Hypnosis and NLP

Hypnosis and NLP

Kyle Faber

18,72 €
IVA incluido
CAC Publishing LLC
Año de edición:
Psicología popular
18,72 €
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If you’ve ever been interested in the powerful science of hypnotism or learning how to rewire your own brain, you’ve come to the right place.By the end of this two-book bundle you will not only be able to hypnotize anyone, but you’ll also have the knowledge to transform your own life by changing the way you think with Neuro Linguistic Programming.Here’s a quick description of these two life-changing books:‘Hypnosis – How to Hypnotize Anyone’ - The history of hypnosis is discussed, bringing you all the way to how you can hypnotize someone anywhere, anyplace, at anytime. You will learn the definition of hypnotism, as well as how it was used historically, and how it is used today.The book will give you an overview of some of the terrible and frightening ways that hypnotism has been, and is being used, to control what you see, hear and say, and how it can be used to get you to submit to the ultimate surrender of your mind. How does hypnotism work and what parts of the body and mind are affected by hypnotism? How does hypnotism change your brain chemistry? How does hypnotism alter your physical body? Does your temperature rise when you are hypnotized? Does your heartbeat quicken or does it slow down when you undergo hypnosis?   The hypnotic interview and the pre-talk before you begin a hypnotic session are discussed, as well as how to induce a subject into a trance state. You will learn the steps and processes needed to work on, and with, a subject or patient in the hypnotic trance state. What signs should a practitioner look for in a subject undergoing hypnotic suggestion to tell if the person is truly hypnotized? Just as important, you will learn the signs to look for if someone is just pretending to be hypnotized. Finally, you’ll learn how to hypnotize anyone, anytime, in any place. You will amaze and astound your friends, family and coworkers with your hypnotic skill. You will be the hit at every party or fun event. It’s a great way to break the ice with a prospective partner, too! Learning the art of hypnotism could be a lucrative career. You really never know the path you will travel.   ‘NLP 2.0’ - Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an enigma to most people. Maybe it’s because of its hyper complex sounding name, or because it sounds like a new computer language. Whatever the misunderstanding, it is time that you paid attention to it because some of the world’s latest success stories are coming in the wake of NLP. Beyond the theory, it also gives you a practical look at the things you can do when you change the way your mind is wired and the effects that has on your work and your family. What it all boils down to is that the reason you are who you are up to this point is because of the way your brain is wired and if you want to change that, you need to do it with NLP. We are all looking to improve our lives and make the most of our time. We are all looking for ways to do better and provide a better life for our families. But until now, the better life has been elusive to a certain segment of people who are trying hard but not making much out of it. NLP is the thing they have been missing. If this is you, then you have found the path to solving your challenges. Whatever you need is covered within the lines of this book. You just need to read it and put it to work.   What are you waiting for!? Scroll up and hit the ‘Buy Now’ button to learn how you can hypnotize anyone, anytime, in any place and learn how to rewire your brain to become who you were really meant to be!

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