Ciencia: cuestiones generales

Matemáticas y ciencia / Ciencia: cuestiones generales (18116)

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  • Likelihood
    A. W. F. Edwards

    44,56 €

  • Open Marxism 2
    In this study, distinguished international contributors project an ’open’ Marxism - a rejection of the determinism and positivism which characterise so much of contemporary left-wing thought. Topics covered in the two volumes include Marxism and political economy, historical materialism, dialectics, state theory, class, fetishism and the periodisation of capitalist development....

    148,16 €

  • Open Marxism 1
    In this study, distinguished international contributors project an ’open’ Marxism - a rejection of the determinism and positivism which characterise so much of contemporary left-wing thought. Topics covered in the two volumes include Marxism and political economy, historical materialism, dialectics, state theory, class, fetishism and the periodisation of capitalist development....

    148,14 €

  • A History of Regeneration Research

    174,62 €

  • Aristotle’s Physics and Its Medieval Varieties
    Helen S Lang / Helen S. Lang
    This book considers the concepts that lay at the heart of natural philosophy and physics from the time of Aristotle until the fourteenth century. The first part presents Aristotelian ideas and the second part presents the interpretation of these ideas by Philoponus, Albertus Magnus, Thomas Aquinas, John Buridan, and Duns Scotus.Across the eight chapters, the problems and texts...

    43,04 €

  • The Scientific Revolution in National Context

    120,35 €

  • The Scientific Revolution in National Context
    In this volume, leading scholars of early modern science argue the importance of specifically national contexts for understanding the transformation in natural philosophy between Copernicus and Newton. This volume forms part of a sequence of collections of essays which began with The Enlightenment in national context (1981) and has continued with Romanticism in national context...

    60,21 €

  • Enlightenment Science in the Romantic Era

    136,57 €

  • Atom
    Isaac Asimov

    22,43 €

  • Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management
    Ferris / Kendrith M. Rowland / Kendrith MRowland
    Contains monograph length conceptual papers that are designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. ...

    183,54 €

  • Worse Than the Disease
    Diana B. Dutton / Diana BDutton / Dutton Diana Barbara

    76,49 €

  • Thomas Hobbes
    Johann P. Sommerville

    66,89 €

  • From Gaia to Selfish Genes
    Connie Barlow

    38,06 €

  • Probability and the Art of Judgment
    Richard C. Jeffrey / Richard CJeffrey

    110,76 €

    Studies on transgenic fish, in contrast to mammals, are still in their infancy. However, it is evident that such fish will not only be of considerable economic benefit to aquaculture but will enable scientists to make quantum leaps in their understanding of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms unique to fish, and of the developmental biology of vertebrates in general.Th...

    155,96 €

  • The Thermomechanics of Plasticity and Fracture
    G. A. Maugin / GAMaugin / Gerard A. Maugin / Gerard AMaugin

    103,02 €

  • The Thermomechanics of Plasticity and Fracture the Thermomechanics of Plasticity and Fracture
    Gerard A. Maugin / Gerard AMaugin

    218,50 €

  • The Janus Faces of Genius
    Betty J. Dobbs / Betty JDobbs

    155,78 €

  • Analyzing Visual Data
    Gregory W. H. Smith / M. S. Ball / Michael S. Ball

    48,04 €

  • Mechanics of Pre-Industrial Technology
    Brian Cotterell / Johan Kamminga
    This book is the first general account of the mechanics behind pre-industrial technology and combines the skills of an engineer and an archaeologist. ...

    64,11 €

  • Analysis and Metaphysics
    P. F. Strawson / PFStrawson

    61,60 €

  • Nationalism and Internationalism in Science, 1880-1939
    Elisabeth Crawford

    136,94 €

  • The Non-Darwinian Revolution
    Peter J. Bowler
    Concise and clearly written, 'The Non-Darwinian Revolution' sets forth a convincing argument for a reappraisal of Darwin’s importance not only for the history of science but for the history of ideas as well. Bowler finds no fault with Darwin’s theory, only with the mistaken notion of its revolutionary effect on nineteenth-century thought. Examining the work of such figures as O...

    38,21 €

  • Schooling in Modern European Society
    ATuijnman / BHalls / THusen
    Everyone accepts that education should be for all, but how is education best provided? This book, deals with problem areas in European education; for example school quality, examinations, the teaching of foreign languages, and science education. It also spells out the role of basic education in forming a European identity and consciousness. ...

    165,47 €

  • Applying General Equilibrium
    John B. Shoven / John BShoven

    39,33 €

  • In the Palaces of Memory
    George Johnson

    16,83 €

  • The Chemical Formulary, Volume 30
    There is hardly a technical library in the world in which the volumes of the Chemical Formulary (Volumes 1-34) do not occupy a prominent place. It does not duplicate any of the formulas included in previous volumes, but lists a wide array of modern and salable products from all branches of the chemical industries. An excellent reference for formulation problems. - CONTENTS - I....

    121,80 €

  • More Heat Than Light
    Philip J. Mirowski / Philip JMirowski

    70,69 €

  • Science as Public Culture
    Jan Golinski

    118,96 €

  • The Eclipse of Darwinism
    Peter J. Bowler

    37,96 €