Realtor Secrets

Realtor Secrets

Andrew Gilbert

16,56 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
16,56 €
IVA incluido
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Getting the best from your realtor or real estate agent can be tricky. Read this book! it tells you how to get the best from your realtor, How to ask the realtor the tough questions. How to tip the scales in your favour when negotiating. What you should be saying to your realtor, and what he should be saying to you!. Plus it gives you the mindset of a n Agent when they are invited into your home. It also explains why the better agents may choose not to take on your home.Maybe they think it might be better if you had a rookie on the job for 3 months before you will want to try them again. It’s all there in the book. Read it. It may only save you a few thousand when you are negotiating. It could well be more!

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