Love Letters to Water

Love Letters to Water

Claudiu Murgan

16,78 €
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Manor House Publishing Inc.
Año de edición:
Gestión medioambiental
16,78 €
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Water scarcity is a known issue for billions of people around the world and the latest research has predicted that this crisis will only get worse.  Through my own research, I understand that water has memory, water is alive, it could be happy and sad, structured and non-structured. Humanity has lost its way in dealing with nature and especially with its most important element, water.  Since the creation of earth, water and crystals have weaved their paths into a billion-year-long tapestry that has captured the cycles of nature’s evolution. It has observed the appearance of humans and their troubled, but fascinating development, and the energies and vibrations of everything that is part of this amazing eco-system.  In the 1990s, being an original thinker, Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist, after being introduced to the concept of micro cluster water, had the brilliant idea to freeze water molecules and study them under the microscope. He tried tap water, river water, and lake water, creating in time a pattern of the water quality based on the location of the sample.  He uncovered the fact that water responds to stress, similarly to humans. A molecule collected from a river that flows in a natural setting displays a beautiful hexagonal shape while one from the tap water, which went through the filtration process and kilometers of metal piping, had a twisted and even muddy shape. After so many years of research, we still haven’t unlocked the vast potential of water.  Love Letters to Water, anthology strives to bring forward various points of view and enhance the importance of how we behave vis-à-vis water - and this is further explored in the Foreword by Dr. Gerald Pollack. All in all, Love Letters to Water, anthology gathers a plethora of contributors from shamans to energy healers, from scientists to economists, all showing how significant of a role water plays in their life, spiritual journey, and professional development.  The global importance of water to human life cannot be overstated and it is my hope that you, the reader, will gain further insight into this essential life force via the shared thoughts of our impressive list of expert writers from around the world. Claudiu Murgan, anthology initiator, primary author, editor and chief contributor, is also the author of three fiction books, two of which are about water. For more, visit:  

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