Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Educación pedagogía / Enseñanza de grupos específicos y personas con necesidades educativas especiales (2753)

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  • Arts Resource Handbook
    Artsgenesis / Horizon Arts / Paula Chan Bing

    45,81 €

  • Effective Education for Learners with Exceptionalities
    A. F. Rotatori / AFRotatori / C. a. Utley / CaUtley / F. E. Obiakor / FEObiakor
    The use of the Internet to post information on teaching children with exceptionalities has led to problems for professionals who prefer such knowledge to be screened for accuracy. This volume includes useful, validated information to help those who teach children with exceptionalities. ...

    256,39 €

  • Zur förderdiagnostischen Begutachtung in Sachsen und anderen Bundesländern
    Jens Grotzsch
    Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung: Die vorliegende Arbeit zum Thema „Förderdiagnostische Begutachtung“ fertigte ich im Zeitraum Mai – August 2002 im Rahmen der ersten Staatsprüfung für das Lehramt an Förderschulen an. Während eines Seminars mit dem Gegenstand der Qualitativen Sozialforschung wurde ich von Herrn Dr. Jogschies daraufhin angesprochen, an einem Projekt mitzuarbeiten, wel...

    58,16 €

  • The Professional Development Schools Handbook
    Lee Teitel
    This easy-to-use book provides practical strategies for initializing, maximizing, and evaluating Professional Development Schools-from meeting the standards, to hands-on tool kits and 'quick-check' self-assessments. ...

    118,96 €

  • The Truth About Special Education
    Robert ECimera / Robert Evert Cimera
    This easy-to-read book contains a step-by-step discussion of the special education process and has hundreds of additional resources for parents including professional organizations, support groups, and useful websites. ...

    81,99 €

  • The Professional Development Schools Handbook
    Lee Teitel
    This easy-to-use book provides practical strategies for initializing, maximizing, and evaluating Professional Development Schools-from meeting the standards, to hands-on tool kits and 'quick-check' self-assessments. ...

    54,49 €

  • Parenting and Teaching the Gifted
    Ed DRosemary Callard-Szulgit / Rosemary S Callard-Szulgit / Rosemary S. Callard-Szulgit / Rosemary SCallard-Szulgit
    This user-friendly book offers common sense and educationally informative answers that parents and teachers seek to questions and dilemmas in the effort to provide a fair and equitable education for the gifted. ...

    56,31 €

  • Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century
    David Merchant / Paul Rich
    Higher education plays a significant role in shaping our cultural identity. Yet, in this ever-changing world, it’s important to consider what adjustments American universities are making-or need to make-to meet the dynamic societal requirements. Change is often challenging for large institutions, and academia is no different. The contributors to this issue of The Annals take a ...

    73,30 €

  • Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century
    David Merchant / Paul Rich
    Higher education plays a significant role in shaping our cultural identity. Yet, in this ever-changing world, it’s important to consider what adjustments American universities are making-or need to make-to meet the dynamic societal requirements. Change is often challenging for large institutions, and academia is no different. The contributors to this issue of The Annals take a ...

    36,84 €

  • Collaborative Assessment
    Stephen a. Goodman
    Collaborative Assessment is designed to help all professionals who work with visually impaired students understand the impact of visual impairment on assessing students’ learning potential. Written by the expert assessment team at the California School for the Blind, this book focuses on evaluating students in a variety of areas, including psychology, speech and language, orien...

    97,76 €

  • Creating Brain-friendly Classrooms
    Lowell Biller / Lowell WBiller
    Will be very helpful in providing educators with a functional knowledge about the human brain and the dynamic process of learning by offering a more comprehensive understanding about how the brain receives, processes, and stores information. ...

    53,50 €

  • Preparing Children With Disabilities for Life
    Robert ECimera / Robert Evert Cimera
    Explains what special education is and how to make the special education process more successful for everyone involved. Includes a wealth of resources for parents such as lists of professional organizations, useful websites, support groups, and other books for further learning. ...

    97,01 €

  • The Learning Theory of Piaget
    Dorothy K. Reid
    The first compilation of research and concepts from genetic epistemology that directly addresses issues related to learning, 3 ...

    23,13 €

  • Wir bauen eine Grillstelle
    Andrea Krause
    Inhaltsangabe:Zusammenfassung: In der vorliegenden Arbeit findet der Leser eine Zusammenschau der beiden Förderschwerpunkte Pädagogik bei lernbeeinträchtigten Schülern und Pädagogik bei Schülern mit Auffälligkeiten im Verhalten. In der Quintessenz kann nachgewiesen werden, dass es deutliche Überschneidungen dieser Beeinträchtigungen gibt, denen momentan in der Schulpraxis kaum...

    56,58 €

  • Discovering Programs for Talent Development
    Beverly N. Parke
    This resource is an indispensable tool for all educators who want to fill the gaps in gifted education and provide their gifted and talented students with the educational opportunities they need to reach their full potential. ...

    51,66 €

  • Designing and Developing Programs for Gifted Students
    Joan Franklin Smutny
    This book gives you the 'nuts and bolts' needed to design and implement a gifted program to maximize the benefits to students, teachers, schools, and parents. ...

    49,24 €

  • Beat the Reading Disease
    Mary Mains Fisher

    16,53 €

  • Leadership Lessons from Comprehensive School Reforms
    Amanda Datnow / Joseph Murphy
    Armed with the information contained in this painstakingly researched and brilliantly edited book, the modern educator will be well prepared to rethink the educational process, ready to discover and encourage the leaders of tomorrow. ...

    56,98 €

  • Designing and Developing Programs for Gifted Students
    Leon F. Spreyer
    Please update SAGE UK and SAGE INDIA addresses on imprint page. ...

    108,82 €

  • Disability Matters
    Cynthia Bowman / Paul Jaeger

    121,78 €

  • Alkoholismus bei Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung
    Kristina Haase
    Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: Ich gehe in meiner Diplomarbeit auf die Problematik Alkoholismus bei Menschen mit einer geistigen Behinderung ein. Bisher erschien zu diesem Thema eher wenig Literatur. So ist das eine erste zusammenfassende Darstellung der zur Zeit vorhandenen Materialien. Diese stammen größtenteils aus dem angloamerikanischen Raum. Der erste Teil meiner ...

    57,96 €

  • Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Entspannungstechniken in der Schule bei Kindern mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom (ADS)
    Susanne Meyer
    Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: Jeder kennt sie, den Zappelphilipp und die Störenfrieda. Sie sind motorisch unruhig, unaufmerksam und äußerst impulsiv. Auch die dazugehörigen Begriffe wie MCD, Hyperaktivität, Hyperkinetisches Syndrom (HKS) und Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-Syndrom (ADS) sind den meisten Fachleuten geläufig. Über diese Form der Beeinträchtigung existieren bereits...

    45,98 €

  • Educating Young Children with Special Needs
    L. Porter / Louise Porter / LPorter
    `In scope and spread this book deserves to become a standard text for policymakers, practitioners, those in training and their tutors. I welcome this book for its coverage of typical and atypical development in young children and its emphasis upon an ethical and principled approach to working with young children and their families’ - Professor Sheila Wolfendale, Director of the...

    90,76 €

  • Educating Young Children with Special Needs
    Louise Porter
    `In scope and spread this book deserves to become a standard text for policymakers, practitioners, those in training and their tutors. I welcome this book for its coverage of typical and atypical development in young children and its emphasis upon an ethical and principled approach to working with young children and their families’ - Professor Sheila Wolfendale, Director of the...

    325,49 €

  • The Manifesto
    E. Paul Torrance / EPaul Torrance

    122,20 €

  • Supported Education for People with Psychiatric Disabilities
    Deanne Gilmur / Jolyn Wells-Moran
    This book provides practical guidance for the development and operation of supported education for people with psychiatric disabilities. It’s step-by-step program, planning inclusion of generic policies and procedures and descriptions of program management by coordinators who have psychiatric disabilities themselves, make the book particularly unique. ...

    78,29 €

  • Winning the Study Game
    Lawrence J Greene
    Formerly published by Peytral PublicationsFacilitators will find more than 100 interactive exercises, instructional strategies, and activities for developing special education students' study skills, strategic thinking, time m ...

    39,22 €

  • Working with Disaffected Students
    Elle Rustique-Forrester / Kathryn A. Riley / Kathryn ARiley / Lee G. Bolman / Lee GBolman
    `The book stresses the importance of early (and real) inter-agency co-operation, and of good initial and on-going teacher training’ - Michael Duffy, The Times Educational Supplement ...

    87,95 €

  • Das Bildungswesen für Gehörlose in Großbritannien im Vergleich zur Bundesrepublik Deutschland
    Katja Oestreich
    Inhaltsangabe:Problemstellung: Mit der aktuellen politischen Entwicklung in Europa zur Öffnung der Grenzen ist ein neues Aufgabenfeld der Erziehungswissenschaft in den Vordergrund gerückt. Die Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft beschäftigt sich mit dem Bildungswesen anderer europäischer Staaten und hat die internationale Verständigung zum Ziel. Als empirische Wissenschaft st...

    57,89 €

  • Das Pferd - die Brücke zur Außenwelt
    Natascha Vonderstraß
    Inhaltsangabe:Gang der Untersuchung: Zu Beginn der Arbeit erhält der Leser einen Einblick in den aktuellen Stand des Wissens auf den Gebieten Autismus und Therapeutisches Reiten. In Kapitel 2 wird zunächst das Krankheitsbild des Autismus definiert und sein klinisches Bild sowie die soziale Interaktion und Kommunikation autistischer Kinder beschrieben. Weiterhin steht die Frag...

    57,03 €