Filosofía: metafísica y ontología

Humanidades / Filosofía / Filosofía: metafísica y ontología (13141)

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  • Apreciaciones sobre el esoterismo cristiano
    René Guénon
    Es por lo demás evidente que no se encuentra ninguna prescripción en el Evangelio que pueda ser considerada de carácter verdaderamente legal en el sentido propio del término; la frase bien conocida: «Dad al César lo que es del César» nos parece particularmente significativa a este respecto, pues implica formalmente, para todo lo que es de orden exterior, la aceptación de una le...

    23,32 €

  • Los Principios del Cálculo Infinitesimal
    René Guénon
    Aunque el presente estudio pueda parecer, a primera vista al menos, no tener mas que un carácter un poco especial, nos ha parecido útil emprenderle para precisar y explicar más completamente algunas nociones a las que nos ha sucedido hacer llamada en las diversas ocasiones en las que nos hemos servido del simbolismo matemático, y esta razón bastaría en suma para justificarle si...

    23,25 €

  • Formas tradicionales y ciclos cósmicos
    René Guénon
    Los artículos reunidos en el presente libro representan acaso el aspecto más "original" -también el más desconcertante para muchos lectores- de la obra de René Guénon. Se le hubiera podido dar el título Fragmentos de una historia desconocida, pero de una historia que engloba protohistoria y prehistoria por cuanto empieza con la Tradición primordial contemporánea de los comienzo...

    23,42 €

  • Símbolos de la Ciencia Sagrada
    René Guénon
    La civilización moderna aparece en la historia como una verdadera anomalía: de todas las que conocemos, es la única que se haya desarrollado en un sentido puramente material, la única también que no se apoye en ningún principio de orden superior. Este desarrollo material, que continúa desde hace ya varios siglos y que va acelerándose de más en más, ha sido acompañado de una reg...

    32,01 €

  • La Métaphysique Orientale & Saint Bernard
    René Guénon
    J’ai pris comme sujet de cet exposé la métaphysique orientale ; peut-être aurait-il mieux valu dire simplement la métaphysique sans épithète, car, en vérité, la métaphysique pure étant par essence en dehors et au-delà de toutes les formes et de toutes les contingences, n’est ni orientale ni occidentale, elle est universelle. Ce sont seulement les formes extérieures dont elle es...

    22,42 €

  • From Logos to Bios
    Wynand de Beer

    31,72 €

  • Resurrection
    Neville Goddard
    An Exact reprint of a lost spiritual classic by Neville Goddard. Contains the complete text of the books, Prayer-The Art of Believing, Feeling is the Secret, Freedom For All, Out of this World and ResurrectionIntroduction I can think of no greater privilege then to republish 'Resurrection' by Neville Goddard. As more and more of his first editions are disappearing, it is impor...

    23,42 €

  • The Origin Comes Alive
    Cale Rainer
    Believers and Atheists alike will get a firsthand look at the Divine Presence as it reveals the intimate behaviors and processes that compose a sense of GOD, and how this arose in social consciousness to inspire a global phenomenon known as Religion.The sense of life is taken to the limits of extreme perspective in this somewhat involved, yet intimate look into our social origi...

    9,92 €

  • Finding the Elephant
    David Reginald Burfoot
    It is no secret that modern knowledge has become specialised into increasingly narrower ‘silos’. While this has had its advantages, more are becoming aware that important connections are being neglected. What if our universe does not care to comply with the separations we have created? What if there are ‘mega-phenomena’, phenomena so broad in nature that they are concealed fro...

    18,26 €

  • The Writings of Charles De Koninck
    Charles De Koninck
    The Writings of Charles De Koninck, volumes 1 and 2, present the first English editions of collected works of the Catholic Thomist philosopher Charles De Koninck (1906-1965). Ralph McInerny (1929-2010) was the project editor and prepared the excellent translations. Volume 1 contains writings ranging from De Koninck’s 1934 dissertation at the University of Louvain on the philoso...

    178,88 €

  • Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems
    Azamat Abdoullaev
    The most thrilling and challenging intellectual issues of humanity are whether and how a consistent formal representation of reality as a comprehensive theory of everything and anything can be obtained and how powerful (superhuman) intelligent machines can be brought into existence. Reality, Universal Ontology and Knowledge Systems: Toward the Intelligent World provides cutting...

    131,75 €

  • Ka Ab Ba Building The Lighted Temple
    Dr Terri R. Nelson
    The book KaAbBa Building The Lighted Temple/Metaphysical Keys to the Tree of Life draws a circle that is inclusive of the Afrikan origin of the Ancient Kemetic/Egyptian wisdom. It reveals the undeniable root and link of Ancient Africa to all the religious systems that would develop worldwide. This book is explosive in its power to convey the meaning of KaAbBa, the Medu Neter  (...

    37,41 €

  • Reflections of My Higher Self
    Joseph Danna
    Religion meets New Age philosophy in this journey through the twists and turns of a grueling spiritual transformation. This heartfelt adventure into mental & spiritual healing bares the miracle of metaphysics: the application of mental alchemy to salvage a traumatized life.During a near-death experience, a Rosicrucian mystic finds himself in a progression of alternate realities...

    8,96 €

  • Happy Vernday Birthcox
    Robert Lowe
    Sex! Drugs! Rock and Roll! It was bogus labeling! Humans have always engaged in sex, drugs, and music. The story begins with a journey through The Robin Williams Tunnel (formerly The Waldo, or Rainbow Tunnel). It is about the wholehearted pursuit of life; about striving to live without limits. It is a story of revelation, of trial and tribulation, of revolution and evolution, ...

    14,36 €

  • MerKaBa
    Dr Terri R. Nelson
    African Cosmology, Kemetic Science, Psychology Spirituality, Metaphysics, Philosophy, Social Thought/ What is the MerKaBa Energy Body of Light and what does it, the Great Pyramid, the Tree of Life, even Christmas, all have in common? This book seamlessly unites all of these symbols, so that our Consciousness may be Unitive. A Dimensional Shifting from The Linear Tree of Life an...

    39,23 €

  • Christian D. Larson - The Definitive Collection - Volume 2 of 6
    Christian D. Larson / Christian DLarson
    Christian D. Larson is one of the best metpahysical writers of the last 100 or so years. This collection of 30 of his books in 6 volumes is a gold mine packed full of information that will illumine, enlighten and transform lives. The titles include: Brains and How to Get Them, Business Psychology, How Great Men Succeed, How the Mind Works, Concentration, How to Stay Well, How t...

    23,30 €

  • J.D. Ponce sobre Friedrich Nietzsche
    J.D. Ponce
    Este apasionante ensayo se centra en la explicación y análisis de Así Habló Zaratustra, de Friedrich Nietzsche, una de las obras más influyentes de la historia y cuya comprensión, por su complejidad y profundidad, escapa a la comprensión en primera lectura. Tanto si ya has leído Así habló Zaratustra como si no, este ensayo te permitirá sumergirte en todos y cada uno de sus sign...

    16,54 €

  • A Letter to Lulu
    Roberta Beverly
    An Eighty Year Odyssey ofLife’s Experiences, Adventures and Unfolding.From the aerated cushion on theself propelled wheelchair that was providedfollowing more than 7 months in hospital,initially after awaking from surgeryto having no feeling from the waist downit seemed timely to express as a conversationto a distant relative in letter form. It was the moment to reflect uponthe...

    29,00 €

  • Traité sur l’Être
    André Moreau
    Ce ne sont ni Aristote, ni Platon, ni Hegel, ni Heidegger qui m’aide à développer le présent traité, car ma conception n’a rien à voir avec l’être abstrait des scolastiques, avec l’être ontologique de la dialectique ou avec un être-là qui aurait toutes les misères à s’arracher à sa condition existentielle. Il n’y a pas pour moi un paradis de l’être qui plane au-dessus de nos tê...

    34,88 €

  • A Treatise of Human Nature and Critique of Pure Reason (Case Laminate Hardbound Edition)
    David Hume / Immanuel Kant / J. M. D. Meiklejohn
    DAVID HUME AND IMMANUEL KANT PHILOSOPHY TOGETHER IN ONE VOLUME’One of the greatest of all philosophical works, covering knowledge, imagination, emotion, morality, and justice.’David Hume’s comprehensive three-volume A Treatise of Human Nature has withstood the test of time and has had enormous impact on subsequent philosophical thought. The Treatise first explains how we form s...

    36,20 €

  • Imperium technologicum
    Fabián Ludueña Romandini
    La Humanidad ha tocado a su fin y, con el ascenso de los Póstumos, se ha producido el ingreso del orbe terrestre en el titanismo de una nueva Era signada por la tecnificación telemática universal. Resulta una tarea impostergable, por tanto, tomar cabal conciencia del hecho de que la tecnología no puede comprenderse a sí misma y, mucho menos, dar cuenta de su naturaleza y fundam...

    19,76 €

  • Thoughts on Creativity, Spirit, and the Ethical Life
    George Lowell Tollefson
    This is a collection of miscellaneous notes by the author of The Immaterial Structure of Human Experience, The Limits of Reason, and The Thinking Process. These thoughts represent an exploration of spiritual and creative concerns, covering such topics as literature, art, philosophy, and human behavior. ...

    15,08 €

  • Revealing the Antichrist, the Number 666, the End Of Times, and Much More
    Mo Elhoumi / moelhoumi
    Dear Reader, how do you think we and the universe came into being? Is there life after death? What happens to us after we die? Existential questions have long eluded and baffled the world’s greatest intellectual thinkers. Even today, these questions remain a significant challenge for everyone. In this book, I assure you, dear reader, that I have answered all existential questio...

    16,62 €

  • Right Now
    Todd LeBlanc / Todd R LeBlanc
    Embark on the exploration of ’The Book of Odd,’ delving into the intricacies of our small world. Each chapter unfolds to reveal the active role consciousness plays in shaping an ever-evolving universe. This narrative underscores the profound interdependence of life, casting us as co-authors in a grand cosmic story.Beyond contemplation, the tale carries a passionate message abou...

    15,85 €

  • When Time Stood Still - Unraveling the Mysteries of Time Perception
    Viruti Satyan Shivan
    Exploring the Enigma of Human Time Consciousness Dive into the enigmatic world of time perception with 'When Time Stood Still.' This compelling book explores the intricate ways in which we experience time, blending scientific research, philosophical inquiry, and real-life anecdotes. It offers readers an insightful journey into understanding how our minds perceive the passage o...

    21,38 €

  • El giro simbolico
    Prabhuji David Har-Zion
    En El giro simbólico, Prabhuji nos guía por los intrincados senderos de la filosofía occidental con profunda erudición y sabiduría, brindándonos una peculiar interpretación simbólica de la vida. Sus elucidaciones sobre el símbolo trascienden el ámbito lexicográfico que lo define como una representación gráfica identificada por letras o signos, que sirve para representar, por co...

    34,23 €

  • The Initiates Speak
    The Initiates
    The growing popularity of True Occultism and Mysticism throughout the whole world has at last induced us to try and issue a series, books that should be an honor to the Universal Father, to True Occultism and Mysticism, and to those who stand for all that is good in humanity. There is also another matter which has induced us to try to see whether such an effort would be appreci...

    24,43 €

  • Pensamiento y creación en el arte contemporáneo
    Marco Antonio García Martínez
    Pensamiento y creación en el arte contemporáneo reúne una serie de reflexiones sobre el signo artístico, la educación estética, la creación artística y el arte contemporáneo. Se discuten ideas originales y se ponen sobre la mesa cuestiones que preocupan tanto al creador artístico como al educador, al filósofo y al semiótico de las artes. Se considera plausible discutir y reflex...

    23,92 €

  • O Absurdo Como Propedêutica À Revolta
    Gustavo Henrique Chrisostomo
    Buscar um sentido na vida é algo que pode ser visto como natural, afinal, o ser humano geralmente necessita de respostas às questões que envolvem o mundo em que vive, como uma maneira de se sentir seguro. Por isso, não faltam doutrinas religiosas e correntes filosóficas que têm como objetivo justamente preencher essa lacuna que seria própria ao entendimento humano, seja promete...

    20,02 €

  • Evolutionary Emergence of Purposive Goals and Values
    Donald A. Crosby
    Develops and defends a philosophical account of meaning, purpose, and value in human life and experience that is naturalistic without being reductionistic or scientistic. ...

    43,73 €