Ficción clásica

Ficción y temas afines / Ficción clásica (23477)

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  • Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte, Fiction, Classics
    Anne Brontë
    "All true histories contain instruction; though, in some, the treasure may be hard to find, and when found, so trivial in quantity, that the dry, shriveled kernel scarcely compensates for the trouble of cracking the nut. Whether this be the case with my history or not, I am hardly competent to judge. I sometimes think it might prove useful to some, and entertaining to others; b...

    31,09 €

  • The Coral Island by R.M. Ballantyne, Fiction, Literary, Action & Adventure
    R. M. Ballantyne / RMBallantyne
    One night, soon after we entered the tropics, an awful storm burst upon our ship. The first squall of wind carried away two of our masts, and left only the foremast standing. There was no room for me upon the lifeboat; but being left behind saved my life -- and the lives of Peterkin and Jack Martin, my two companions. 'Come, boys,' said Jack Martin in a grave tone as we stood o...

    32,55 €

  • Jonathan Wild by Henry Fielding, Fiction, Classics, Literary
    Henry Fielding
                                        HENRY FIELDING COMPARES JONATHAN WILD, HIGHWAY BANDIT WITH CAESAR -- AND FINDS CAESAR WANTING'. . . .when the mighty Caesar, with wonderful greatness of mind, had destroyed the liberties of his country and with all the means of fraud and force had placed himself at the head of his equals, had corrupted and enslaved the greatest people whom th...

    31,80 €

  • Sentimental Tommy
    J. M. Barrie / JMBarrie
    A story that traces the boyhood of a 'man about town' - beginning at age five, in England, his trials and tribulations, on to becoming a young man. The celebrated Tommy first comes into view on a dirty London stair and he was in sexless garments which were all he had and he was five and so though we are looking at him we must do it sideways lest he sit down hurriedly to hide t...

    30,12 €

  • El hombre de la máscara de hierro
    Alejandro Dumas
    Al llegar la carroza ante la puerta primera de la Bastilla, se paró a intimación de un centinela, pero en cuanto D'Artagnan hubo dicho dos palabras, levantóse la consigna y la carroza entró y tomó hacia el patio del gobierno.D'Artagnan, cuya mirada de lince lo veía todo, aun al través de los muros, exclamó de repente:¿Qué veo?¿Qué veis, amigo mío? preguntó Athos con tranquilida...

    23,00 €

  • The Outrider
    Walter Hesse
    Former British army officer, Roger St. John, was content to leave the horrors of the battlefield for a Texas cattle ranch. But his newfound peace is shattered when Union troops steal his cattle and slaughter his loyal ranch hands. Enraged, St. John joins the Confederate Army to wreak havoc on the Union and the Union officer responsible for the needless bloodshed.As one of Briga...

    21,83 €

  • Lady Chatterley’s Lover and a Propos of ’Lady Chatterley’s Lover’
    D. H. Lawrence / DHLawrence

    76,59 €

  • The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott, Fiction, Literary
    Sir Walter Scott
    The main characters are the Scottish knight Kenneth, a fictional version of David of Scotland, Earl of Huntingdon, who returned from the third Crusade in 1190; Richard the Lionheart; Saladin; and Edith Plantagenet, a relative of Richard.In Scott's own words: ". . . the warlike character of Richard I, wild and generous, a pattern of chivalry, with all its extravagant virtues...

    36,41 €

  • Uncle Silas by J.Sheridan LeFanu, Fiction, Mystery & Detective, Classics, Literary
    Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
    Addicted to laudanum and prey to inexplicable visions, Silas appears like a spirit to his neice Maud. Silas has his own plans for Maud and the fortune she will inherit. Uncle Silas is LeFanu’s best-known novel, dealing with themes of spiritualism, secret corruption, greed, lust, and other peculiar Victorian obsessions. A classic novel of spiritual terror by opne of the true mas...

    35,07 €

  • British Goblins
    Wirt Sikes
    The legend of the Cyhyraeth is sometimes conflated with tales of a monstrous Welsh spirit in the shape of a hideously ugly woman with a harpy-like appearance: unkempt hair and wizened, withered arms with leathery wings, long black teeth and pale corpse-like features. She approaches the window of the person about to die by night and calls their name or travels invisibly beside t...

    12,97 €

  • Zanoni by Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Body, Mind & Spirit
    Edward George Bulwer-Lytton
    One of the peculiarities of Bulwer was his passion for occult studies. They had a charm for him early in life, and he pursued them with the earnestness which characterized his pursuit of other studies. He became absorbed in wizard lore; he equipped himself with magical implements, -- with rods for transmitting influence, and crystal balls in which to discern coming scenes and p...

    22,11 €

  • The Three Musketeers, Vol. I by Alexandre Dumas, Fiction, Classics, Historical, Action & Adventure
    Alexandre Dumas
    In March 1844 the French magazine Le Siecle, printed the first installment of a story by Alexandre Dumas. It was based, Dumas claimed, on some manuscripts he had found a year earlier in the Bibliotheque Nationale while researching a history he planned to write on Louis XIV. The serial chronicled the adventures of D’Artagnan -- a young swordsman intent on joining the king’s musk...

    18,08 €

  • The Three Musketeers, Vol. II by Alexandre Dumas, Fiction, Classics, Historical, Action & Adventure
    Alexandre Dumas
    In March 1844 the French magazine Le Siecle, printed the first installment of a story by Alexandre Dumas. It was based, Dumas claimed, on some manuscripts he had found a year earlier in the Bibliotheque Nationale while researching a history he planned to write on Louis XIV. The serial chronicled the adventures of D'Artagnan -- a young swordsman intent on joining the king...

    18,05 €

  • Polidori’s Vampyre by John Polidori, Fiction, Horror
    John Polidori
    The weather went from being beautiful to tempestuous: torrential thunderstorms plagued the Shelleys, Byron and Polidori. The weather -- along with the company and the eerie ambiance of the locale -- contributed to the genesis of Frankenstein, Polidori’s 'The Vampyre' and in all likelihood, modern weird fiction. On the night of June 16th, the group read aloud a collection of Ger...

    12,21 €

  • The Secret Adversary by Agatha Christie, Fiction, Mystery & Detective
    Agatha Christie
    The Great War is over, and jobs are scarce. Tommy Beresford and Prudence 'Tuppence' Cowley meet and agree to start their own business as The Young Adventurers. They are hired for a job that leads them both to many dangerous situations, meeting allies as well, including an American millionaire in search of his cousin. It started with the sinking of the Lusitania. . . . An Americ...

    17,52 €

  • Wendigo by Algernon Blackwood, Fiction, Horror
    Algernon Blackwood
    A Wendigo is a half-beast creature appearing in the legends of the Algonquian peoples along the Atlantic Coast and Great Lakes Region of both the United States and Canada. The creature or spirit could either possess characteristics of a human or a monster that had physically transformed from a person. It is particularly associated with cannibalism. ...

    12,21 €

  • Penguin Island by Anatole France, Fiction, Classics
    Anatole France / A. W. Evans / AWEvans
    Penguin Island in all its peculiar glory: this is the tale of the enchanted island island where the nearsighted Abbot Mael baptised penguins in error. These penguins posessed of Divine Grace by dint of baptism are remarkably like and unlike men; they rule the fictional land of Penguinia. ...

    17,65 €

  • Wrong Box, The
    Lloyd Osborne / Robert Louis Stevenson
    The Wrong Box is one of Robert Louis Stevenson’s strangest works. Written with his stepson Lloyd Osborne, it is a masterpiece of black comedy, turning on mistaken identity, the disappearance of a corpse, and several makeshift coffins. V. S. Pritchett described it as 'a farce that slips down the throat with the nicety of an oyster,' and, according to E. F. Benson, it is 'perha...

    27,41 €

  • The Wish House and Other Stories
    Rudyard Kipling

    21,01 €

  • All the King’s Men
    Noel Polk / Robert Penn Warren

    12,57 €

  • Ben-Hur by Lew Wallace, Fiction, Classics, Literary
    Lew Wallace / Lewis Wallace
    BEN-HUR is a story of oppression and principled rebellion, of friendship turned to hate -- and of religious revelation. It is a tale of war on land and at sea, set against a backdrop as big as the world -- a backdrop big as all our souls. ...

    23,40 €

  • The Church of Solitude
    Grazia Deledda / E Ann Matter / E. Ann Matter
    A translation of Grazia Deledda’s final novel, an autobiographically based portrayal of an Italian woman coming to terms with breast cancer at the cusp of the twentieth century. ...

    41,05 €

  • The Woman Who Rode Away and Other Stories
    D. H. Lawrence / DHLawrence / Lawrence D. H. / Lawrence DH.

    38,33 €

  • Woodstock
    Walter Scott
    An adventurous story centering upon the escape of Charles II from England after the battle of Worcester. The work was written when misfortunes were heaping themselves upon the author: his financial ruin, the death of his wife, and the grievous illness of his beloved grandson. Yet he stuck to his work and wrote Woodstock in three months. ...

    32,42 €

  • The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Vicente Blasco Ibáñez, Fiction, Literary
    Vicente Blasco Ibáñez / Charlotte Brewster Jordan
    The novel, first published in 1916, tells a tangled tale of the French and German sons-in-law of an Argentinian land-owner who find themselves fighting on opposite sides in the First World War.When Julio finally decided to fight, the world and his family knew him for a different man. In the end the man who was once a spoiled son of privilege, became a man of honor and integrity...

    17,28 €

  • Hill of Dreams by Arthur Machen , Fiction, Fantasy
    Arthur Machen
    Lucian Taylor is damned - either through contact with an erotically pagan faerie world or through something degenerate in his own nature. He thinks of the damning thing inside him as a faun. He becomes a writer, and when he moves to London he becomes trapped by the increasing reality of the dark imaginings of this creature within him, which become increasingly real. The portrai...

    16,93 €

  • Great God Pan by Arthur Machen, Fiction, Horror
    Arthur Machen
    In Supernatural Horror in Literature, H. P. Lovecraft praised the story Great God Pan, saying: 'No one could begin to describe the cumulative suspense and ultimate horror with which every paragraph abounds'; he added that 'the sensitive reader' reaches the end with 'an appreciative shudder.' Arthur Machen had a substantial career as a novelist and storyteller, but nothing he di...

    12,25 €

  • The Beckoning Fair One by Oliver Onions, Fiction, Horror
    Oliver Onions
    'As far as the chief business of his life--his writing--was concerned, Paul Oleron treated the world a good deal better than he was treated by it; but he seldom took the trouble to strike a balance, or to compute how far, at forty-four years of age, he was behind his points on the handicap. To have done so wouldn’t have altered matters, and it might have depressed Oleron. He ha...

    13,03 €

  • The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie, Fiction, Mystery & Detective
    Agatha Christie
    Captain Arthur Hastings, Poirot’s cohort, is recovering from a war injury at the upper-class household known as Styles Court. When the mistress of the manor, Emily Inglethorpe, is murdered. The family members occupying the house all become suspects -- including her newlywed young husband. Hercule Poirot faces a Sherlock Holmes-style mystery -- complete with numerous suspects, a...

    15,31 €

  • Rise and Fall of Cesar Birotteau by Honore de Balzac, Fiction, Classics
    Honoré De Balzac / Katharine Prescott Wormeley
    Balzac kept a rough draft of the novel for six years before completing it in 1837 after being offered 20,000 Francs by Le Figaro, provided it was ready to appear before December 15 that year. Explaining the delay he would later write 'For six years I have kept a rough draft of César Birotteau despairing of ever being able to interest anyone in the character of a rather stupid, ...

    17,52 €