How to Apocalypse

How to Apocalypse

Hassan Rasheed

6,46 €
IVA incluido
Lulu Press
Año de edición:
Ecología aplicada
6,46 €
IVA incluido
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Contrary to popular belief we are on the cusp of a major extinction event that is totally within the laws of nature. There is no question human activity is driving this event by exhuming ancient remains and resurrecting the conditions in existence back 600 million years ago. It is as if nature is saying the current conditions are not sustainable and Earth needs to reset and return to a previous point in time. Life after all is the process of a chemical compound toppling other structures in order to build up its own. This toppling and building process requires energy and on Earth this energy comes mostly from the Sun. So, sit back and enjoy the ride with music, song and dance for we are on a rudderless ship and mother nature holds the secret to where we are going.

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