Filosofía occidental: medieval y renacentista, c. 500-c. 1600

Humanidades / Filosofía / Historia de la filosofía occidental / Filosofía occidental: medieval y renacentista, c. 500-c. 1600 (409)

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  • Petri Lombardi Novariensis, Episcopi Parisiensis, Sententiarum Libri Quatuor ...
    Petrus LOMBARDUS
    Petri Lombardi Novariensis Episcopi Parisiensis Sententiarum Libri Quatuor è un testo scritto da Pietro Lombardo, uno dei maggiori filosofi medievali.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations....

    34,59 €

  • The Doctrine of Being in Peter of Auvergne’s Quaestiones in Metaphysicam
    Arthur Patrick Monahan
    A scholarly work on the philosophy of Peter of Auvergne, a thirteenth-century French philosopher and theologian. The book focuses on Peter’s doctrine of being, one of the central themes of his work, and provides a detailed analysis of his key ideas and arguments. Written in a clear and concise style, the book is an important resource for philosophers, theologians, and anyone in...

    38,60 €

  • Essai Sur Les Confessions De St. Augustin
    Arthur Desjardins
    Arthur Desjardins offre une analyse captivante des Confessions de saint Augustin. En étudiant l’œuvre sous un éclairage philosophique, il lève le voile sur les questionnements les plus profonds du célèbre évêque.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domai...

    20,09 €

  • Maimonides’ Guide of the Perplexed

    39,06 €

  • Die Kunst des Krieges
    Sun Tzu / T. S. SCHNEIDER
    Entfessle deinen inneren Strategen mit 'Die Kunst des Krieges'Entdecke die Geheimnisse des Siegens mit Sun Tzu zeitlosem Meisterwerk 'Die Kunst des Krieges'. Diese neue Übersetzung ist der klare und prägnante Leitfaden für die Beherrschung von Geschäfts- und persönlichen Strategien. Mit einem Cover im Taschenbuchformat von (6 x 9) Zoll passt dieses Buch perfekt in deine Tasche...

    12,67 €

  • Тайна рога изобилия всех столов Пьетро Лоренцетти
    Лорензо Мартини
    В этом кратком справочнике мы хотим раскрыть некоторые тайны, касающиеся огромного количества картин (особенно золотых фонов, Святых Дев с младенцем, ангелов, святых и херувимов, пределл алтарей и жертвенников, диптихов и полиптихов). Пьетро Лоренцетти, самый известный художник средневековья в Сиене, наряду с Джотто, Дуччо ди Бонинсегна и Симоне Мартини, творил на протяжении вс...

    51,60 €

  • Simbolismos em A Divina Comédia, de Dante Alighieri
    Lúcia Helena Galvão
    Simbolismos em A Divina Comédia, de Dante Alighieri é um livro escrito pela renomada professora e filósofa Lúcia Helena Galvão, da Nova Acrópole. Neste livro, a autora apresenta uma análise de símbolos presentes na obra clássica de Dante Alighieri, buscando desvendar o significado destes elementos com sua expertise. Além disso, a autora revela a riqueza alegórica presente nesta...

    7,84 €

  • Bernardo Daddi and Giotto’s Florentine schola
    Lorenzo Martini
    Lorenzo Martini devoted himself to the in-depth study of medieval and Renaissance Italian artists who had relationships and contiguities with Great Painters who found success in their lifetime.Many 'minor' artists met with éclatant success only in retrospect, and upon close observation by knowing their affiliations one can affirm where the hand of the Master of the School can b...

    84,54 €

  • Bernardo Daddi e Giotto’s Florentine schola
    Lorenzo Martini
    Lorenzo Martini dedicou-se ao estudo profundo de artistas italianos medievais e renascentistas que tinham relações e contiguidades com grandes pintores que se encontraram com sucesso durante a sua vida.Muitos artistas 'menores' só tiveram sucesso em retrospectiva, e após uma inspecção mais atenta, conhecendo as suas filiações, é possível afirmar onde a mão do Maestro della Scuo...

    84,54 €

  • Bernardo Daddi und Giottos Florentiner Schola
    Lorenzo Martini
    Lorenzo Martini widmete sich dem eingehenden Studium italienischer Künstler des Mittelalters und der Renaissance, die mit großen Malern, die zu Lebzeiten erfolgreich waren, in Beziehung standen und mit ihnen verwandt waren.Viele 'unbedeutende' Künstler waren erst im Nachhinein erfolgreich, und bei näherer Betrachtung und in Kenntnis ihrer Verbindungen kann man feststellen, wo d...

    84,51 €

  • Bernardo Daddi et la schola florentine de Giotto
    Lorenzo Martini
    Lorenzo Martini s’est consacré à l’étude approfondie des artistes italiens du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance qui ont eu des relations et des contiguïtés avec de grands peintres qui ont connu le succès de leur vivant.De nombreux artistes 'mineurs' n’ont connu le succès que rétrospectivement et, après un examen plus approfondi, en connaissant leurs affiliations, il est possible d...

    84,54 €

  • Бернардо Дадди и флорентийская схола Джотто
    Лоренцо Мартини
    Лоренцо Мартини посвятил себя углубленному изучению итальянских художников Средневековья и Ренессанса, которые имели связи и пересечения с великими живописцами, добившимися успеха при жизни.Многие 'второстепенные' художники были успешны лишь в ретроспективе, а при ближайшем рассмотрении, зная их родственные связи, можно определить, где можно обнаружить руку маэстро делла Скуола...

    34,85 €

  • Prosélitos da escola de Giotto em Rimini
    Lorenzo Martini
    Tanto durante como depois da estadia do pintor florentino Giotto di Bondone em Rimini (durante apenas alguns anos), as fileiras dos seus pupilos, seguidores e prosélitos foram girando. A maioria das obras que produziram não foram assinadas e, uma vez que eram todas contemporâneas, desde meados do século XIX os críticos têm-se esforçado por fornecer atribuições claras e irrefutá...

    60,70 €

  • Prosélytes de l’école de Giotto à Rimini
    Lorenzo Martini
    Pendant et après le séjour du peintre florentin Giotto di Bondone à Rimini (quelques années seulement), les rangs de ses élèves, disciples et prosélytes se sont agités. La plupart des œuvres qu’ils ont produites n’étaient pas signées et, comme elles étaient toutes contemporaines, la critique s’est efforcée, depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle, de fournir des attributions claires et...

    60,70 €

  • Прозелиты школы Джотто в Римини
    Лоренцо Мартини
    Как во время, так и после пребывания флорентийского художника Джотто ди Бондоне в Римини (всего несколько лет), ряды его учеников, последователей и прозелитов пополнялись. Большинство созданных ими работ не были подписаны, а поскольку все они были современными, с середины XIX века критики пытаются дать четкую и неопровержимую атрибуцию различных мастеров-последователей Джотто, ...

    34,64 €

  • Proselyten der Schule Giottos in Rimini
    Lorenzo Martini
    Sowohl während als auch nach dem Aufenthalt des florentinischen Malers Giotto di Bondone in Rimini (der nur wenige Jahre dauerte) gab es eine Vielzahl von Schülern, Anhängern und Befürwortern. Die meisten der von ihnen geschaffenen Werke sind nicht signiert, und da sie alle Zeitgenossen waren, bemühen sich die Kritiker seit Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts um eindeutige und unwiderle...

    60,77 €

  • Proselytes of Giotto’s school in Rimini
    Lorenzo Martini
    Both during and after the stay of the Florentine painter Giotto di Bondone in Rimini (for a few years) the host of pupils, followers and proselytes was quite whirlwind, most of the works they produced were not signed and being all contemporary, since the mid-19th century critics have been debating to provide clear and irrefutable attributions on the various master followers, pr...

    60,70 €

  • The Guide for the Perplexed
    Moses Maimonides / M. Friedlander
    It is the object of this work 'to afford a guide for the perplexed,' i.e. 'to thinkers whose studies have brought them into collision with religion' (p. 9), 'who have studied philosophy and have acquired sound knowledge, and who, while firm in religious matters, are perplexed and bewildered on account of the ambiguous and figurative expressions employed in the holy writings' (p...

    27,71 €

  • William of Ockham
    Eric W. Hagedorn

    47,47 €

  • Ordered by Love
    Thomas M. Ward
    John Duns Scotus (1265-1308), beatified by Pope St. John Paul II in 1993, is widely recognized as one of the most original and influential philosophers and theologians of the Middle Ages. Ordered by Love offers a sympathetic exploration of a wide range of Scotus’s thought. Topics covered include his understanding of the relationship between faith and reason, his doctrine of ind...

    22,81 €

  • Ventures in Philosophical History
    Nicholas Rescher
    The book provides a series of innovative studies of the treatment of major issues by philosophers ranging from classical antiquity to the present day. ...

    180,54 €

  • Duns Scotus’s Doctrine of Categories and Meaning
    Martin Heidegger / Jeffrey D Gower / Joydeep Bagchee
    Duns Scotus’s Doctrine of Categories and Meaning is a key text for the origins of Martin Heidegger’s concept of facticity. Originally submitted as a postdoctoral thesis in 1915, it focuses on the 13th-century philosopher-theologian John Duns Scotus. Heidegger first analyzes Scotus’s doctrine of categories, then offers a meticulous explanation of the Grammatica Speculativa, a wo...

    70,79 €

  • The New Cambridge Companion to Aquinas

    119,61 €

  • The New Cambridge Companion to Aquinas

    41,04 €

  • Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers
    Gloria Frost

    120,45 €

  • Philosophy, Mysticism, and the Political
    Massimo Cacciari
    Nine masterful essays on Dante’s Divine Comedy and his political theology by one of today’s leading Italian philosophers. ...

    41,02 €

  • Thomas Aquinas on Virtue
    Thomas M. Osborne Jr

    120,50 €

  • Philosophy, Mysticism, and the Political
    Massimo Cacciari / Giorgio Mobili
    Nine masterful essays on Dante’s Divine Comedy and his political theology by one of today’s leading Italian philosophers. ...

    122,03 €

  • Interpreting Duns Scotus
    Giorgio Pini

    120,34 €

  • The Bonds of Humanity
    Cary J Nederman / Cary J. Nederman
    Of the great philosophers of pagan antiquity, Marcus Tullius Cicero is the only one whose ideas were continuously accessible to the Christian West following the collapse of the Roman Empire. Yet, in marked contrast with other ancient philosophers, Cicero has largely been written out of the historical narrative on early European political thought, and the reception of his ideas ...

    50,11 €