Feminismo y teoría feminista

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociedad y cultura: general / Cuestiones y procesos sociales / Feminismo y teoría feminista (1482)

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  • Mulheres no Jazz
    Sammy Stein
    O universo do jazz é um terreno rico e cativante, e agora podemos mergulhar ainda mais na história desse género musical. Nesta obra emocionante, Sammy Stein traça as jornadas das mulheres no jazz, celebra a presença delas, ouve as suas vozes, admira a suas habilidades e deleita-se com essas mulheres impactantes. O livro apresenta-nos agentes, compositoras, músicas, profissionai...

    33,50 €

  • Burguesas y proletarias. Apuntes sobre mujeres y clase social.
    Sara López Ruiz
    Ensayo que tiene por objetivo repensar la unión de las esferas marxista y feminista para encontrar sus puntos comunes discutiendo, en particular, acerca de aquello que atañe a las mujeres como clase sexual no constituida como sujeto político organizado contra la explotación a la que se enfrenta en la sociedad capitalista. ...

    12,34 €

  • Why Women Deserve Better
    Daria Galek / Daria Gałek
    'Why Women Deserve More' is an inspiring book that emphasizes the importance of gender equality and explains why it is not just a matter of justice but also a driving force for a better society. In a accessible manner, the author presents arguments and evidence for why women deserve better conditions and treatment in all aspects of life. Weaving together thorough analysis with ...

    12,04 €

  • A Feminist Approach to the Political World and Appearances
    Rosalie Siemon Lochner
    Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition, first published in 1958, considers the importance of worldy existence. She states: 'with word and deed we insert ourselves into the human world.'2 She then warns that, 'A life without speech and without action...is literally dead to the world; it has ceased to be a human life because it is no longer lived among men.'3 Speaking and acting all...

    26,16 €

  • Discurso De Ódio, Violência De Gênero E Pornografia:
    Raisa D. Ribeiro
    A pornografia é alvo de grande polarização, existindo um debate acirrado no contexto estadunidense e europeu desde a década de 1970 sobre a sua tutela. Dentro do próprio movimento feminista, existem disputas sobre como tratar a questão, tendo sido escolhido, como marco teórico, a corrente feminista abolicionista ou antipornografia, com destaque às figuras de Catharine MacKinnon...

    35,18 €

  • Mujeres 24/7
    Beatriz Durán
    ¿Qué es la doble presencia y cuál es su efecto en la vida cotidiana de las mujeres? Si las mujeres se encargan de las tareas de cuidado, ¿qué pasa con los autocuidados? ¿Qué futuro tienen los cuidados en la vida de las mujeres?Acompaña a Beatriz Durán, psicóloga, madre y escritora en sus tiempos libres, mientras plantea y responde estas preguntas al explorar las relaciones entr...

    12,48 €

  • Paddle This
    Riley Quinn
    Riley Quinn was determined to live life on her own terms. Born in the 1950’s, she came of age at a time when higher education and career choices for women were limited. Societal norms still encouraged women to be mothers and homemakers or join the labor pool in 'support roles' for men and society. Without independent careers or hobbies, many women in the suburbs defined their s...

    22,39 €

  • Erotic Testimonies
    Julia S. Jordan-Zachery
    Asks how Black women tap into their feelings to develop ways to live freely. ...

    38,41 €

  • Feminist Philosophy
    What is the relationship between feminism and philosophy today? Although feminist philosophy is now a recognized field in the institution of philosophy, a tension between the terms feminism and philosophy persists. From the perspective of philosophy, feminist philosophy may seem too committed to political change. From the perspective of feminism, the practice of philosophy may ...

    20,61 €

  • Feminismo centrado en la persona. De la teoría a la realidad
    Diana Erika Ibarra Soto / María Fernanda Crespo Arriola / Susana Ana María Ochoa Torres
    El Feminismo Centrado en la Persona surge de un interés por crear una oferta cultural desde la esperanza, tomando como principal fundamento la dignidad que todas las personas tenemos por el hecho de existir. Con un afán revisionista y abierto a la crítica, a lo largo de este volumen se acentúan las paradojas en las que se ha caído tanto en el mundo contemporáneo cómo en el femi...

    18,55 €

  • A Queda De Lilith
    Priscila Cavalcanti
    Escrito por uma advogada feminista e especializada em divórcio, o livro expõe cruamente o modo violento e punitivo com que são tratadas as mulheres que se atrevem a pedir o divórcio, tanto pelo ex, quanto pelo Poder Judiciário - juízes, promotores, advogados. Fugindo da linguagem técnica, o livro analisa a legislação e as decisões judiciais atuais, passando por feminicídios com...

    18,21 €

  • Disrupting White Mindfulness
    Cathy-Mae Karelse
    Disrupting White Mindfulness offers a timely commentary on the dominant narratives and norms that shape the Mindfulness Industry. Mindfulness is now common throughout the West, but this book reveals how the industry is infused with whiteness and late capitalism. ...

    157,28 €

  • Madwomen in Social Justice Movements, Literatures, and Art
    ’Madwomen in Social Justice Movements, Literatures, and Art’ boldly reasserts the importance of the Madwoman more than four decades after the publication of Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar’s seminal work in feminist literary criticism, ’The Madwoman in the Attic’. Since Gilbert and Gubar’s work was published, the Madwoman has reemerged to do important work, rock the academic boa...

    66,44 €

  • Upsetting the Table
    Robbie Hardy
    After a successful and trail-blazing career in the technology sector, Robbie Hardy looked around and wondered, what happened to all the women? The boardrooms were a boy’s club, and the ranks of up-and-coming executives had few women as well. Robbie decided she needed to get to the bottom of this trend.What followed was an exploration into the meaning of mentorship, the power of...

    19,57 €

  • Indiana - Bilingual Edition - English / French
    George Sand / George Burnham Ives
    George Sand’s first novel, Indiana develops a love story in which a young woman, weary of an unsympathetic and overbearing husband, is courted by a young man, Raymon de la Ramière, an unreliable seducer. Through this story, George Sand denounces the unenviable living conditions of women in nineteenth century France. This feminist novel will meet a great public and critical succ...

    28,59 €

  • Awaken Your Roar
    Eugenie Ermis
    Do you feel undervalued, unheard, and invisible as a single mid-life Christian woman? The majority of the Christian church’s congregation in the USA is made up of single women.Single mid-life Christian women face a unique challenge in expressing their individuality while remaining an active member of the church.This book will show you how to:Find your voiceRecognize your valueS...

    13,04 €

  • Awaken Your Roar
    Eugenie Ermis
    Do you feel undervalued, unheard, and invisible as a single mid-life Christian woman? The majority of the Christian church’s congregation in the USA is made up of single women.Single mid-life Christian women face a unique challenge in expressing their individuality while remaining an active member of the church.This book will show you how to:Find your voiceRecognize your valueS...

    26,90 €

  • Janki Ki Diary
    Priyanka Priyadarshini
    ’Janki’ means Mother Sita, the mother of the world, after whom Sitamarhi district is named because Goddess Sita was born in the hermitage area (today’s Punaura) of Pundarik Rishi in Sitamarhi district of Bihar, which is also known as Punouradham and ’Diary’. A place where you have the freedom to express yourself freely in your own way. Keeping this feeling in mind, some solved ...

    9,68 €

  • Relações Disfuncionais
    Elias Daher
    Este livro tem o propósito de ajudar pessoas a compreenderem a experiência de uma relação tóxica, para que possam atenuar as marcas emocionais impostas pela convivência abusiva. Quem passa por isso, geralmente apresenta sintomas duradouros e intensos do trauma.A partir da experiência clínica, vamos abordar os principais aspectos que identificam um relacionamento disfuncional, b...

    9,66 €

  • Ventanas a la sinodalidad
    María Elisa Estévez López / Paula Marcela Depalma
    La sinodalidad, vivida con una profunda actitud de escucha al Espíritu y de discernimiento comunitario, es verdaderamente un camino de conversión personal y comunitaria. Esto significa crear condiciones de posibilidad para que todos y todas podamos caminar juntos como Pueblo de Dios, y discernir creativamente formas, dinámicas comunicativas, estructuras y procesos que permitan ...

    28,00 €

  • A Glimpse Of The Rainbow
    Francis H.
    Throughout history, the LGBTQIA+ Community has frequently been misrepresented and misunderstood. They have endured a variety of oppressive situations yet have triumphed in several nations throughout the world. Despite their numerous victories, they have consistently faced eradication efforts and are subject to criminal prosecution for any identification that deviates from the '...

    20,01 €

  • The Gynarchy
    Aline d’Arbrant
    The male gender, after shamefully usurped power naturally allotted to Women, now is in complete degeneration and, if there are many sisters who realize it almost everywhere in the world and at all levels of society, just a few chose to fight for a regenerative female supremacy promising for the planet and future generations. This essay by the famous novelist Aline d’Arbrant giv...

    16,81 €

  • Diversidade E Inclusão
    Ana Paula Arbache E Tania Silva (org.)
    Esse é o espírito dessa coletânea: trazer o cotidiano para o centro do debate ao apresentar casos práticos de discriminação e superação pelas autoras de cada um dos capítulos aqui reunidos. O livro evidencia que são as micropráticas, ou seja, nos processos interativos entre família, escola e trabalho que esses preconceitos se manifestam e precisam ser enfrentados. A reprodução ...

    11,25 €

  • La Sonrisa Imbécil
    Carmen Tira
    ¿Quién necesita un frente unido cuando se trata de luchar por la igualdad y los derechos de las mujeres? Como buenas feministas estúpidas, en este libro aprenderemos cómo dividirnos en mil fragmentos para facilitar la tarea a nuestros enemigos machistas, y os enseñaré cómo el comportamiento positivo os ayudará a mantener una continua cara de imbécil. En lugar de celebrar cada l...

    13,35 €

  • Marie Gérin-Lajoie
    Natasha Pemba
    Présenter l’œuvre et la personne de Marie Gérin-Lajoie à travers le regard d’une autre femme inspirée par la mission de cette leader, d’un autre siècle certes, mais dont les actions et la vision ont contribué à façonner des générations de femmes au Québec, tel est le propos de cet essai né d’une rencontre et qui prouve que pour son époque, cette pionnière de l’action sociale ét...

    20,07 €

  • Mimbres que tejen historia
    Torres Pérez María José
    Publicación realizada con motivo de la celebración del centenario de la fundación de la Congregación Apostólicas del Corazón de Jesús (1924-2024) con el deseo de socializar algunas pinceladas de su historia.En ella, el clamor de las periferias, grito y abrazo ha sido y sigue siendo su lugar fundante. Quienes las transitan son para ellas los vicarios de Cristo, que nos convoca a...

    4,16 €

  • Reckoning
    Linda Cooper
    A special issueof Reckoning on bodily autonomy, edited by Catherine Rockwood, on the occasion of the overturn of Roe v. Wade.Reckoning is an award-winning journal of creative writing on environmental justice, featuring fiction, poetry, essays and art.Ebook release: October 16, 2022.Print release: March 16, 2023Trade paper, perfect bound. 120 pages; 32,000 words.ContentsVulva Mo...

    8,84 €

  • African Women in Digital Spaces
    From Tamale to Paris, Hong Kong to Texas and back to Ouagadougou, this collection of scholarly chapters, poetry and personal essays theorizes the lives of African women and people of marginalized genders on the continent and the diaspora. The book is an important intervention in conversations on social movements and their convergence with digital media and other praxis tools. T...

    49,05 €

  • Surrealist sabotage and the war on work
    Abigail Susik
    Surrealist sabotage and the war on work is an art historical study devoted to international surrealism’s critique of wage labour between 1920 and 1980. Topics such as automatism, artworks across media, radical publications and social interventions are examined in relation to the movement’s ongoing demand for non-alienated work. ...

    46,62 €

  • Madre
    Isabel Valverde Vírseda
    Bajo la premisa de que todo lo que se puede hacer se hace, esta novela nos avanza un experimento científico relacionado con la fecundación humana fuera del útero materno.Esta es la historia de una ectogénesis llevada a cabo por una bióloga pero, ante todo, es el estudio en profundidad de la dicrepancia entre su mente y su conciencia.No es ciencia ficción. La novela se desarroll...

    24,50 €