Cocina vegetariana

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Cocina/comidas y bebidas, etc. / Cocina vegetariana (589)

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  • The Plant Based Diet for Beginners
    Sharon Cudley
    Ever wondered if the Plant-Based Diet is beneficial at all?OR, if recipes for it can ACTUALLY taste delicious while including only plant-based foods?If so, keep reading because you’ve found your answer…So you've been reading online about all the different types of diets, weight loss programs and workout programs. You’ve paid personal trainers at your local gym to help you r...

    46,79 €

  • Eat So What! Smart Ways To Stay Healthy Volume 2 (Full Color Print)
    La Fonceur
    What to Eat, What Not to Eat! Still confused? Clear your confusions with Eat So What! The book includes a bundle of 5 chapters which will make your life healthy and happy. A Nutrition Food Guide for vegetarians for a disease free healthy life. You know you can prevent most of the diseases with nutrition rich food and healthy lifestyle. The health secrets that no one tells you...

    32,44 €

  • EAT SO WHAT! Smart Ways To Stay Healthy Volume 1
    La Fonceur
    What to Eat, What Not to Eat! Still confused? Clear your confusions with Eat So What! The book includes a bundle of 5 chapters which will make your life healthy and happy. A complete Nutritional Food Guide for vegetarians for a disease free healthy life. You know you can prevent most of the diseases with nutrition rich foods and healthy lifestyle. The health secrets that no on...

    28,89 €

  • EAT SO WHAT! Smart Ways To Stay Healthy Volume 1
    La Fonceur
    What to Eat, What Not to Eat! Still confused? Clear your confusions with Eat So What! The book includes a bundle of 5 chapters which will make your life healthy and happy. A complete Nutritional Food Guide for vegetarians for a disease free healthy life. You know you can prevent most of the diseases with nutrition rich foods and healthy lifestyle. The health secrets that no on...

    43,92 €

  • Vegan Breakfast Cookbook
    Grizzly Publishing
    Taking a more conscious approach to eating can only be considered a good thing. Not only does it impact the environment in a positive manner, but also takes a stand against cruel meat production processes.Not to mention adopting a vegan way of eating can also have a hugely positive impact on health and function. But it does have one associated downfall – namely the fact that it...

    21,09 €

  • Vegan Baking
    Victoria Froud
    Whole Vegan Baking!This Vegan diet cookbook includes:400 delectable baked goods―Whip up sweet and savory recipes for sandwich bread, bagels, pizza, waffles, muffins, cookies, and moreVegan ingredients―Get the ingredient rundown with detailed descriptions and sources for everything used in the book, along with substitution options.Handy baking tips―Tips on many recipes help you ...

    22,08 €

  • Vegan Slow Cooker Kochbuch Auf Deutsch/ Vegan Slow Cooker Cookbook In German
    Charlie Mason
    Das müssen Sie sehen, um es zu glauben! Sie werden überrascht sein, welche Leckerbissen im Vegan Slow Kochbuch auf Sie warten: Top 31 Vegan Slow Cooker Rezepte für Ihre allgemeine Gesundheit. Sie werden nicht nur eine Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung bekommen, sondern diese wird auch einfach zu verstehen sein. Dies ist ein kleiner Vorgeschmack auf das, was Sie erwartet, wenn Sie s...

    21,57 €

  • Ketogenic Vegan
    Alicia J. Taylor
    Are you a vegan that recently switched to a Ketogenic journey but just don’t know what to eat? Maybe you have been on this the Keto journey for a while now, but you are thinking of going vegan as well to reap some additional benefits.Regardless of your reason this Ketogenic Vegan Cookbook will introduce you to 100 amazingly delicious and healthy recipes that will set you on the...

    30,58 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Dario Gallo / TBD
    La dieta vegana è una delle diete più sane del mondo e per una buona ragione. L’idea nobile dietro il veganesimo, ovvero quella di non voler sfruttare le specie animali meno fortunate per prendere ciò che è loro ed usarlo egoisticamente per noi - semplicemente perché non hanno il potere di fermarci - è forse la ragione primaria della crescita di popolarità di questo concetto.Di...

    12,53 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    TBD / Ugo Zito
    Immagina come sarebbe la vita se riuscissi a raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi di perdita di peso.Non solo aiuta a ridurre il grasso esistente nel corpo, ma migliora anche la capacità di combattere le malattie. È progettato per fornire alle persone una soluzione completa ai loro problemi di perdita di peso e aiutare con il processo di snellimento.Questo libro di cucina vegana per ch...

    11,08 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Cino Sal / TBD
    Questo libro contiene deliziose ricette vegane che ti aiuteranno a mangiare sano, aumentare energia e perdere peso e tenerlo lontano per sempre.Hai mai desiderato qualcosa di croccante, o dolce e salato  o un po’ di cioccolato? Bene, questi bisogni sono descritti in dettaglio e suggeriscono un'alternativa sana che riconosca la carenza di vitamine e il cibo che potrebbe risp...

    11,08 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Gino Lori / TBD
    Anche se non segui una dieta vegana, questo libro è una grande aggiunta alla tua collezione grazie alla sezione informativa sui desideri. Alcuni dei benefici che si possono avere da una dieta totalmente vegetaleincludono livelli più bassi di colesterolo, pressione più bassa e ridotto rischio di malattie cardiache e tumori. I vegani assumono meno grassi saturi e meno calorie dei...

    14,65 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Siro Ferri / TBD
    La dieta vegana è basata solo su ingredienti genuini a base vegetale e alimenti a base di soia utilizzati come sostituti del latte e delle uova. La gente diventa vegana per molti motivi, іnсlusa la preoccupazione per il benessere degli animali, oltre alla questione degli ormoni, antibiotici e altre sostanze chimiche trovate nei prodotti a base di carne. Una dieta che include la...

    11,81 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Remo Cocci / TBD
    Se vuoi sapere come avere un bel corpo e bruciare i grassi mangiando deliziosi piatti vegetariani e vegani che siano facili da cucinare e che non pesino sul tuo portafogli, allora non puoi perderti questo libro.Questo è il miglior libro di ricette dietetiche per una dieta vegana facile. Le ricette includono cibi per colazione, pranzo, cena, snack e dessert. Molte delle ricette ...

    13,22 €

  • Vegan Breakfast Cookbook
    Grizzly Publishing
    Taking a more conscious approach to eating can only be considered a good thing. Not only does it impact the environment in a positive manner, but also takes a stand against cruel meat production processes.Not to mention adopting a vegan way of eating can also have a hugely positive impact on health and function. But it does have one associated downfall – namely the fact that it...

    17,41 €

  • Vegan Living
    J. Steele / JSteele
    More and more people are realizing that the vegan lifestyle provides a number of significant health, lifestyle, and ethical benefits. In fact, the number of vegans is growing substantially. Live life better. ...

    10,10 €

  • Vegetarian Instant Pot Cookbook
    Rachel Collins
    WHILE OTHER VEGETARIAN COOKBOOKS are poorly written, have no recipe index, lots of editing errors, bad recipes, or simply recipes that are overcomplicated, the Vegetarian Cookbook by Rachel Collins feature the best variety of well-thought-out and well-tested plant-based recipes you should expect with nutrition facts for every recipe in the book and comes with the well-structure...

    15,58 €

  • Vegan Meal Prep
    Elyse Bose
    Have you ever thought about embracing a healthier lifestyle?Have you considered the need for changing your eating habits?Has your doctor told you that you need to clean up your diet?If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, then perhaps it is time you embraced a healthier and cleaner lifestyle by exploring the vegan alternative.Sure, going vegan may sound like somet...

    12,14 €

  • Keto Diet Includes 3 Manuscripts
    Amy Moore
    Are you ready for a massive whole body transformation that doesn’t require you to spend hours at the gym, but still makes you look ripped and cuts through your excess pounds? Do you want that summer body all year long, just by eating the right foods at the right time?It’s not just possible, it’s science. That specialized diet that celebrities pay millions of dollars hiring eati...

    24,50 €

  • The Great Full
    Michelle Grant
    The Great Full is more than a vegetarian cookbook. It is an exploration of how we eat, the way this impacts ourselves, others and the planet and an invitation to take part in creating change.Weaving stories, recipes and inspiring advice, food systems expert Michelle Grant places food at the center of the major challenges facing humanity today. The Great Full will help you explo...

    57,71 €

  • Ketogenic Vegan
    Alicia J. Taylor
    Are you a vegan that recently switched to a Ketogenic journey but just don’t know what to eat? Maybe you have been on this the Keto journey for a while now, but you are thinking of going vegan as well to reap some additional benefits.Regardless of your reason this Ketogenic Vegan Cookbook will introduce you to 100 amazingly delicious and healthy recipes that will set you on the...

    23,73 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Marc Ellis
    As dietas veganas são um campo inexplorado para muitas pessoas que procuram perder peso de forma rápida e eficaz.Na verdade, o crescimento da popularidar de uma dieta baseada em vegetais significa que mais receitas criativas, restaurantes e supermercados estão fornecendo mais opções veganas do que nunca. Quando iniciar uma dieta vegana , entretanto, é importante entender que há...

    11,08 €

  • Dieta Vegana
    Ted Tarr
    Vegan é enorme nestes dias calmos e simples.Sabores vivos e surpreendentes, cores em texturas e uma abundante oferta de ingredientes. A cozinha vegana é muito mais que frutas e vegetais. Irás encontrar encontar comida tão simples de preparar como qualquer outra, e que não consumam muito tempo. Todos os igredientes nestas receitas ou os seus substitutos podem ser encontrados em ...

    14,61 €

  • Alkaline Herbs
    Marta Tuchowska
    Ready to create unlimited well-being? Discover the best alkaline herbs for holistic health, natural beauty, tasty cooking, and optimal healing! Whether your goal is to de-stress, lose weight, create tasty alkaline meals (and have everyone love you for it!), experiment with natural beauty products (for example, anti-wrinkle or anti-acne), or discover proven, homemade holistic re...

    12,75 €

  • Ricky the Time Traveling Trash Panda
    Kent Golden
    What would you do if you had to save the life of a murderer?How do your daily choices impact animals and the planet?This is a book that just might make you question your life - but in a good way!Great for vegans, vegetarians, environmentalists, or anyone who loves animals and the planet. This is a novel that deals with moral questions surrounding humans and animals sharing the ...

    13,82 €

  • Vegan Healthy Cookbook
    Giles G. Lion
    Do you work a full-time job and just don’t know what to cook for dinner? Not to mention, the extra time for preparing snacks and desserts? If you find yourself in this situation often, then this is the book for you! The Vegan Healthy Cookbook: Easy and Delicious Healthy Vegan Recipes is an accumulation of so many tasty recipes, you will not know which one to try first. Each o...

    18,44 €

  • Low Carb Vegan Cookbook
    Giles G. Lion
    Have you ever tried the vegan lifestyle? Have you ever questioned whether you could do it or whether it would be too difficult? Have you considered the ketogenic diet but then worried that it was just another fad diet?If you’re seriously considering a vegan ketogenic diet, then look to the Low Carb Vegan Cookbook: 25 Best & Delicious Low Carb Plant-Based Recipes for a Healthy V...

    18,48 €

  • Low Carb Vegan Cookbook
    Giles G. Lion
    Are you a vegan or have you ever thought about switching to a vegan diet? Have you been considering going low carb? Sometimes, it’s hard to jump into something new, and that is why I have written this book that is part informational text and part recipe book. In this book, I explore what the word 'vegan' means and why on earth anyone would want to be one. I talk briefly about ...

    19,30 €

  • Vegetarian Nutrition Recipes
    Giles G. Lion
    The fact of the matter is that, while the human body may be able to process a certain amount of animal products, the versions of these products that are seen on shelves these days are often so full of preservatives, hormones and steroids that the nutritional benefits they provide is negligible at best. With a vegetarian diet, however, you have access to a far greater range of ...

    19,01 €

  • Keto Vegetarian Cookbook
    Brad Clark
    You Are 1-Click Away From Learning How To Follow The Ketogenic Diet The Vegetarian Way For Easy And Fast Weight Loss To Heal Your Body And Improve Your Quality Of Life!The Ketogenic diet is the most searched diet on Google for a reason; it works in delivering the results that it promises. And if you searched for Ketogenic diet on your favorite social media platform, you will se...

    29,61 €