Consejos para padres

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Consejos para padres (6388)

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  • Golden Scars
    Emily (Barry) Zarecki
    I. Am. The. Storm.When Emily was diagnosed with breast cancer, it immediately brought back memories of helping her mother navigate late-stage ovarian cancer. Scared and freshly grieving the loss of her mom, Emily had to search deep inside herself to find the courage she knew she would need to defeat cancer. And she’d been through enough storms in her past that had prepared her ...

    13,69 €

  • The Way of Fertility
    Michelle Oravitz
    Could the wisdom shared in ancient traditions hold the key to your fertility? Humans are hardwired to conceive, and if there are challenges, something is getting in the way of the body’s innate design...Enter The Way of Fertility, a transformative guide to living in accordance with your innate state of harmony in order to reawaken your fertile potential.While reproductive healt...

    10,98 €

  • Sophia
    Rebeca S. Martins
    Alguns sorrisos são como grades, guardando no interior dos lábios segredos que de tão intensos e obscuros poderiam trazer abaixo, completamente, toda uma família caso fossem libertados... Sophia, carrega consigo, desde a sua infância, todo esse potencial! Suas pequenas mãos sempre estiveram atadas por aqueles que a dominavam... Mas, agora, ela já está crescida! Será que tais se...

    11,17 €

  • A Terceira Marginal
    Regiane Umbelina
    Brenda é uma adolescente de quinze anos, filha de pais separados e mora com a mãe, mas elas só se encontram no fim do dia, quando Alda, a mãe, retorna para casa. A solidão diária faz com que Brenda seja atraída pela vida de cinco garotas que frequentam a esquina da Rua Luís Quinze e parecem ter uma vida agitada e feliz.Ao perceber o interesse repentino da filha por aquelas mulh...

    15,48 €

  • Trisha, Hulk, and the Alien Prince
    Sheila Shillingburg
    Enslaved prince Yor escapes his planet and crashes on Earth. His life is saved by American teenager Trisha Shafton. The two fall in love with each other. Yor remembers an ancient prophecy among his people? Is Trisha the fulfillment of the prophecy? Will Yor’s planet be freed from the forces of evil that overwhelms it? ...

    23,21 €

  • Entre Sonhos & Destinos
    Rebeca S. Martins
    Baseado em uma história real, onde um casal inexperiente, enfrenta os desafios da vida a dois e têm que lidar com os perigos e consequências de suas escolhas. Bem no meio desse contexto envolvendo sonhos, medos, anseios por realizações pessoais e fortes emoções, surgem várias dúvidas... Será que eles conseguirão levar esse relacionamento até ao fim??? Ou será, mais uma história...

    10,22 €

  • Família, Espaço De Convivência
    Marcus De Mario
    Este livro é um esforço para responder várias questões sobre a convivência familiar a partir da visão filosófica espírita, mas, igualmente, realiza um estudo histórico da evolução da família na humanidade, pois reconhecemos que um olhar sobre o passado amplia a compreensão do presente e projeta o cenário futuro da mais antiga das instituições humanas. Se o leitor se sentir envo...

    19,88 €

  • Before You Were You
    Jason R White
    Before You Were You, is a story in rhyme for newborn or expectant parents. The mission of the book is to create positive bonding between the parent and the child. Research shows that in utero and early childhood is important to connect and imprint with infants and children. This book supports the feelings and emotions that children need to feel loved, wanted, and supported. ...

    14,03 €

  • Before You Were You
    Jason R White
    Before You Were You, is a story in rhyme for newborn or expectant parents. The mission of the book is to create positive bonding between the parent and the child. Research shows that in utero and early childhood is important to connect and imprint with infants and children. This book supports the feelings and emotions that children need to feel loved, wanted, and supported. ...

    19,24 €

  • Can a Bee Sting a Bee?
    Gemma Elwin Harris

    14,34 €

  • Palavras Que Libertam
    Luiz De Castro
    EmPalavras que Libertam , mergulhe em uma narrativa envolvente que desvenda os poderes transformadores das palavras em diferentes esferas da vida. Este livroexplora o conhecimento bíblico como uma fonte atemporal de sabedoria, além de outras fontes, iluminando os caminhos da vida. Ao atravessar os complexoslaços da família, revela como as palavras moldam as bases fundamentais d...

    19,84 €

  • Justiceiros Do Amor
    Euclyd’s January
    O Velho Oeste americano foi um lugar diferente de tudo que estamos acostumados hoje em dia. Lá, os xerifes cuidavam das cidades, os bandidos assaltavam bancos e duelos com revólveres aconteciam para resolver os diversos problemas. A importância dessas disputas com armas era tanta, que moldou a história dessa época, criando dramas, tragédias, novelas e épicos famosos. O período ...

    11,27 €

  • Loving the Alien
    JoAnn Schauf
    Everything was going along well until your child entered adolescence. Now your once compliant child isolates in their room, gives one-word answers, and prefers their peers over you. You feel obsolete and your parenting style is ineffective. In Loving the Alien, author JoAnn Schauf, acknowledges this pain and teaches parents leadership skills to lead their children through puber...

    12,37 €

  • What Mommy Needed to Know
    Dr. Shirley Ann
    This book is based on my life and some of the things that happened while growing up, which helped shape me to become the woman I am today. The conversations I had with my mother in this book are very personal and unfortunately, she did not live long enough to answer them for me. As you read and imagine the conversation with my mom and me, you are invited to consider one of or a...

    14,97 €

  • Parenting Help from Down in the Trenches
    Benny Hunton
    Parenting Help from Down in the Trenches--a truly powerful and extraordinary compilation of parenting gems derived from very ordinary and everyday people just like yourselves who are involved in the most critical task given to every generation: to produce offspring who acknowledge, love, and obey God; who honor and respect their parents; who learn personal responsibility and ac...

    18,51 €

  • Sem Ti
    Catarina Miranda E Silva
    Um livro que fala sobre a perda de alguém amado mas também sobre a luta de quem fica. Os sentimentos, as tristezas, as conquistas, o dia-a-dia, as mudanças, mas acima de tudo, a esperança!Da única vez que nos afastamos por uma semana enquanto namorávamos escreveste-me: Tinha um pedaço de mim amarrado àquele avião. Há medida que acelerava na pista arrancavam-me a parte mais boni...

    10,89 €

  • Born For This
    Shelbi Zimmerman
    From the moment you see those two pink lines on the pregnancy test, your whole world changes. Pregnancy is a time of joyful expectation. Soon-to-be parents anxiously count down the days until their little one’s arrival. They watch as Mama’s belly grows, giggle as baby kicks and rolls in her stomach, and buy everything needed to make the newest addition to the family feel welcom...

    32,59 €

  • The In-Law Diaries (Side-Splitting Stories of Family Fusion)
    Ezekiel Agboola
    Get ready to embark on a hilarious journey through the labyrinth of familial relationships in this uproarious exploration of the enduring power of laughter in family bonds. Brace yourself for a rollercoaster ride filled with side-splitting anecdotes that will have you laughing, crying, and appreciating the zany, unpredictable world of in-laws.Ever wondered how to navigate the q...

    13,72 €

  • In-yun
    Fernando Ferreira Freire
    Título:In-Yun - Poesias sobre a Vida, Encontros e ExperiênciasSinopse:In-Yuné uma jornada poética que transcende as fronteiras das emoções humanas, explorando os intricados fios que entrelaçam a vida, o sofrimento, a depressão e o amor. Cada verso é uma tapeçaria de palavras, tecendo a narrativa íntima de almas que enfrentam as complexidades da existência.Neste livro, as poesia...

    12,17 €

  • What’s My Body Telling Me?
    Anthea Todd / Dr. Anthea Todd
    Has your doctor ever told you -'There’s nothing wrong with you' -but deep down you’ve got a feeling that something isn’t quite right?You experience period pain, constipation, brain fog, hormonal imbalance, persistent weight gain and anxiety and think, what the f*ck is wrong with me? Over time, ignoring or masking these symptoms leads to chronic conditions like cancer, type 2 di...

    17,46 €

  • Studiare in modo intelligente
    Owen Vale
    Sbloccate il successo accademico e date potere a vostro figlio con 'Studiare con intelligenza', la guida definitiva per le giovani menti che devono affrontare le sfide dell’apprendimento. Pensato per i genitori che si impegnano a sostenere il percorso scolastico dei propri figli, questo libro approfondisce una serie di strategie e suggerimenti studiate per migliorare le abitudi...

    13,90 €

  • Txting 2 Talking
    Kathryn Hotte
    In a world where our phones can be used for anything, from checking the weather to finding a drug store, we have found ourselves no longer able to live without our device. It is not more than centimetres, even millimetres, from us at all times. It is our connection to the world, our 'live' wire, our go-to for immediate info.Our anxiety goes through the roof if we can’t find it!...

    20,02 €

  • Mosaico De Memórias
    Francisca Do Carmo Estumano Gaia
    Este livro que vos apresento chama-seMosaico de Memórias . Trata-se do relato de Francisca do Carmo Estumano Gaia, escrito por seu primogênito Valter Gaia depois de encontrar e ler as anotações de sua mãe. É uma rica história repleta de sentimentos nobres e de muita sensibilidade da autora. Inicia-se com o nascimento de Silvério e Margarida - ...Em uma família pobre e humilde d...

    20,21 €

  • The Polyvagal Parenting Playbook
    Augusta Hattie Doherty
    The Polyvagal Parenting Playbook: A Comprehensive Guide to Interactive Strategies for Every Age and Stage offers a revolutionary approach to parenting, blending the science of polyvagal theory with practical, hands-on strategies to foster deep emotional connections and resilience in children. This groundbreaking book guides parents, educators, and caregivers through the intrica...

    19,65 €

  • Motherhood and the Relationships of the Sexes
    Catherine Gasquoine Hartley
    'It is now a well-established truism to say that the most injurious influences affecting the physical condition of young children arise from the habits, customs and practices of the people themselves rather than from external surroundings or conditions. The environment of the infant is its mother. Its health and physical fitness are dependent primarily upon her health, her capa...

    17,76 €

  • Bulimia
    Selina Elison
    Supporting your child through recovery will be the hardest thing that you ever do. But with compassion, for yourself as well as your loved one, you can enhance their chances for successful healing, and build a stronger bond than ever.​Selina Elison and her 16-year-old daughter, Fiona, have a trusting mother-daughter relationship. Then one day, Selina receives a call from the sc...

    11,92 €

  • Apenas Um Detalhe
    Gisllene Lyra
    Este livro mostra fortemente o amor que a autora tem pela vida, pela família e o desejo incessante em trazer à baila a discussão do tema que ensejou essa biografia.A narrativa do livro nos permitevivenciar cada desafio, cada dor, cada superação e cada lágrima ali descritos, renovando e motivando o leitor, além de conduzi-lo a uma reflexão sobre a realidade descrita.O riquíssimo...

    7,77 €

  • Venturas y desventuras de cientos de tetas
    Violeta S. Pintado
    La maternidad nos deja anécdotas incluso desde antes de tener en brazos a nuestras criaturas, por lo que no era descabellado suponer que la lactancia no sería menos. Pero, ¿de verdad alguien se esperaba que le pudiera pasar todo esto?No busques aquí información rigurosa, no la hay. Hay vida. Real, hilarante, a veces tan absurda que incluso resulta inverosímil. Hay tribu. Decena...

    9,99 €

  • Parenthood and Race Culture
    Caleb Williams Saleeby
    This book, a first attempt to survey and define the whole field of eugenics, appears in the year which finds us celebrating the centenary of the birth of Charles Darwin and the jubilee of the publication of The Origin of Species. It is a humble tribute to that immortal name, for it is based upon the idea of selection for parenthood as determining the nature, fate and worth of l...

    16,92 €

  • Untamed Chaos
    Dr. Teri Rouse
    Are you living on the frontlines of chaos in your home? Are you ready to learn the tools to navigate to a place of peace and tranquility ... where you can think clearly, feel kindly, and want to share space with your children? In Untamed Chaos: A Parent’s Guide to Improving Communication, Resolving Conflict, and Restoring Peace in Your Home, Dr. Teri Rouse shares REAL Peaceful ...

    15,38 €