Notes on Civil Resources

Notes on Civil Resources

Maíra Fronza

62,81 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
62,81 €
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This work is an experience of teaching and of the need to elaborate the main aspects concerning the general theory of civil resources and the basic explanation of resources in kind, according to the Code of Civil Procedure of 2015.The aim is to present the subjects in a systematic and synthetic way, without major concerns with theses and the deepening of the themes. The objective remained, only, to compile some basic concepts of authors who have been working on the programmatic content that is addressed in the first part of the discipline of Civil Procedural Law III.However, it should be emphasized that the subjects addressed will not be exhausted in this material, since Civil Procedural Law, in addition to having a recent codification, as well as the whole law, is always heading towards new judgements, new understandings.It is reminded that the studies of the contents herein presented must be accompanied by Civil Procedural Law manuals and by jurisprudential consultations of the Courts, in order to have a complete knowledge of the themes developed.Good studies to all!

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