Kim Kacoroski
This fifth book of the Camelon Series tells the story of three intimate friends, who must work together in bringing Camelon’s promise to fruition. Nest ferch Cadell, the great-great-grand niece of King Arthur, tricks her enemies into giving her the reigns of the kingdom. With the help of the soon-to-be Pope Nicholas, she establishes a new kingdom seeded by her predecessor, Queen Crierwy. Based on an act of compassion embodied by the icon of a golden tara and built on the ashes of Camelon and Avalon, the eternal Kingdom of the Golden Tara is to be found within. The small tara becomes a symbol in their mission to restore order in the universe. Elise, the King of Powrys, becomes the third member of the crew. Together they birth an entire new generation of Dragon flyers in freedom.