Gobierno central

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Gobierno central (5667)

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  • The Analysis of Public Policy
    John S. Robey / John SRobey

    89,03 €

  • Alaska’s Urban and Rural Governments
    Gerald A. McBeath / Gerald AMcBeath / Linda Leask / Thomas A. Morehouse / Thomas AMorehouse
    The first comprehensive examination of Alaska’s urban and rural governments since statehood in 1959. Also explores the question of whether the state will be able to sustain them in the future. Compares and contrasts the two systems with local governments elsewhere in the U.S. ...

    70,87 €

  • The House Rules Committe.
    James Arthur Robinson

    95,94 €

  • Government Agencies

    137,73 €

  • Constraint Theory
    Laurence D Richards / Laurence D. Richards / Laurence DRichards
    ’The basic theme of the work is an important one for operational research, namely the influence of constraints rather than objectives in policy formulation.’-JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY ...

    115,87 €

  • Domestic Policy Formation
    Steven A. Shull / Steven AShull

    82,50 €

  • Parliament and Politics in Late Medieval England
    J. S. Roskell / John S. Roskell

    205,71 €

  • U.S. Interests in Africa.
    Helen Kitchen

    45,31 €

  • Congress and Foreign Policy
    Robert Alan Dahl / UNKNOWN

    121,32 €

  • The Politics of Economic Policy
    Volkmar Lauber

    45,17 €

  • Influence, Change, and the Legislative Process.
    Janet Miller Grenzke

    95,69 €

  • For Immediate Release
    Jan Vermeer

    95,72 €

  • Economics and Policymaking
    Eugene J. Meehan / Eugene JMeehan

    95,86 €

  • The House and Foreign Policy
    Charles Whalen Jr. / JrCharles Whalen
    In this timely study, a former member of Congress charges that the recent procedural reforms in the legislative process have been an important element in what he sees as the failure of the House of Representatives to meet its responsibilities in the area of foreign policy. Those reforms have made Congress more responsive to the public but, paradoxically, less able to govern eff...

    64,49 €

  • Federal Narcotics Enforcement
    Patricia Rachal

    95,80 €

  • The Legislative Council in the American States.
    UNKNOWN / William J. Siffin / William JSiffin

    121,47 €

  • Big Government
    Frank Gervasi

    121,01 €

  • The Evolution of American Electoral Systems
    Paul Kleppner / Ronald P. Formisano / Ronald PFormisano / Walter Dean Burnham

    121,41 €

  • Public Policy
    Peter Woll
    Originally published by Winthrop Publishers, Inc. in 1974, this volume concentrates upon the role of major political institutions in policy-making: interest groups, political parties, the presidency, Congress, courts, and the bureaucracy, covering both the formal and the informal context within which these institutions operate. ...

    84,69 €

  • All Things All Men
    Godfrey Hodgson

    18,09 €

  • Centralization and Decentralization in Economic Policy.
    Jan Tinbergen

    70,19 €

  • Democratic Dictatorship
    Arthur S. Miller / Arthur SMiller / UNKNOWN

    121,45 €

  • Patterns of Anti-Democratic Thought
    David Spitz / UNKNOWN

    121,17 €

  • Congress and Foreign Policy-Making
    James Arthur Robinson / UNKNOWN

    121,52 €

  • Industrial Location and Community Development
    Barry M. Moriarty / Barry MMoriarty
    This study describes and explains the concepts, materials, and methods designed to make community industrial development programs more effective. It attempts to reconcile the three different--and often conflicting--interest groups involved: the industrial land user, represented by the manufacturer seraching for a location; the landowner, represented by the industrial or economi...

    76,80 €

  • The Fiscal Congress
    Lance T. LeLoup / Lance TLeLoup

    121,66 €

  • Presidential Secrecy and Deception
    John M. Orman / John MOrman

    121,60 €

  • The Power to Tax
    Geoffrey Brennan / H. Geoffrey Brennan / HGeoffrey Brennan / James M. Buchanan / James MBuchanan

    136,64 €

  • The Cost of Good Intentions
    Charles R. Morris / Charles RMorris

    17,39 €

  • Political Control of the Economy
    Edward R. Tufte / Edward RTufte
    Speculations about the effects of politics on economic life have a long and vital tradition, but few efforts have been made to determine the precise relationship between them. Edward Tufte, a political scientist who covered the 1976 Presidential election for Newsweek, seeks to do just that. His sharp analyses and astute observations lead to an eye-opening view of the impact of ...

    61,54 €