never been as easy as they are today.With modern technology and access to a plethora of knowledge and resources, farming can not only be easy but profitable as well - even for someone who has never stepped out of the city. In fact, you can do it from the comfort of your own home!Get a detailed explanation of what it takes to farm different crops and animals.Become an expert on farming techniques, crop management, and animal care.Avoid common pitfalls and problems through advice on the best practices taught by seasoned experts.Take the first step today for a fruitful tomorrow!All you can need:Tools and Equipment For AgricultureVeggie GardeningChoose the Right LocationChoosing VeggiesBaby VegetablesDesigning Your GardenFruit GardeningTips for Tree PlantingRaising Chickens, Ducks, and GeeseChicks vs. PulletsBreedingRaising Cattle and PigsRaising CattleTypes of Cattle BreedsTips for Cattle SelectionHow to Raise CattleHow and When to Breed CattleRaising PigsHow to Build a PigpenHow to Raise, Feed, & Care for PigsRaising Sheep and GoatsHow to Raise SheepHow to Raise GoatsBecome a BeekeeperAn Introduction to Honey-Making BeesHow Bees Make HoneyEssential SuppliesBuilding a BeehiveGetting Your HoneybeesGeneral Tips on How to Care for Your BeesHarvesting HoneyThis is the must have guide for any farmer-whether they’re beginners or experienced mini farmers looking for new ideas.