Filosofía y teoría de la educación

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  • Natural Fiction and Artifice in Hume’s Treatise
    Brent Delaney
    In the first seven sections of A Treatise of Human Nature, David Hume establishes the foundation of his philosophy. The most basic tenet is that 'all the perceptions of the human mind resolve themselves into two distinct kinds' (T; SBN 1). The first kind is impressions, namely, 'our 1 sensations, passions and emotions, as they make their first appearance in the soul' (T...

    28,91 €

  • Renda Vitalícia
    Mauro Marques
    Esta Obra tem por objetivo atingir leitores, Empresários e Investidores que podem ver no Setor de Energia Solar ou Fotovoltaica uma excelente alternativa de investimento de capitais, para se obter rendas a partir da decisão se associar a um ou mais grupo de empresas. ...

    10,16 €

  • O Que Você Vai Ser Quando Crescer?
    Enio Carvalho E Outros
    O QUE VOCÊ VAI SER QUANDO CRESCER? Essa é uma boa reflexão, assim como uma provocação ao intelecto humano que, desde a antiguidade, sempre se viu envolvido em questões filosóficas do tipo, quem sou, de onde vim, para onde vou...É muito bom poder contribuir, de alguma forma, para essa fase tão importante e contínua na vida de qualquer ser vivo: O CRESCIMENTO.Certamente, você já ...

    16,84 €

  • Time to Think Outside the Box Book VI
    Daniel Nie / Huilan Chen
    Daniel Nie: Often I hear people say that their life was not going the way they wanted it to. I was not exceptional in this regard either. I remember at one particular point in my life, nothing was going my way at all. I was laid off, my newly started business was failing, my marriage was hanging on a thin string, my newborn daughter was very sick, and I was completely broke. Ho...

    29,87 €

    The word 'sin' has today become one of the most controversial expressions of our time. Each passing day has its share of rising antagonism as well as protagonists in defense. Simply because the intellect has successfully over-ridden the ability of the spirit to correspond the reality of Truth with all that naturally pertains to man. A disastrous outcome that is not encourageabl...

    37,50 €

  • education as social change
    Kevin Naimi
    There is a common perspective on education today which has inscribed within it certain problematic assumptions regarding the nature of human agency and knowledge acquisition. We often work under the assumption that we, as educational practitioners, can indeed adequately ascertain and assess the condition of one’s learning in a relatively straightforward manner without the threa...

    62,90 €

  • Blooming Through Chaotic Times
    Francis Niyi Akinola
    Do you question yourself and the path you are on? Do you feel you are always taking ones step forward and two steps back? Would you like a map to help guide you through the chaotic times? Blooming Through Chaotic Times provides a road-map and practical action plan for moving forward in spite of the challenges we face today, which are formidable, both on an individual basis, n...

    15,59 €

  • Sonhar Ousar Realizar
    Cecilia Rodrigues
    De uma sementinha poderosa, fomos gerados; nascemos, crescemos, nos reproduzimos, vivemos nossas vidas sempre correndo sem parar para pensar que a idade chega e com ela a velhice; ficamos perdidos num turbilhão de emoções, o ócio da aposentadoria nos sucumbe, a partida dos filhos que deixam o ninho para viver sua própria vida, nos deprime, não resta nada, tudo é um vazio imenso...

    13,60 €

  • Book of Diamonds
    Church of Diamonds
    The Church of Diamonds is a religion that was man made with universal and urban laws being the tenets that it was founded upon. If you were raised in the ghetto or poverty and often wondered why the wisdom and knowledge you were given differed from the mainstream, it is likely that you will find your answer in this religion, in this book. Do you wonder why your community is in ...

    8,57 €

  • Maker
    Alexandre Caminha
    Um guia para que o iniciante maker entenda quais caminhos tomar para começar no mundo de infinitas possibilidades do movimento maker. ...

    8,17 €

  • To Serve Man
    Nichole Johnson
    To Serve Man is a story that brings to bare key issues in society that rarely get mentioned or just get shied away from. It tells the story of Nicodemus who had just been released from prison after serving time for a crime, he didn’t commit regardless; he stays committed to getting his life together despite the obstacles his situation places on him and fighting his vices. This ...

    18,15 €

  • Stories Behind Stances
    Chris Singleton
    In today’s world, there are constant reminders of the various things that divide people. Whether it’s political differences, religious beliefs, or cultural backgrounds, it’s easy to feel as though people are living in a world that is increasingly polarized with unity difficult to obtain. Chris Singleton’s new book, Stories Behind Stances is a breath of fresh air from the divisi...

    20,54 €

  • Parents as Advocates
    Liz Dempsey Lee
    How can students, their families, and their teachers all work together towards common educational goals?Teachers want the best for their students, and a student’s family wants the best for them too. But what 'best' looks like can be different for everyone. A student’s social identity and family context will have a significant impact on how they and their family define success a...

    24,33 €

  • Introduction to Philosophy (hardcover, full color)
    Nathan Smith
    Color print.Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Introduction to Philosophy surveys logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theories of value, and history of philosophy thematically. To provide a strong foundation in global philosophical discourse, diverse primary sources and examples are central to the design, and the text emphasizes engaged reading, critical thin...

    77,24 €

  • Introduction to Philosophy (paperback, b&w)
    Nathan Smith
    Black & white print.Designed to meet the scope and sequence of your course, Introduction to Philosophy surveys logic, metaphysics, epistemology, theories of value, and history of philosophy thematically. To provide a strong foundation in global philosophical discourse, diverse primary sources and examples are central to the design, and the text emphasizes engaged reading, criti...

    37,72 €

  • A Pequena Voz
    Joss Sheldon / Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco
    Caro leitor,Meu caráter tem se configurado por duas forças opostas: a pressão para me adaptar às normas sociais e a pressão de ser fiel a mim mesmo. Para ser honesto com você, estas forças realmente têm me dilacerado. Elas têm me puxado de um lado para o outro. Às vezes, elas me deixam questionando toda a minha existência.Mas por favor não pense que estou triste ou com raiva. E...

    15,14 €

  • A Pequena Voz
    Joss Sheldon / Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco
    Caro leitor,Meu caráter tem se configurado por duas forças opostas: a pressão para me adaptar às normas sociais e a pressão de ser fiel a mim mesmo. Para ser honesto com você, estas forças realmente têm me dilacerado. Elas têm me puxado de um lado para o outro. Às vezes, elas me deixam questionando toda a minha existência.Mas por favor não pense que estou triste ou com raiva. E...

    17,60 €

  • La Petite Voix
    Joss Sheldon
    LE BEST-SELLER #1 QUE LE SYSTÈME NE VEUT PAS QUE VOUS LISIEZ !!!Obtenez votre copie du nouveau roman rebelle de Joss Sheldon dès aujourd’hui...Cher lecteur,Mon caractère a été façonné par deux forces opposées ; la pression de me conformer aux normes sociales et celle d’être moi-même. Pour être franc, ces forces m’ont vraiment déchiré. Elles m’ont secoué d’un côté à l’autre. Par...

    19,53 €

  • La Petite Voix
    Joss Sheldon
    LE BEST-SELLER #1 QUE LE SYSTÈME NE VEUT PAS QUE VOUS LISIEZ !!!Obtenez votre copie du nouveau roman rebelle de Joss Sheldon dès aujourd’hui...Cher lecteur,Mon caractère a été façonné par deux forces opposées ; la pression de me conformer aux normes sociales et celle d’être moi-même. Pour être franc, ces forces m’ont vraiment déchiré. Elles m’ont secoué d’un côté à l’autre. Par...

    14,66 €

  • Você Come O Que É
    Amanda K. Da Silva
    Quem nunca ouviu a famosa frase do filósofo hipócrates Somos o que comemos? Do ponto de vista biológico, faz sentido. Mas eu inverteria a ordem. Comemos o que somos. Suas experiências e o mundo ao seu redor determinam quem você é. E isso é o que determina aquilo que você come. Todos nós estamos sujeitos a influências ininterruptas nas nossas decisões alimentares e nem se quer n...

    22,35 €

  • A Pequena Voz
    Joss Sheldon / Fabiana Rodrigues Castelo Branco
    Caro leitor,Meu caráter tem se configurado por duas forças opostas: a pressão para me adaptar às normas sociais e a pressão de ser fiel a mim mesmo. Para ser honesto com você, estas forças realmente têm me dilacerado. Elas têm me puxado de um lado para o outro. Às vezes, elas me deixam questionando toda a minha existência.Mas por favor não pense que estou triste ou com raiva. E...

    12,42 €

  • Stoicism
    George H.
    Discover the secrets of stoicism philosophy and unlock the path to emotional resilience and a fulfilling life with "Stoicism: The Complete Code of a Positive and Durable Life" by George H. This thought-provoking book offers profound insights and practical strategies to help you find joy, gain strength, and face your fears head-on. Are you yearning to grow your emotional resilie...

    20,94 €

  • The Heart of Teaching
    Lisa Lee
    Drawing on her 35-year plus experience in the classroom, Lisa Lee has transformed her extensive and authentic teaching experience into a contagious passion and energy with a specialization in Gifted and Talented programs and a focus on the students who don’t always fit in a box. The Heart of Teaching is a book about her experience as a teacher, and the students she both taught ...

    19,46 €

  • The Fascinating Temples and Religion of Japan
    Hermann Candahashi
    In this book, we explore the various philosophies and religions that have contributed to the development of Japanese temples and shrines. From Shintoism to Zen Buddhism, we delve into the origins and evolution of these beliefs and their impact on Japanese culture.We also examine the architectural features of temples and shrines and the role they play in Japanese gardens. We exp...

    18,90 €

  • The Discovery of the Child
    Montessori went beyond the conventions of the day to seek a new way of knowing and loving a child. In this book she describes the nature of the child and her method of working more fully with the child’s urge to learn. ...

    15,58 €

  • Old and New Topics in Geometry
    Franz Rothe
    The present first volume begins with Hilbert’s axioms from the emph{Foundations of Geometry}.After some discussion of logic and axioms in general, incidence geometries, especially the finite ones, and affine and projective geometry in two and three dimensions are treated. As in Hilbert’s system, there follow sections about the axioms of order, and congruence in neutral geometr...

    91,54 €

  • Old and New Topics in Geometry
    Franz Rothe
    The present first volume begins with Hilbert’s axioms from the emph{Foundations of Geometry}.After some discussion of logic and axioms in general, incidence geometries, especially the finite ones, and affine and projective geometry in two and three dimensions are treated. As in Hilbert’s system, there follow sections about the axioms of order, and congruence in neutral geometr...

    84,48 €

  • Old and New Topics in Geometry
    Franz Rothe
    A decade long experience of teaching the course 'Fundamental of Geometry', many notes for exercises, and endless extra reading are the bases for this bulky work.The online manuscript already includes many topics with many exercises including solutions and hundreds a elaborate computer generated drawings.The first volume begins with Hilbert’s axioms from the Foundations of Geome...

    77,60 €

  • Schooling Abraham
    Jon Coley
    What if we could make our schools better?What if we could do it without affecting budgets or laws?What if the answer to most educational problems has been right under our nose for decades?Enjoy reading this short book that has the potential to change your or any child’s school into a better place by looking at education through the eyes of the famous psychology researcher, Abra...

    10,57 €

  • Jardim Das Luzes
    Pablo De Paula Bravin
    O mundo das poesias é dotado de elementos belos e poderosos. O amor, a beleza e as múltiplas formas de felicidade permitem que sejamos criaturas completas por intermédio do conhecimento das nossas próprias emoções e sentimentos. A paixão incendeia as nossas vidas e nos faz mansamente plenos, permitindo que os nossos olhos vejam a verdadeira essência de todas as coisas.A obra Ja...

    8,54 €