Impact of Zakat on Sustainable Economic Development

Impact of Zakat on Sustainable Economic Development

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281,76 €
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IGI Global
Año de edición:
Economía del desarrollo y economías emergentes
281,76 €
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Zakat, a religious obligation in the form of almsgiving, is highly important both in Islam and in the Islamic economy. As Muslim communities face financial hardships around the world, Zakat has emerged as a vital component within these communities and could play a major role in sustainable economic development by helping society to alleviate poverty and promote social equality. Impact of Zakat on Sustainable Economic Development is a pivotal reference source that contributes practical solutions and knowledge production in alleviating poverty in Muslim countries by adopting Islamic approaches to contemporary socio-economics and the importance of Zakat in sustaining development and supporting the welfare of society. Featuring coverage on a wide range of topics such as corporate governance, ethics, and sustainable economic development, this book is ideally designed for economists, government officials, regulators, entrepreneurs, financial professionals, religious authorities, researchers, academicians, and students at the postgraduate level.

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