Comercio electrónico: aspectos empresariales

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  • Affiliate Marketing per Principianti
    The Passive Income Strategist
    Stai cercando un modo comprovato per generare reddito passivo e raggiungere l’indipendenza finanziaria?Ti senti sopraffatto dalle innumerevoli risorse di marketing di affiliazione disponibili e non sei sicuro da dove cominciare? Scopri la guida definitiva per padroneggiare l’arte del marketing di affiliazione e sbloccare i segreti del successo online con "Affiliate Marketing pe...

    16,69 €

  • Rechtsformwahl für Selbständige & Existenzgründer
    Alexander Goldwein
    Viele Selbständige und Existenzgründer unterschätzen radikal die Bedeutung der Rechtsformwahl für die Optimierung der Steuerbelastung und Altersvorsorge. Oft erkennen sie erst Jahre später, dass die GmbH als Rechtsform viele Steuern gespart hätte.In diesem Leitfaden werden die möglichen Rechtsformen vorgestellt und die Auswirkungen der Rechtsformwahl auf Haftungsbegrenzung, Ste...

    48,41 €

  • Invertir en Inteligencia Artificial Guía de Inversión Particular, en Bolsa (Acciones, ETFs y Fondos) y en la Blockchain (Criptomonedas y Otros Criptoactivos) Para Principiantes
    Antonio Robinhood
    La imprenta, el motor de combustión, el Internet y… en estos momentos… la Inteligencia Artificial (IA).Son cambios tecnológicos que han supuesto un antes y un después en la historia de la humanidad. Cada vez que uno ha aparecido ha supuesto una revolución con la consecuente transmisión de dinero de unos grupos a otros.En estos momentos estás a tiempo de aprovechar la última ola...

    21,43 €

  • Mastering Blockchain - Fourth Edition
    Imran Bashir
    Demystify one of the most disruptive modern technologies and gain an understanding of distributed ledger technology, consensus protocols, smart contracts, DApps, blockchain scalability, privacy, security, and more.Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF format.Key Features:Study new blockchains, including Polkadot, Solana, and Ethereum execution layer ...

    74,43 €

  • A broader look at price, quality, and value
    C. Miya
    The present study is an attempt to develop and empirically test the conceptual framework that makes real sense of comparing price-quality-brand image-value relationship and ultimate satisfaction in the product market. The Thesis comprised of six chapters and each chapter is introduced as follows: ...

    32,06 €

  • Reviewers of a New and Improved Tourism Benchmarking Package
    C. Miya
    India’s service sector contributes more than half of its GDPto its economic development. Transport, tourism,communication, trading, finance, real estate, health, etc., aresome of the activities covered by it. It is the most popular wayfor tourists to spend their leisure time, as it provides them withmore relaxation. Tourism is a complex service sector that iscomprised of a wide...

    29,88 €

  • There are pros and cons to Internet advertising with a focus on a few electrical items
    C. Miya
    The last decade of the twentieth century had one verysignificant development to offer, that was the massacceptance of, not so recent in origin, medium ofinformation and communications technology,particularly, the Internet.’The Net’, ’The Web’ etc are some of the phrases thatcaught the imagination of the masses, industry people& academics, alike. Whatever be the name used to ref...

    30,71 €

  • How small investors view post office savings plans
    C. Miya
    Economic development takes place when the economic welfare of the people of a country increases over a long period.’ Economic development is to a great extent depends on the rate of investment or capital formation2 which are necessary for fast development. Capital formation refers to an increase in the stock of real capital like machines, plants, tools, equipment, buildings and...

    29,05 €

  • Fdi in India Rules and Effects
    C. Miya
    Importance of Foreign InvestmentInvesting in a country by individuals andorganizations from other countries is known asinternational investment. Economicdevelopment depends on it. Growing economieslike India and China have high populations,making economic growth the only sustainablemeans of raising living standards. As moreinputs are brought into the production process,investme...

    29,91 €

  • the agreement on moral issues in the business world
    C. Miya
    This chapter reviews the literature on the subject of Ethics in Corporate. Presenting the views by different authors at different times, an outline of the word ETHICS is given.Ethics when used as a singular verb, means the study of general nature of morals and specific moral choices; moral philosophy. The word when used in terms of a plural verb stands for the rules or a standa...

    26,42 €

  • Why Your Website Doesn’t Work
    Chris Davidson
    You’re reading this because you know something other business owners don’t: making an effective business website is hard.Many business websites are little more than grimy shop windows that display bland messages to people too busy with their own lives to pay any attention. If you can’t explain what you sell, then you’ll also struggle to find the right audience.Why Your Website ...

    15,15 €

  • Game Strategies for Business Integration in the Digital Economy
    Elena G. Popkova
    Game Strategies for Business Integration in the Digital Economy reveals the essence, features and benefits of various strategies for business integration in the digital economy. ...

    190,89 €

  • Transformation for Sustainable Business and Management Practices
    Since the introduction of Industry 5.0, there has been a greater emphasis on the human-centric view in human-machine collaboration. As society has benefitted from technological advancements in all aspects of industrial sectors, there has been a rethinking of the role human beings should play in future evolutions. ...

    156,07 €

  • Cómo Ganar Dinero por Internet con Inteligencia Artificial Emprende tu negocio digital con ChatGPT, Escríbelo.ia, Playground AI,, Canva, Midjourney, Dall-E 2, Amazon...
    Roberto de los Bosques
    Todo lo que necesitas saber para ganar dinero con la Inteligencia Artificial (IA):No importa si no tienes conocimientos o si casi no dispones de tiempo libre. Cada cierto tiempo hay un cambio tecnológico revolucionario que crea un nuevo grupo de ricos y poderosos: aquellos que antes implementan la nueva tecnología.¿Te vas a quedar atrás?Sigue un método probado que te garantiza ...

    16,61 €

  • Start Your Online Store
    Veronica Jeans
    Are you looking for an easy way to create your own online store but feeling overwhelmed by all the options and technicalities? Are you running a successful Etsy store, Amazon business, or looking to build your own Shopify website? Are you an author and want to get paid in 3 days?Look no further! The Shopify Made Easy series of books by Veronica Jeans is the ultimate blueprint f...

    33,12 €

  • How To Make Your First One Million Dollars Dropshipping
    Ford Holden
    Does the idea of building a $1,000,000+ online business excite you? A company you can run from anywhere in the world with only a laptop and an internet connection? One that requires you to work for only a few hours per day? Then dropshipping is for you!The best part is that anyone can set up a dropshipping business. You don’t need to be a computer wizard. You don’t need thousan...

    12,26 €

  • Passive Income Online - How to Earn Passive Income For Early Retirement
    Jonathan SWalker / JONATHAN S. WALKER
    Learn The Secrets To Making Passive Income Online Today And Start Making Money That Will Work For You! Are you sick and tired of working like a dog, running the rat race like everyone else out there? Trading time to earn money day in and day out, sacrificing quality time with friends and family and never having enough to spend with your loved ones? Are you sick of being underap...

    11,59 €

  • Compra y Gestión Financiera de Criptomonedas Para Principiantes Cómo Invertir en Criptoactivos con Bit2Me Binance y Coinbase
    Antonio Robinhood
    ★¿Quieres comprar y gestionar criptomonedas de forma fiable, segura y rentable?★Este libro es para ti.Explicamos lo mejor y lo peor del funcionamiento de las tres plataformas de criptoactivos más importantes: Bit2Me, Binance y Coinbase.Todo lo que necesitas saber para dar tus primeros pasos e invertir en criptomonedas como bitcoin, ethereum, binance coin y muchas otras más.Adem...

    16,80 €

  • Bleeding-Edge Entrepreneurship
    This book contains an Open Access chapter Bleeding-edge Entrepreneurship illuminates new possibilities within the domain of business theory and practice, expanding entrepreneurship’s massive potential to create unexplored physical and virtual realms. ...

    159,49 €

  • Los 3 Mejores Libros Para Invertir en Bolsa Cómo Iinvertir en Estados Unidos y en España Pack 3 Libros en 1
    Antonio Robinhood
    LOS 3 MEJORES LIBROS SOBRE INVERTIR EN BOLSA EN 1.¿Qué encontrarás?Todo lo necesario para aprender a invertir y hacerlo en las bolsas de Estados Unidos y/o de España.Empresas que, por la pandemia de coronavirus, presentan excelentes oportunidades de inversión.La operativa personal de un inversionista profesional, el autor del libro.¿Qué no encontrarás?Una fórmula mágica para ha...

    14,09 €

  • Finanzas Descentralizadas 2023 (DeFi 2.0) Invertir Dinero en Criptomonedas Para Principiantes
    Natasha Black
    Las finanzas han cambiado y 2022 es un año clave, las criptomonedas han llegado para quedarse y aquellos inversores rápidos e inteligentes podrán beneficiarse más que el resto.¿Todavía no has ganado dinero con las criptomonedas? No te quedes afuera, aprende todo lo que necesitas en este manual para principiantes.¿Qué encontrarás en este libro sobre finanzas personales e inversi...

    22,46 €

  • 2 Libros en 1 Cómo Emprender un Negocio Digital por Internet con Felicidad
    Roberto de los Bosques
    Guía paso a paso de inversión para emprender tu propio negocio digital de forma inteligente y comenzar a ganar dinero por Internet desde hoy.En esta edición encontrarás dos libros en uno:EL MÉTODO HONOR: LA GUÍA DEFINITIVA PARA LOGRAR LA LIBERTAD FINANCIERA CON MARKETING DIGITAL Y NEGOCIOS ONLINEyDINERO La biblia de los ingresos pasivos (para principiantes): Aprende a invertir,...

    14,06 €

  • 2 Libros en 1 Más Allá de las Criptomonedas Emprende un Negocio Online Como Artista, Gana Dinero por Internet y no Pagues Impuestos de más
    Roberto de los Bosques / Susana Vital
    ¿Piensas que invertir en criptomonedas es muy arriesgado? ¿Todavía no sabes cómo montar un negocio online con futuro? ¿Pagar menos impuestos con técnicas de elusión u optimización fiscal? ¿Ganar dinero en Internet?Aquí encontrarás dos obras que ya han marcado un antes y un después en la literatura sobre finanzas personales y emprendimiento.El libro negro de los CRIPTOACTIVOS, l...

    18,75 €

  • The Secret Method of Digital Marketing and Sales for Entrepreneurs
    Matthew Rymer Harrison
    Do you want to know how to make money online from home? Are you ready to take your business to the next level and succeed as an entrepreneur in today’s digital age? Look no further than "The Secret Method of Digital Marketing and Sales for Entrepreneurs: The Business Strategy Handbook for Successful Entrepreneurship Today Without a big Budget."This comprehensive guide is packed...

    19,05 €

  • 3 Libros en 1 Cómo Ganar Mucho Dinero Desde Casa Negocios Online, Criptomonedas, NFTs y Metaverso Para Principiantes
    Dante Di Costa
    ¡3 libros en 1! Aprovecha esta oportunidad.Por primera vez podrás conseguir los tres mejores libros de finanzas personales de Dante Di Costa en una sola edición, juntos, para que puedas disfrutarlos al mejor precio posible.Aprenderás diferentes formas de ganar MUCHO dinero desde casa con negocios online.¿Qué libros encontrarás?Surfea las tendencias y hazte rico: Los secretos de...

    15,27 €

  • Vive del Cuento Gracias el Método ICME
    Roberto de los Bosques
    Haz realidad ese sueño: construye máquinas de ingresos pasivos desde casa, gana dinero por Internet con el método ICME y disfruta la libertad financiera.Con este libro aprenderás cómo emprender sin dinero e invertir tu tiempo en negocios online que te pueden hacer millonario en muy poco tiempo.Este libro es para ti si:Quieres nuevas fuentes de dinero.Buscas libertad de horarios...

    13,88 €

  • Los Secretos del Nómada Digital y la Fiscalidad Internacional
    Roberto de los Bosques
    Ser nómada digital es una gran oportunidad para vivir en LA VIDA DE TUS SUEÑOS.Pero, no te confundas, no es lo mismo que ser un vagabundo. Un nómada bien informado puede gozar la libertad financiera, pagar solo los impuestos que quiera pagar, tener varios pasaportes, cuentas bancarias en el extranjero y disfrutar un estilo de vida inmejorable.Tu gobierno no quiere que leas este...

    13,85 €

  • Survive And Thrive Work From Home
    Enamul Haque
    Because of the Pandemic, working from home has become essential, and it was fun initially, but slowly it has become harder, mainly to keep Work and personal life separate. Suddenly it has become clear that working from home also requires knowledge. It can also quickly become frustrating for many, creating mental and physical problems impacting creativity and job output.There ar...

    22,41 €

  • Metaverse Applications for New Business Models and Disruptive Innovation
    It is expected that the metaverse will be the next generation of the internet and its online activities and will serve as the foundation for a massive online business platform. Furthermore, it will alter people’s behavior, which will have an impact on businesses’ decisions to choose the metaverse as their primary business platform. Metaverse Applications for New Business Models...

    248,65 €

  • Advancing SMEs Toward E-Commerce Policies for Sustainability
    When traditional shopping becomes challenging, people are inclined to shop online. Recent limitations like government-imposed quarantines, social distancing, and fear of viruses have provided opportunities for the e-commerce business to thrive. Consumers turned to digital options to bypass physical shopping environments, which will undoubtedly influence long-term buyer behavior...

    248,89 €