Enseñanza de alumnos con dificultades/necesidades específicas de aprendizaje

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales / Enseñanza de alumnos con dificultades/necesidades específicas de aprendizaje (178)

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  • Disturbi Specifici Dell’apprendimento - Studio di un Caso complesso
    Rita Traini
    Il testo riguarda lo studio condotto su un caso complesso di DSA in presenza di comorbidità dei disturbi. Approfondisce le tematiche relative ai DSA su base cognitiva, neurofunzionale, pedagogico-clinica. Verifica ipotesi di relazioni possibili tra velocità di riproduzione verbale e velocità di lettura quando entrambi i compiti prevedono l’utilizzo del medesimo circuito neurofu...

    21,23 €

  • Emotions and Education
    Christine N. Michael / Christine NMichael / Nicholas D. Young / Nicholas DYoung / Teresa Allissa Citro
    Written by an experienced team of practitioners and scholars, this text attempts to fill the gap in texts that specifically address the needs of LD students in the socioemotional and mental health domains. By providing a foundational understanding of some of the salient issues facing students with learning disabilities, we hope to empower all of those who are working to ensure ...

    78,17 €

  • Spaz
    Leigh Macneil
    From the hyperkinetic boy who was tossed in a dumpster to the man who found life-long love, Spaz: The True Story of my Life with ADHD takes you on a journey through inspirational highs and unthinkable lows. Dispersed between a series of true stories about one man?s struggles with severe Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, Spaz includes supporting material and research on wh...

    12,48 €

  • I Choose Adam
    David Winstrom
    I Choose Adam is about the magic of inclusion and creating a community where everyone is welcomed equally and without apology for their differences. It is about making choices for Adam that defied the advice of “professionals.” It is about a boy with a tested IQ of 40 who, against all odds, learned to communicate, went to a regular school and on to college, bought his own house...

    16,38 €

  • Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If? US/Can edition
    Richard N Whitehead
    There are some bright and creative people who thrive in conventional learning environments. There are others - just as bright and creative - who do not. For too long, our educational systems have been unable to comprehend how dyslexics think and, therefore, how they learn. What is more, by failing to engage with the innovative traits of the dyslexic mind, our schools are missin...

    20,42 €

  • The Study Skills Curriculum
    Patricia Schetter / Victoria Murphy
    The Study Skills Curriculum was developed based on an identified need expressed by Resource Specialists and intervention teachers.  Although, many of these teachers offered “Study Skills” classes to support students with work completion from a designated staff, the students’ levels of organization and independence did not show significant improvement.The Study Skills Curriculum...

    29,49 €

  • What’s Missing
    Bonita M Drolet / Bonita M. Drolet / Bonita MDrolet / Carolyn Lindstrom
    What’s Missing describes the ten research-based practices that have proven effective in working with students with disabilities. The practices for instruction and for inclusion are detailed in individual chapters in order for the reader to select a specific practice, read information about it, review a possible scenario, and then be given specific strategies on how to implement...

    71,43 €

  • What’s Missing
    Bonita M Drolet / Bonita M. Drolet / Bonita MDrolet / Carolyn Lindstrom
    What’s Missing describes the ten research-based practices that have proven effective in working with students with disabilities. The practices for instruction and for inclusion are detailed in individual chapters in order for the reader to select a specific practice, read information about it, review a possible scenario, and then be given specific strategies on how to implement...

    39,58 €

  • PATH Classic
    Jack C Pearpoint / John W O'Brien / John W O’Brien / Marsha Forest
    PATH is a  planning system that assists a person/organization to create the future they want by gathering supportive people, planning backwards, and utilizing graphic facilitation (creating graphic images of eight sequential conversations) to build an image of a desirable future, and practical steps to realize that vision.  ...

    34,96 €

  • The Quest for Meaningful Special Education
    Amy Ballin
    Every child should have access to an education that works. The Quest for a Meaningful Special Education follows the educational journeys of nine students with a language-based learning disability (LBLD) who, through a combination of parental advocacy and luck, were removed from a debilitating learning situation and enrolled in a school designed to address their particular learn...

    75,34 €

  • The Quest for Meaningful Special Education
    Amy Ballin
    Every child should have access to an education that works. The Quest for a Meaningful Special Education follows the educational journeys of nine students with a language-based learning disability (LBLD) who, through a combination of parental advocacy and luck, were removed from a debilitating learning situation and enrolled in a school designed to address their particular learn...

    37,95 €

  • Just Like You
    Susan Mann Ritchie
    A Story About A Child With Special Needs... Sammy is a boy who uses a wheelchair and other special accessories throughout his day. His story hopefully will help teach other children that children with special needs are much like them in many ways. ...

    17,73 €

  • The Child who Fell from the Sky
    Stephan Chadwick
    Untold secrets of a post-war childhood. A true story of a child born in war-torn London soon after the Second World War whose early memories are of the care and security given to him by his grandmother and a guardian angel who watches over him. At six he finds out a devastating secret that changes his life. He withdraws into his own world, searching for understanding and meani...

    13,68 €

  • IEP Magazine
    Pamela Y Guest
    IEP Magazine is a resource for parents and educators of students who are serviced under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).   IEP Magazine's mission is to promote the Individualized Education Perspective and provide a venue for sharing, collaborating, and celebrating the unique abilities of students who learn differently. The magazine’s goal is to bridge...

    19,64 €

  • Learning the R.O.P.E.S. for Improved Executive Function
    Patricia Schetter
    Learning the R.O.P.E.S. for Improved Executive Function clealy defines executive dysfunction and offers many "user-friendly" tools which are based on the Evidence Based Practice of "Visual Supports" as identified in the National Professional Development Center ASD, 2014 Report.   This manual capitalizes on the visual strenghts of individuals with high functioning autism, Asperg...

    37,13 €

    Donna Spencer / Susan Magers
    When a child has special learning needs, making sure the school experience is successful can become a daily struggle. 'Moms Move Mountains' was written to help prepare parents to act as their child's advocate and keep their sanity in the process. You will discover:• How to be an active member of your child's individualized education plan (IEP) team,• How to build relati...

    20,14 €

  • Narrative Visions of the Willowbrook State School
    Obiora Anekwe MEd EdD MS Bioethics MST
    Bioethics and special education have inextricably been connected to one another in the historical context and study of justice and universal civil rights in the American cultural landscape. These two areas have more in common than most people would have considered, symmetrically rooted in the egregious history affiliated with unethical and non-consensual human research experime...

    28,84 €

  • Instructional Practices with and without Empirical Validity
    It is important for Stakeholders to be aware of both practices supported as effective as well as ineffective for students with learning and behavioral disabilities, in order to provide instruction that results in improved learner outcomes in critical areas of education. ...

    239,67 €

  • The Hidden Link Between Vision and Learning
    Rosen / Wendy Beth Rosen
    There are inestimable numbers of children who are struggling with learning, and compromised in ways most people are unaware of, because these little-known visual skills are not functioning properly. This can profoundly impact a child’s success in school, and in life. The symptoms of an unrecognized vision disorder can mimic other conditions, for which many children may be cla...

    51,81 €

  • Misbehaving Brains
    Jeheudi Mes Onyemachi Vuai
    Why are some children angry? Why do children fail? What are 'challenging behaviors?' What can be done to eliminate school violence? We need not wait for Superman to save the child who falters in school. He exists only as a fantasy in the minds of men. He is powerless. We must turn our attention to the scientist who understands the intricate relationship between brain function a...

    44,94 €

  • 20 små lydrette historier
    Natalina Atlanta Bramsted
    Den tilhørende arbejdsbog for "20 små lydrette historier" med over 60 siders opgavemateriale, intuitivt opsat for børn til at arbejde selvstændigt helt fra 1. klasse. Opgaver starter let og øges i sværhedsgrad undervejs. Kan kun anvendes sammen med læsebogen. ...

    29,28 €

  • 20 små lydrette historier
    Natalina Atlanta Bramsted
    20 små lydrette historier er en bog med henblik på indskolingens danskundervisning samt før skole og speciel undervisning. egner sig specielt godt til børn med læsevanskeligheder og ordblindhed. Der er udviklet en tilhørende arbejdsbog som kan købes på www.piffz.com ...

    51,02 €

  • Handbook of Research on Diagnosing, Treating, and Managing Intellectual Disabilities
    Rejani Thudalikunnil Gopalan
    Intellectual disabilities can be difficult to detect in children prior to their school-age years. Throughout their lives, individuals with intellectual disabilities may require specialized care and support in order to lead healthy and fulfilled lives. The Handbook of Research on Diagnosing, Treating, and Managing Intellectual Disabilities is a pivotal reference source for the l...

    276,09 €

  • Nature and Needs of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Severe Disabilities
    The book will focus on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Severe Disabilities (ASD/SD). Its purpose is to discuss the enhancement of the pedagogical skills of special education teachers who work specifically with students on the autism spectrum and have concurrent, significant intellectual disabilities. Due to the increase in diagnosis of autism, the editors recognize the ne...

    90,53 €

  • Nature and Needs of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Severe Disabilities
    The book will focus on Autism Spectrum Disorders and Other Severe Disabilities (ASD/SD). Its purpose is to discuss the enhancement of the pedagogical skills of special education teachers who work specifically with students on the autism spectrum and have concurrent, significant intellectual disabilities. Due to the increase in diagnosis of autism, the editors recognize the ne...

    46,10 €

  • Screwed up somehow but not stupid, life with a learning disability
    Peter Flom
    When Peter Flom was five years old, his parents were told that he had “minimal brain dysfunction” and would never go to college. Peter skipped one year of high school, did college in three years, got his BA at twenty and now has two MAs and a Ph.D. He’s married and has two sons. He also has a different diagnosis: Nonverbal Learning Disability. In “Screwed Up Somehow but Not Stu...

    12,46 €

  • Sports, Fitness, and Motor Activities for Children with Disabilities
    Rocco Aiello
    This book is intended to provide guidance to parents, guardians, educators, and community recreation professionals regarding the importance of increased physical activity beyond the school day for children with disabilities.The book starts off by discussing early childhood development specific to children with disabilities and places emphasis on parents’ roles as their advocate...

    90,83 €

  • Sports, Fitness, and Motor Activities for Children with Disabilities
    Rocco Aiello
    This book is intended to provide guidance to parents, guardians, educators, and community recreation professionals regarding the importance of increased physical activity beyond the school day for children with disabilities.The book starts off by discussing early childhood development specific to children with disabilities and places emphasis on parents’ roles as their advocate...

    46,54 €

  • Mediation
    Roy Andersen
    What is too little known is that the baby inherits a gene code that enables them to learn how to bond with an adult. This coding allows the baby, infant, and child to learn how to gain sympathy and protection for their survival. What is more unknown is that this coding also underlies how the child can develop their intelligence. Imprinting is a process that is very little recog...

    21,22 €

  • Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology
    Diana Foster Carl / Gayl Bowser / Kelly S. Fonner / Kelly SFonner
    Work on the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT) began in the summer of 1998 when a group of assistive technology (AT) service providers shared their concerns about the complexity of selecting, locating, and delivering AT and AT services in K-12 and postsecondary environments. They agreed on the need for professional guidelines to improve the quality and consisten...

    61,96 €

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