Ficción general (infantil/juvenil)

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles / Ficción general (infantil/juvenil) (57640)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles Eliminar filtro Ficción general (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Top of the Heap
    Cynthia A. DiTaranto / Melissa Armer
    Change is inevitable.What counts is how you deal with it.Join Maggie and Montie as they find their way, like Blackie, to claim theTop Of The Heap! 3 ...

    21,04 €

  • I. F.L.Y.
    Terrance D. Waters
    He’s a hero! He’s a friend! He’s an angel! He’s a godsend! His name is Skylar Scott Mason, The six-year-old that came On a mission to save the Bakers! An young inspiration Who sparks imagination. A story that’ll touch the hearts of many 3 ...

    22,08 €

  • Zoe Isabella's First Day at School
    Edward S. Peterka M.D.
    ZOE ISABELLA'S FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL is the adventures of a five year old girl who begins her first grade. ...

    20,46 €

  • Virtual War
    Gloria Skurzynski
    Imagine a life of virtual reality -- a childhood contained in a controlled environment, with no human contact or experiences outside of the world of computer-generated images.Corgan has been genetically engineered by the Federation for quick reflexes, high intelligence, and physical superiority. Everything Corgan is, everything he has ever seen or done, was to prepare him for o...

    9,38 €

  • READING-LITERATURE Second Reader (Yesterday’s Classics)
    Harriette Taylor Treadwell / Margaret Free
    Third volume in the series of Reading-Literature readers, whose purpose is to train children in reading and appreciating literature through the reading of literature. The Second Reader introduces fables and fairy stories and continues folk tales and simple poems. The material is organized: a group of fables, several groups of folk and fairy stories, a group of Mother Goose, of ...

    13,01 €

  • Solo Fue Un Sueno
    Jose Agustin Hernandez
    Desde el pequeño municipio de Vilaflor, atravesando la Cordillera Central, hasta las Cañadas del Teide, un grupo de jóvenes organizamos una excursión. Cargados con nuestras mochilas y mucha ilusión, iniciamos nuestra caminata para ir al encuentro del inescrutable destino. Entonces, mi accidente trastocó planes e ilusiones. A ellos les marcó la negativa de unos conocidos a ayuda...

    15,77 €

  • Joy in the Darkness
    Kelley Walker Perry
    Joy in the Darkness is a young adult novel about a troubled teen girl who moves from the city to the country -- and finds what she’s been searching for all along. ...

    15,58 €

  • Ocean View Terrace and the Blue Pirate Eater
    Greg Weston
    There was a time when Emily and many of her friends would wake up at midnight and explore the secret passageways, which ran under their street, Ocean View Terrace. but not anymore. Those days are gone, and the passageways closed. or so Emily thinks. But when her dad receives a strange painting for his birthday, they discover that this is the key to get back in. What they don...

    17,25 €

  • Ocean View Terrace
    Greg Weston
    'Emily sat bolt upright in bed. She looked at her curtains. It was still dark outside. As she turned something caught her eye. In the centre of one side of her room was a fireplace. On the mantel stood her clock, which was in the shape of a pink pig. The pink pig said that it was half past midnight. But what caught her attention was a tiny sliver of light, which she could see d...

    17,30 €

  • Greta’s Purpose
    Rebecca Helvey
    GRETA’S PURPOSE is about an awkward Great Dane pup that is trying to find her purpose in life. She finally discovers it in serving others and discovers she is perfectly suited for it. ...

    13,71 €

  • Fundi the Snail
    Allison Dietz / Daphne Pogue / Devon Nicholson
    Fundi the Snail is the story of a young gastropod who leaves home in search of experience and knowledge. Daring to face the harsh light of day and the dangers of the sunlit world, Fundi sets out on a quest that teaches him of the hazards, excitement and beauty of the unfamiliar, and the ultimate importance of home and family. The vibrantly colored, charming illustrations add to...

    28,30 €

  • The Red Dragon Kite
    Beverly Kohake
    This story will delight the imagination of children of all ages. Follow one twelve year old boy to learn what he discovers that will change him forever. Fun illustrations. ...

    10,74 €

  • Glimely Clyn
    Oscar Aguilar
    El libro incluye ''Glímely Clyn'', ''Jimmy y Ana'' y ''El Corazón de Fergie''.GLÍMELY CLYN es un pequeño que desde su nacimiento tuvo impedimentos físicos y su desarrollo no pudo ser como el de los otros niños. Dentro de él crece una magia muy poderosa que irá descubriendo, ayudado por el viejo hechicero Lord Gívenly, ante la amenaza a su ciudad por los crueles espíritus y sus ...

    16,42 €

  • The Boy With Green Hair
    D. R. Evans / DREvans
    There’s a new boy at Tall Tree Elementary School. His name is Hubert, and there’s something very odd indeed about him: his hair is green! Some of the kids make fun of him, and no one wants to be his friend because of his hair. After Hubert runs home in tears, Sarah learns the unhappy reason why Hubert and his father have come to live in town. Then it’s up to Sarah and her big s...

    8,44 €

  • Entreating Whispers
    Jared A. March
    Gifted with a rare, ultra sensitive hearing capability caused by a virus at age eight, Tia Fleisher learns about the power of her extraordinary hearing and about the problems associated with being different.Fearing for her safety, she is placed under the protection of the FBI and enters a highly secretive youth program for gifted children where she will be nurtured as a future ...

    24,98 €

  • Dad
    Jesse Price

    18,23 €

  • Little Puppy Swifty and Elle
    Beata Zera

    13,69 €

  • Do You Love Me?
    L.L. Grime / L.LGrime
    Milo is a little thing looking for love. In this engaging full color illustrated children’s book, Milo searches for love and acceptance in a bright and magical world. Milo is often surprised and sometimes disappointed with those he meets and in the end finds friendship unexpectedly. Preview 'Do You Love Me?' ...

    23,98 €

  • Voices From the Heights
    Mark Williams
    Voices from the Heights is an anthology of works from at-risk students at innovative, award-winning North Heights Alternative School in Amarillo, Texas. The stories are often gritty & personal but these young writers are courageous, creative & talented. Read more about this book and school in this article: Bruce Beck, Am...

    22,04 €

  • Kitty Milo Says The Alphabet (A Read-Aloud Book For Children)
    Ivan Henley
    A kitty named Milo teaches children about the letters of the alphabet, but instead of merely focusing on words that start with the letters, he discusses the sounds each letter makes. Read along with Milo! ...

    36,75 €

  • Children of Hope 2
    Luis Oliveira
    In this sequel to The Children of Hope, Ricardo befriends a mysterious boy with supernatural powers, and faces trials that only God and the children of hope can deliver him from. ...

    18,48 €

  • Misty Finds a Family
    Violet Kelemen
    A fun story about how a deserted pup, Misty, was able to find the right family to adopt. ...

    13,94 €

  • Solo Piano for Children
    Evangelos C. Sembos / Evangelos CSembos
    'Solo Piano for Children' includes thirty four solo piano pieces composed especially for young pianists. The compositions have different styles and characters with detailed fingering intended to interest young performers and large notes for easy sight reading. This book will assist in preparing little fingers for more difficult pieces from the classic and modern repertoire. The...

    18,53 €

  • Jewel of Light
    Leon Adams
    Story of the rise of the Wolf of Aruncus. ...

    16,31 €

  • A Boy And A Brother
    Stephen Higgins
    In the summer of 1969 Matthew Roscoe, aged 11, is playing in the streets of Everton. He and his pals come across a group of thugs who are about to beat up an an African boy. Matthew saves the boy, at some cost to himself. He does not realize that this chance event is the start of an adventure in which he will witness the horrors of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Ultimately, he...

    20,01 €

  • Michael and the Monkey King
    Alan James Brown
    Monkey is here! The trickster. The cool dude with the magic staff. When Michael frees the Monkey King he has no idea of the trouble he will cause. Tricksy monkey magic sends Michael’s parents to the Paradise in the West, in the Land of Dragons. With Pigsy the hopeless henchman and Kwan-yin the beautiful but spoiled princess, Michael sets out on a desperate quest to save them. B...

    19,90 €

  • Young Robin Hood
    George Manville Fenn
    In the days of Robin Hood, a young boy named Robin is journeying through Sherwood Forest in a train of heavily-laden pack mules when suddenly the company is surrounded by rough men in green. Deserted in the commotion by an unfaithful servant, Robin finds himself alone in the forest. After a miserable night and an encounter with a bullying swineherd, Robin is found by Little Joh...

    12,07 €

  • Do You Believe?
    Cody Orion

    13,40 €

  • Pizza by the Numbers
    Jeff Shiring

    18,37 €

  • A Day with Anion
    Amalia H. Ludeke Dr Amalia H. Ludeke / Dr Kenneth L. Ludeke

    25,45 €