Economía del desarrollo y economías emergentes

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  • Company-wide Agility with Beyond Budgeting, Open Space & Sociocracy
    John Buck / Jutta Eckstein
    Notes to the 2nd edition:This second edition reflects such updates as: the new Agile Fluency Model, the renaming / rebranding of Statoil to Equinor, and some small additions to complexity. We also enhanced the description of Organizational Open Space and explain how it differs from Liberating Structures.Enjoy insights in the book shared by Jez Humble, Diana Larsen, James Shore,...

    13,85 €

  • CSR and Socially Responsible Investing Strategies in Transitioning and Emerging Economies
    One of the most important activities of enterprises today is responsible entrepreneurship. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities can help to forge a stronger bond between employees and corporations, can boost morale, and can help both employees and employers feel more connected with the world around them. Moreover, the growing importance of this concept results from ...

    340,92 €

    Regional Economics: Fundamental Concepts, Policies, and Institutions is a unique and unconventional economics textbook which emphasizes the role of 'space' in economics and highlights the importance of non-economic factors particularly the role of institutions in regional development. It also presents the approach on how to evaluate regional development performance base...

    93,74 €

    Regional Economics: Fundamental Concepts, Policies, and Institutions is a unique and unconventional economics textbook which emphasizes the role of 'space' in economics and highlights the importance of non-economic factors particularly the role of institutions in regional development. It also presents the approach on how to evaluate regional development performance base...

    45,91 €

  • Growth and Emerging Prospects of International Islamic Banking
    Abdul Rafay

    242,39 €

  • Botswana
    Sandy Grant
    Mochudi is in the Kgatleng District, where novelist and campaigner Naomi Mitchison was the adopted mother of Chief Linchwe II. Mochudi, the ninth biggest town in Botswana, is the home of the fictional Mma Ramotswe, of the No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency. Mochudi is where Sandy Grant, escaping a desk job in a London publishing house, arrived in 1963, three years before independen...

    32,62 €

    It is said that the duty of public servants is to ''speak truth to power'' - to give honest, sound and sometimes unpopular advice to political leaders. Underneath the narrative of the Singapore story, as personified by Lee Kuan Yew and the first-generation leaders, lie the lesser-known tales of dedicated public servants in the nation-building process. Singapore’s development ca...

    68,56 €

    It is said that the duty of public servants is to ''speak truth to power'' - to give honest, sound and sometimes unpopular advice to political leaders. Underneath the narrative of the Singapore story, as personified by Lee Kuan Yew and the first-generation leaders, lie the lesser-known tales of dedicated public servants in the nation-building process. Singapore’s development ca...

    33,02 €

  • Global Opportunities and Challenges for Rural and Mountain Tourism
    Mountainous and rural areas throughout the world have continually been attributed with several hinderances including poverty, faulty governance, and susceptibility to natural disasters. However, with the recent development of tourism, these provinces have seen a strong rise in visitation. Despite this increase in economic sustainability, planners are still presented with many c...

    327,89 €

  • Growth and Emerging Prospects of International Islamic Banking
    Abdul Rafay
    As an ever-growing international business, Islamic banking has changed the face of economics in recent years. As more and more industries embrace Islamic principles, the industry will unquestionably influence modern economic practices and techniques across the globe. Growth and Emerging Prospects of International Islamic Banking is a collection of innovative research on the met...

    314,78 €

  • Implications of Mobility as a Service (MaaS) in Urban and Rural Environments

    170,35 €

  • CAREC Transport Strategy 2030
    Asian Development Bank
    The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Transport Strategy 2030 builds on progress made and lessons learned from the CAREC Transport and Trade Facilitation Strategy 2020.It separates trade facilitation from transport and links to the overall CAREC 2030 program in the areas of enhanced connectivity and sustainability. This strategy underscores increasing sustainab...

    34,54 €

  • Viet Nam
    Asian Development Bank
    This report examines how technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in Viet Nam can be improved to increase the country’s global competitiveness.Following three decades of sustained economic growth, in 2009, Viet Nam graduated to become a lower middle-class country. However, despite ample foreign direct investment, labor productivity remains low. Improved TVET will ...

    45,29 €

  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Sector Review
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication presents a detailed review and assessment of the governance, infrastructure, and financing aspects of hospital care in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province.Fast demographic growth, poor access to and utilization of health services, an underfunded public health system, and fragmented reform initiatives are among the key challenges in the province. The Governme...

    31,89 €

  • Skills Gaps in Two Manufacturing Subsectors in Sri Lanka
    Asian Development Bank
    This study on Sri Lanka assesses the skills deficit in the food and beverages sector and the electronics and electricals sector.Persistent skills shortages have constrained new investments and economic growth in Sri Lanka. This study recommends supply-side responses to increase the quantity and quality of labor in these areas. Its recommendations include raising awareness among...

    30,33 €

  • Potential Exports and Nontariff Barriers to Trade
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication explores how India could boost its exports by addressing nontariff trade barriers.It focuses on sanitary and phytosanitary measures and technical barriers to trade, and on export products that have the potential to increase their market share in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. It considers options including legal reforms, the upgrade of qual...

    43,49 €

  • Integral City
    Marilyn Hamilton
    How are we evolving the human hive? 60% of humanity now lives in cities. Can city dwellers, like bees who pollinate the fields, act so intelligently that they add value to the planet? How can the clash of differences that separate people, purpose, profits, and priorities generate fresh energy to solve 21st-century VUCA problems? How do we propagate new pathways for community le...

    35,08 €

  • Funding Sources for Community and Economic Development
    Louis S. Schafer
    Helping you from your earliest brainstorming to fully funded projects, this essential guide offers invaluable resources. Citizen groups, government agencies, nonprofits, community foundations and trusts, and individuals can access the most up-to-date information on over 4,800 current opportunities from thousands of domestic and international sponsors.Opportunities available for...

    160,22 €

  • Handbook of Research on Smart Territories and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Sustainable Growth
    With the rise of information and communication technologies in today’s world, many regions have begun to adapt into more resource-efficient communities. Integrating technology into a region’s use of resources, also known as smart territories, is becoming a trending topic of research. Understanding the relationship between these innovative techniques and how they impact social i...

    426,37 €

  • Green Infrastructure Design for Transport Projects
    Asian Development Bank
    This report discusses the impacts of transport projects on wildlife and biodiversity in Asia, and how to address them by integrating road ecology principles and green infrastructure to balance construction with environmental conservation.Asia harbors immense biodiversity that is increasingly threatened by expanding transport networks across the region. While considered essentia...

    33,79 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Public Policy and Sustainability

    216,20 €

  • Lao People’s Democratic Republic
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication assesses the energy sector in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR) and identifies how ADB can support its development.Expanded access to modern and affordable forms of energy and more efficient use of energy resources will be essential for the Lao PDR to achieve its socioeconomic development goals. This publication provides an overview of Lao PDR’s en...

    32,05 €

  • Sri Lanka
    Asian Development Bank
    This report highlights Sri Lanka’s energy sector structure, government strategy, policy, and development plans, and complements the Sri Lanka-ADB country partnership strategy for 2018-2022.It outlines ADB’s experience and strategy in the country’s energy sector and provides background information about investment and technical assistance operations. The report also reviews prev...

    43,17 €

  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting for ADB Energy Project Economic Analysis
    Asian Development Bank
    This guidance note focuses on economic analysis of greenhouse gas emissions effects of projects in the energy sector. Recommendations seek to make practices consistent across cost-benefit calculations.Reporting of emissions of energy projects outside of economic analysis uses a different point of comparison (a baseline scenario) than does economic analysis (a without project sc...

    24,61 €

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to Public Policy and Sustainability
    In today’s global economy, the role of public policy in managing and ensuring sustainability is an emerging area of research considering modern day issues such as climate change and the depletion of energy resources. The impact that these environmental concerns have on human life has brought to light a new era of economic theories and initiatives to promote a better lifestyle. ...

    282,05 €

  • Development Planning in South Africa
    John Reynolds
    Celebrated as a beacon of democracy and reconciliation, many people in South Africa continue to live in severe poverty, particularly in the Eastern Cape Province. Backed by the United Nations Development Programme, the Eastern Cape's provincial government consequently launched an historically ambitious programme – the Provincial Growth and Development Plan – aimed at tackli...

    39,32 €

  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Innovation, Value Creation, and Entrepreneurship
    Innovation stimulates and facilitates entrepreneurship because the highest levels of entrepreneurship are to be found in societies with the highest value creation and digital dividends. The higher levels of consumption, employment, and cost reduction generated by the implementation of digital technologies motivates entrepreneurs to expand their activity and promotes the emergen...

    327,97 €

  • New Trends and Opportunities for Central and Eastern European Tourism
    Puiu Nistoreanu
    Within the past decade, there has been a re-emergence of tourism in Europe, especially in the central and eastern regions. With socialism becoming a distant memory, these former communist countries are now attractive destinations for travel. Research on this current phenomenon is essential, as professionals and scientists must stay informed on the modern development of this glo...

    327,84 €

  • New Trends and Opportunities for Central and Eastern European Tourism
    Puiu Nistoreanu

    248,92 €

  • Financing Africa
    Attiya Waris
    Financing Africa’s development requires ingenuity, discipline, and an understanding of fiscal systems – the entirety of government revenues and expenditures, including taxation and debt. This book makes fascinating what might seem at first glance complex. It describes diverse approaches that have been adjusted to local circumstances across the continent and reflects on the push...

    61,64 €