Restoring the Soul to Education

Restoring the Soul to Education

Restoring the Soul to Education

Bea Young / Carmen I. Ayala / Carmen IAyala / Michael L. Kilgore / Michael LKilgore

29,30 €
IVA incluido
Writers of the Round Table Press
Año de edición:
Educación inclusiva/regularización educativa
29,30 €
IVA incluido
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Mainly aimed at educators and administrators, this book is also relevant for any parent or community member concerned with equity and quality education. While it is nonfiction, it can be read with the same eagerness one often approaches fiction—you will keep turning pages, eager to see what will happen in each school district. The engaging and heart-centered writing makes the concepts, examples, and practical tools more accessible, giving the reader a better grasp of the challenges in pursuing educational equity and what can make a significant difference. Dr. Carmen Ayala, Dr. John Harper, and Bea Young become real-life heroes whose commitment to students will make you want to keep reading to see the impact of their work. This book also includes a chapter on culturally responsive curriculum, written by Susan O’Halloran, a nationally recognized equity consultant.

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