Estudios de literatura infantil y juvenil

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios de literatura infantil y juvenil (766)

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  • Writing Youth
    Jonathan Alexander
    Writing Youth: Young Adult Fiction as Literacy Sponsorship shows how many young adult novels model for young people ways to manage the various media tools that surround them. Jonathan Alexander examines not only young adult texts and their media ecologies but also young people’s multiliterate media making in response to their favorite texts and stories. As such, this book will ...

    114,06 €

  • Misfit Children
    Misfits are often confused with outcasts. Yet misfits rather find themselves in-between that which fits and that which does not. This volume is interested in this slipperiness of misfits and explores the blockages and the promises of such movements, as well as the processes and conditions that produce misfits, the means that enable them to undo their denomination as misfits, an...

    135,64 €

  • Katie Shaeffer Pancake Maker
    Cynthia Mackey
    Katie is too young to use the stove so she dreams of making her very own pancakes. JoinKatie and her friend Baxter as they use a passion for collecting andbuilding to find a way to realize Katie‛s pancake dream!This upbeat energetic tale with great potential for reading aloud will appeal to adultsand young children alike. The book includes a predictable rhyme that will have chi...

    11,70 €

  • The Little Voice
    Joss Sheldon
    THE #1 BEST-SELLER THE ESTABLISHMENT DOESN’T WANT YOU TO READ!!!Get your copy of Joss Sheldon’s radical novel today...Dear reader,My character has been shaped by two opposing forces; the pressure to conform to social norms, and the pressure to be true to myself. To be honest with you, these forces have really torn me apart. They’ve pulled me one way and then the other. At times...

    12,26 €

  • Cuentos de amor, terror y otros misterios
    René Rebetez
    Ya que se trata en este libro de relatos que según los entendidos pertenecerían a los parajes de la literatura fantástica unos y a la ciencia ficción otros, parece insólito afirmar que la mayor parte de ellos tiene como punto de partida la realidad objetiva y como secuela, la recreación de una realidad paralela. El escritor colombiano René Rebetez (1933- 1999) fue un pionero de...

    8,74 €

  • El acordeón de los dioses
    Robinson Najera Galvis
    Fredy recorre el país de los chimilas persiguiendo su sueño de convertirse en acordeonero. En su empeño, encontrará la ayuda de Pedro Batata, un viejo juglar de 104 años quien con sus historias y melodías, le mostrará el camino de los chimilas.¿Qué puedo hacer con esta flor?, pensó.¿Cómo conseguir el acordeón con esta flor? 10 ...

    6,27 €

  • Canción para matar el miedo
    Luz Helena Cordero
    ¿Cómo es eso de que las palabras asustan el miedo?-Porque las palabras lo derriten como a un bloque de hielo sobre el hielo. es como cuando puedes contar una pesadilla: en ese momento ella se hace inofensiva. el miedo es cobardey no soporta que lo delates 10 ...

    6,27 €

  • Los cuentos del maestro Nicolás
    Nicolás Buenaventura
    Conejo, ¿qué te pasa? ¿Qué es la lloradera esa, que hallegado hasta el reino celestial y no deja tranquilo anadie? Señor ¿qué me pasa? Mi Diosito bueno, ¿es queno ves? ¿Es que estás ciego? ¿No ves que parezco unratón con estos puchos de orejas?Es una ronda, osea un juego. Pero con una buena ventaja... que lleva dentro, en el puro corazón, un cuento de aventuras. Son las aventur...

    6,27 €

  • Jardín de versos para niños
    Robert Louis Stevenson
    Robert Louis Stevenson pasó a la historia con novelas como La isla del tesoro o Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde, pero también fue poeta. Jardín de versos para niños es un clásico de la poesía infantil en lengua inglesa. Los poemas se inspiran en las emociones, la imaginación y los afectos de la infancia.'Debe un niño decir siempre la verdady hablar con precisión y claridad,siempre en la ...

    6,27 €

  • El zodiaco juguetón
    Álvaro Morales Aguilar
    Son doce figuras juguetonas trajeadas de lentejuelas que entre los espesos telones de la noche relumbran y titilan no bien la luna en su carroza de nubes por el cielo se pasea. 10 ...

    6,27 €

  • En el país de los zenúes
    Rubén Darío Otálvaro
    Vivas recreaciones de leyendas precolombinas, plenas de encanto. A ellas, la notable imaginación del autor y su adecuado manejo del lenguaje. En el país de los Zenúes era el país del oro y el agua, de ríos, ciénagas, caños, selvas y sabanas.Tuchín y sus compañeros vieron una gran concha gruesa y arrugada por arriba y con una cavidad por donde, con lentitud, comenzó a aparecer o...

    5,08 €

  • Black Is . . .
    Heather L. Townsend Ed. D. / Heather LTownsend EdD.
    We live in a world where little black girls still favor white Barbie dolls. Additionally, an overwhelming number of black boys still want to be entertainers or sports stars instead intellectuals.  Research shows that even in this new millennia, in spite of the fact that we have had a black president, these disparaging views are still present in black society. Part of this disco...

    25,33 €

  • The Lorikeet
    Carey Black / Kia Mills / Blacks Publishing
    The sun is shining bright in the rainforest. Jaguar is playing hide and seek with her brother Cub. While playing she makes a discovery about herself that takes her on an adventure she will never forget! A picture book packed with life lessons, colouring/activity pages and fun facts to keep your children entertained and engaged!   ...

    14,15 €

  • Defending Frequently Challenged Young Adult Books
    Pat R. Scales
    A Day No Pigs Would Die, Speak, Thirteen Reasons Why These are some of the most beloved, and most challenged, books. Leaving controversial titles such as these out of your collection or limiting their access is not the answer to challenges. While ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom reports more than 4,500 challenges to young adult literature from 2000 through 2009. This autho...

    112,52 €

  • Defending Frequently Challenged Young Adult Books
    Pat R. Scales / Pat RScales
    A Day No Pigs Would Die, Speak, Thirteen Reasons Why These are some of the most beloved, and most challenged, books. Leaving controversial titles such as these out of your collection or limiting their access is not the answer to challenges. While ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom reports more than 4,500 challenges to young adult literature from 2000 through 2009. This autho...

    54,66 €

  • Evolution and Imagination in Victorian Children’s Literature
    Jessica Straley

    82,31 €

  • Mommy, Where is Jesus? Is He Hiding in My Room?
    DeLisa Danielle
    Mommy Where is Jesus? Is He Hiding in My Bedroom? is sure to be a childhood's classic. It's a tale of an inquisitive little girl named Morgan who has a big heart and a vivid imagination. Not only does she love pancakes and Sunday mornings, she loves singing and learning about the courageous stories in the Bible as well. One Sunday afternoon Morgan learned something new ...

    16,18 €

  • Reading the World’s Stories
    Annette Y. Goldsmith / Annette YGoldsmith / Susan Corapi / Theo Heras
    Reading the World’s Stories is volume 5 in the Bridges to Understanding series of annotated international youth literature bibliographies sponsored by the United States Board on Books for Young People. USBBY is the United States chapter of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY), a Switzerland-based nonprofit whose mission is bring books and children together. ...

    139,32 €

  • Benkos. El Héroe de la matuna
    Iván González
    ¡Vengo a denunciar el alzamiento de una partida de negros en mi hacienda! Son liderados por ese negro alto que vino de Guinea me está agitando a la gente y eso no lo puedo permitir dijo furioso.¿Me lo puede describir? preguntó el capitán Del Campo preocupado. No tiene comparación, es el más alto, el más fuerte de todos cuantos pueda imaginar explicó don Juan.Benkos Biohó, es...

    7,64 €

  • The Mythology of the Animal Farm in Children’s Literature
    Stacy E Hoult-Saros / Stacy E. Hoult-Saros / Stacy EHoult-Saros
    The Mythology of the Animal Farm in Children’s Literature: Over the Fence analyzes the ways in which myths about farmed animals’ lives are perpetuated in children’s materials. Specifically, this book investigates the use of five recurring thematic devices in about eighty books for young children published during the past five decades. The close readings of texts and images draw...

    114,11 €

  • Stories from Comino
    Graham Bayes
    This book is dedicated to the wildlife that makes its home around the Santa Maria Tower, Comino Island, Malta. ...

    20,10 €

  • The Lorikeet
    Carey Black / Kia Mills / Blacks Publishing
    Join the Lorikeet on a breakfast adventure through the rainforest! Who will he meet? What will he learn? What will tickle his taste buds?A picture book packed with life lessons, colouring/activity pages and fun facts to keep your children entertained and engaged! ...

    14,15 €

  • Children’s Fantasy Literature
    Farah Mendlesohn / Michael Levy

    108,39 €

  • Amigos de las frutas, amigos de las verduras
    Nuria Fernández
    Quique y Juan son dos hermanos gemelos. Quique es gran amigo de las frutas y las verduras, mientras que A Juan no le gustan para nada las frutas ni las verduras. Quique crece sano, fuerte, casi nunca enferma y puede practicar muchos deportes sin cansarse, mientras que Juan se resfría a menudo, está débil y le cuesta practicar cualquier deporte sin agotarse.A través de una histo...

    14,00 €

  • Grits and the Grimels
    Chris Lassiter
    The Grits and The Grimels series is a comical fiction series of illustrated children's books aimed at introducing your kids in the urban context to key doctrines of the Christian faith in fun, entertaining and culturally engaging ways. The books are told from the point of view of a narrator who chronicles a breakfast-loving city kid nicknamed Grits as he is befriended by the Gr...

    7,70 €

  • Beyond the Horizon
    V. Hanumantha Rao
    Sekhar is a rare kind of youth from one of the many villages of India. He was convinced at a very young age, when many of his contemporaries would be mulling about their unfortunate lives, that it required foresight and plan of action to succeed in life. Life, he considered at the very young age of seventeen, to be an independent battle for each to fight and win at any cost. He...

    12,99 €

  • Of Sneetches and Whos and the Good Dr seuss
    Thomas Fensch
    'Calling all Dr. Seuss fans -- this one's for you.' -- Booklist. 'An enjoyable journey through the seemingly simple avenues of Seussdom.' -- School Library Journal. 'For those who love -- or hate - -green eggs and ham, and anyone else.' -- Ohioana Quarterly. Essays on the Writings and Life of Theodor Geisel. Children and adults alike remember Dr. Seuss...

    26,63 €

  • Girls’ Series Fiction and American Popular Culture
    Girls’ Series Fiction and American Popular Culture examines the ways in which young female heroines in American series fiction have undergone dramatic changes in the past 150 years, changes which have both reflected and modeled standards of behavior for America’s tweens and teen girls. Though series books are often derided for lacking in imagination and literary potency, that t...

    149,57 €

  • Fábulas y moralejas
    Pío Fernando Gaona
    La fábula como relato corto que se propone instruir, poner de relieve una verdad, enunciar un precepto mediante una historieta, tiene fuerza de demostración y ofrece el valor de una enseñanza universal, aparece en esta selección presentando autores como Bierce, Monterroso, Gibran, Tolstoi, Fedro, Pombo y Esopo. 10 ...

    13,69 €

  • Cuentos de ayer y siempre
    Sergio Adricaín
    Los cuentos reunidos en este libro son maravillosos; relatos donde suceden acontecimientos fantásticos en un espacio y un tiempo impreciso, es decir en un mundo de magia y fantasía. En esta historias aparecen sus hermanos en situaciones de conflicto que deberán resolver con el apoyo de un agente externo: bien sea un objeto mágico o un personaje dotado de poderes sobre naturales...

    5,42 €