Cocina sana y con alimentos integrales

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  • Intermittent Fasting & Ketogenic Diet
    Sarah Bruhun
    Are you currently on a Keto Journey but find that you just aren't breaking through to your goals?What about Intermittent Fasting, are you currently doing a fasting regime?Have you ever considered combining the two? To the average person trying to lose weight or become healthier, it is hard to decide what regime would be best to follow and this combination lifestyle allows y...

    23,71 €

  • Intermittent Fasting
    Michael S. Davis
    Discover The  Intermittent Fasting Diet Secrets that no one wants to tell you!Maximize your Weight Loss and Transform Yourself!Is it possible to eat normally, five days a week, and become slimmer and healthier as a result? Simple answer: yes. You just limit your calorie intake for two nonconsecutive days each week. You’ll lose weight quickly and effortlessly with the Fast Diet...

    23,67 €

  • Detox de Azúcar En español/ Sugar Detox In Spanish
    Charlie Mason
    ¿Se siente  a menudo cansado y lento? ¿Está lidiando con el dolor crónico que proviene de la inflamación y sus muchas enfermedades que pueden ralentizar su vida? ¿Ansía constantemente azúcares y le cuesta decir que no, incluso si el peso sigue subiendo y no puede detenerlo?Si todo esto le suena familiar, es hora de obtener una detox de azúcar. Esta desintoxicación lo ayuda a el...

    19,88 €

  • Keto Bread
    Denise S. Redmond
    If You're on a Special Diet and Miss Bread, then This Book is For You!Have you recently switched to a Keto Diet and have started to miss your breads and snacks that are now taboo? Well this Keto Bread Cookbook will introduce you to 52 amazingly delicious and healthy alternatives to some of your favorite bread with full Images! Ketogenic diet is a low carb with high fat diet...

    23,68 €

  • Ketogenic Instant Pot
    Allyson C. Naquin
    Are you considering getting rid of a few extra pounds or just getting a healthier body overall? Maybe you find yourself trying to regain control or avoiding one of the world’s famous chronic illnesses such as diabetes or hypertension. Don’t worry you are not alone!Regardless of which option you may find yourself in it may be reason enough to consider a dietary lifestyle change....

    23,91 €

  • Keto Fat Bombs
    Michael S. Davis
    Have you heard of the delicious phenomenon that has been taking over the Ketogenic world? They are called Fat Bombs and they are about to change your entire Keto journey. Fat bombs Ketogenic snacks that serves as great sources of energy and healthy fat to the body. Most fat bombs feature filling ingredients such as nuts, seeds, butter and coconut oil to name a few. Fat bombs ca...

    23,68 €

  • Hippity Hoppity
    Priscilla Ogefere
    Showing family love with Pason and Nelly hopping their way through lunch, figuring out there's more to food that meets the mouth. Filled with laughter and plenty rhymes, will Nelly be able to jump after her last bite?Let's find out.Written by a mother attempting to reignite the joys of kids and healthy eating. Inspired by a true story of the only Vegan child in the fami...

    15,20 €

  • The Dizzy Cook
    Alicia Wolf
    This cookbook features more than 90 delicious recipes and dozens of helpful tips to help combat migraine symptoms through diet and lifestyle.From healthy living blogger and creator of TheDizzyCook, Alicia Wolf, comes the must-have cookbook for anyone managing migraines, as well as anyone who just loves to create delectable yet diet-friendly dishes. Author Alicia Wolf developed ...

    52,49 €

  • Ayuno Intermitente
    Eric Arce
    Si alguna vez ha intentado perder peso, sabrá que puede ser muy difícil y desafiante hacer y mantener su progreso.Si ha estado siguiendo los regímenes de pérdida de peso que prometen mucho sin cumplir, deje que esta sea la última vez que intenta perder peso porque con todo lo que aprenderá aquí, y se implementa correctamente, puede estar seguro de perder peso sin esfuerzo. y ma...

    14,65 €

  • Ayuno Intermitente
    Lev Rico
    Cuando lea este libro, obtendrá información sobre las complejidades del ayuno que tal vez no conseguirá en ningún otro lugar.El IF es una herramienta efectiva si quieres perder peso de una manera más pasiva. Sin dietas especiales, sin listas de alimentos, sin horarios estrictos, y sin sudar con rutinas intensivas de gimnasio. Sin embargo, el IF solo te dará los resultados esper...

    11,13 €

  • Ayuno Intermitente
    Bart Garay
    Cuando se trata de hacer dieta, no hay nada mejor que seguir las tendencias actuales. De hecho, de esta manera estás dispuesto para aprender y descubrir un montón de platos y prácticas saludables que no tendrás la oportunidad de experimentar de otra manera. También ofrece la posibilidad de volverse más saludable. Una gran parte de eso significa cambiar tu dieta y observar tu in...

    13,98 €

  • Ayuno Intermitente
    Kaori Tello
    El ayuno intermitente (AI) se relaciona con un modelo de dieta que implican no comer o restringir severamente las calorías durante un período prolongado de tiempo.Pero debes tener cuidado, porque si ayunas demasiado, el cuerpo puede pasar al modo de inanición y no se pierde nada. El cuerpo, en este modo, se aferra a la grasa por temor a no volver a comer por un tiempo. Puedes e...

    15,24 €

  • Ketogenic Meal Plan
    Allyson C. Naquin
    Have you tried countless diets in attempt to lose weight with no avail?Are you struggling with weight-gain, fatigue, and overall poor quality of health? If so, you are about to be amazed as this Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan Cookbook is about to turn that view upside down. The truth is getting healthy does not have to be a hectic process at all. In fact, you can achieve this with ju...

    23,73 €

  • Keto Meal Prep
    Alicia J. Taylor
    Do you wish you had an easier way to stick on your keto diet so you can finally achieve your dream body?Do you want to lose weight and be healthier without wasting a fortune on expensive meal plans and fancy ingredients?If the answer is YES, THEN THIS BOOK IS DEFINITELY FOR YOU! In this Ketogenic Meal Plan Cookbook, we will be providing you with a 30-day meal prep guide to make...

    23,69 €

  • Ketogenic Vegetarian
    Allyson C. Naquin
    Do you love being a vegetarian but fear that if you go Keto you will have to starve to death?                             With all the benefits of the Keto diet it would be completely unfair for you to have to miss out because you are unable to find good vegetarian options. Luckily in this Ketogenic Vegetarian Cookbook will expose you to 101 delicious vegetarian recipes that yo...

    23,70 €

  • A Companion Journal To
    Patti Bowman
    This journal helps you track your progress as you transform your health step by step, using the book, 52 WAYS TO TRANSFORM YOUR HEALTH ONE STEP AT A TIME.  This companion journal will help keep you focused, organized, and making progress toward that healthy lifestyle you dream about. 3 ...

    14,86 €

  • Hausgemachte Low Carb Suppen Kochbuch
    Elizabeth Jane
    Suppen und Eintöpfe sind das perfekte Komfortessen für jede Jahreszeit. Voller Geschmack, emotional befriedigend und nahrhaft für die Seele. Low Carb Suppen und Eintöpfe sind einfach zuzubereiten (sie müssen nicht stundenlang am Herd stehen), budgetfreundlich und perfekt als schnelle und einfache vorbereitete Low Carb Mittag- und Abendessen.Das hausgemachte Low Carb Suppen & Ei...

    19,94 €

  • Bariatric Sleeve Cookbook
    Luke Newman
    2 comprehensive manuscripts in 1 book: Gastric Sleeve Cookbook: 100 Bariatric-Friendly and Healthy Recipes for the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Gastric Sleeve Cookbook: 77 Delicious and Healthy Gastric Sleeve Recipes with an Easy Guide to Being on the Gastric Sleeve Diet This book has been specifically written for people who have decided to undergo a gastric sleeve operation. It...

    24,04 €

    Elizabeth Jane
    Recetas a la medida para cada estación, ocasión y antojo. Un Año de Postres y Bombas de Grasa Cetogénicos es el único libro de postres que necesitas para satisfacer tus antojos cetogénicos. Estos refrigerios saludables bajos en carbohidratos y compatibles con la dieta paleolítica dejarán de ser iguales a auto privación.¿Qué se te antoja?Siempre que desees lo que se te antoja, e...

    25,59 €

  • un año de bombas de grasa
    Elizabeth Jane
    La dieta cetogénica no tiene que limitarse a comer huevos, tocino y aceite MCT en tu café, también puede ser algo queacc disfrutes. ‘Un Año de Bombas de Grasa’ es una colección de las más deliciosas Bombas de Grasa dulces y saladas, con ingredientes de temporada para que puedas evitar que te aburra la comida y ames quemar grasa todo el año.¿Por qué conformarte con cualquier lib...

    23,93 €

  • Ein Jahr der Fettbomben
    Elizabeth Jane
    Eine Low Carb-Diät muss nicht unbedingt aus Eiern, Speck und MCT-Öl in Ihrem Kaffee bestehen, Sie können sie auch genießen. Ein Jahr der Fettbomben ist eine Sammlung der köstlichsten süßen und herzhaften Fettbomben, mit saisonalen Zutaten, damit Ihnen beim Essen nicht langweilig wird und Sie das ganze Jahr über Fett verbrennen können.Warum sollten Sie sich mit einem beliebigen ...

    25,13 €

  • Intuitive Eating
    Nathalie Seaton
    Don’t just lose weight, but keep it off once and for all! How intuitive eating is the absolute best way to lead a sustained and healthy lifestyle…How often have you heard, “You shouldn’t eat that because of reasons x,y,z”?Or how about this one, “Why would you ask me to eat that? You know I’m in the middle of my fasting window!” Your best friend screaming this across the table a...

    17,19 €

  • Low Carb-Brote Backbuch
    Elizabeth Jane
    Low Carb-Brot Backbuch bringt Ihnen die besten süßen und herzhaften Low Carb-freundlichen Brote, mit: Wichtigen Tipps, um einfach das perfekte getreidefreie, kohlenhydratarme Brot zu backen. Zusammen mit der Grundausstattung, die Sie in Ihrer Küche haben sollten und Infos dazu, wie Sie Ersatzzutaten verwenden können. Köstliche, narrensichere Rezepte, die eine aufregende Ausw...

    21,12 €

  • Libro de Cocina para Panaderos Cetogénica
    Elizabeth Jane
    El libro Panaderos Cetogénicos le ofrece los mejores panes dulces y salados cetogénicos y bajos en carbohidratos, con: Consejos esenciales para hacer el pan perfecto sin granos, bajo en carbohidratos de manera sencilla. Junto con el equipo básico, qué almacenar en tu cocina y cómo usar las sustituciones. Deliciosas recetas a prueba de tontos, que abarcan una emocionante gama...

    21,12 €

  • Wheat-Belly Slow Cooker Cookbook
    Lisa Young
                   “Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health” The wheat belly slow cooker cookbook is a beginner’s guide to the wheat belly dieting. It will revolutionized the way you think about your health by exposing you to the devastating effects of wheat, sugar, and carbs on the brain and empowering you with the knowledge in making the right decision ...

    11,69 €

  • Plant-Based Meal Prep Cookbook For Beginners 2020
    Jimmy Shallal
    As the name implies, the plant-based diet emphasizes consuming only plant products such as vegetables, fruits, whole grain, seeds, nuts, and legumes. While the definition is simple enough, there are some variations of the plant-based diet and some variations exclude the consumption of refined food items like sugar, white flour, and processed oils.With this cookbook, you will kn...

    22,02 €

  • Power Pressure Cooker XL Cookbook
    Kate Mellor
    Do you own a Power Pressure Cooker XL?Are you always looking for ways to save time when it comes to cooking?This fantastic new book, Power Pressure Cooker XL Cookbook: 5 Ingredients or Less, is designed to do that for you, while still providing you and your family with great tasting meals every single day.With an in-depth look at the Power Pressure Cooker XL and its capabilitie...

    15,39 €

  • Power Pressure Cooker XL Cookbook
    Linda Wyatt
    Do you own a fabulous Power Pressure Cooker XL?Do you need advice on how to get the most from it?Would you like to learn some amazingly simple and delicious recipes to get you started?The Power Pressure Cooker XL is a remarkable device that saves you time and still provides you with delicious food every time you sit down to eat.Now, with Power Pressure Cooker XL Cookbook, you c...

    15,39 €

  • Paleo For Beginners
    Susan Perry
    Look and Feel Great with the Paleo Lifestyle!Do you consume too many carbs?Are you tired filling your body with chemicals every time you eat processed foods?Is it time to lose weight, get healthy, and give your family the best possible nutrition?If so, Paleo for Beginners is the book you’ve been waiting for. This comprehensive guide to the Paleo lifestyle explains the ins and o...

    16,06 €

  • The Complete Keto Cookbook For Beginners
    Frank Lee
    A talented chef once said, “Let me sample a delicious dish and I’ll marvel at its flavor but doubt it was created by any mere man. Teach me how it’s made, and I’ll believe myself to be the genius who could make it in 5 minutes.”The Keto diet is likely the most successful fad the internet has ever known; simply because it works. With tons of testimonials from influencers and cel...

    15,45 €