Historia de la arquitectura

Artes / Arquitectura / Historia de la arquitectura (886)

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  • Echoes from the Oasis
    Anna Rosie Tirant
    In 1814, the war being raged on the seas of the Indian Ocean by the all-powerful Franco-British naval forces trying to dominate the lucrative trade routes to India, had ended with a truce. At the stroke of a pen, far away in the city of Paris, the exotic, tropical islands of the Seychelles became a British colony. Forged from their French descendants and African slave roots, an...

    17,74 €

  • ’To Amaze the People with Pleasure and Delight'
    Elaine WALKER
    William Cavendish, first Duke of Newcastle’s passions included women, music, writing, theatre and, perhaps above all, the finest horses. He was a widely acknowledged expert in the art of the riding horse, and his works laid the foundation for classical dressage. Mastery in horsemanship was the mark of a graceful and accomplished gentleman in the European nobility of the sevente...

    48,07 €

  • Purgatorio
    Bernard Kuckuck

    23,65 €

  • Purgatorio
    Bernard Kuckuck

    32,06 €

  • Methodical Dressage of the Riding Horse according to the last teachings of Francois Baucher and Dressage of the Outdoor Horse
    Faverot de Kerbrech / General de Lagarenne / Michael L. M. L. M. Fletcher. / Michael LMFletcher.
    Faverot de Kerbrech’s ’Methodical Dressage of the Riding Horse according to the last teachings of Francois Baucher’ is considered the 'Bible of Baucherism.' Together with it, in ’Dressage of the Outdoor Horse’ General de Lagarenne gives us the teaching of Faverot de Kerbrech. Both books, included in this one volume, are excellently translated by Michael L. M. Fletcher.François ...

    38,42 €

  • Read roman mosaics
    Derrick Napier
    Following on from the ’Mosaics of Fishbourne Roman Palace’, Derrick Napier takes the reader on a journey through the beautiful Roman villas of Bignor, Lullingstone, Chedworth, Brading and Newport, in the South of England. Marvel at how well preserved the remains and mosaics are, and learn more about the motifs, designs and patterns that decorate these ancient villas. ...

    23,39 €

  • THE MANEIGE ROYAL or L’Instruction du Roy
    Antoine de Pluvinel / HILDA NELSON
    Unquestionably one of the most important books ever written about the art of horsemanship, de Pluvinel's treatise is complete with the celebrated illustrations by Crispin de Pas. Translated from the 1926 edition, this is the foundation stone of any collection of equestrian literature. Pluvinel's "Le Maneige Royal" was published posthumously in 1625 in its complete form ...

    109,89 €

  • Truths, Half Truths and Bovine Scatology
    Derek Hirst

    13,09 €

  • Truths, Half Truths and Bovine Scatology
    Derek Hirst

    17,00 €

  • Conspiracies and Atrocities in Afghanistan
    MSc Engineer Fazel Ahmed Afghan

    35,61 €

  • Conspiracies and Atrocities in Afghanistan
    MSc Engineer Fazel Ahmed Afghan

    25,99 €

  • A Short History of the World and Russia in the Shadows
    H. G. Wells / HGWells
    The largely self-educated H. G. Wells was a man of wide interests and considerable intellect, which he employs in 'A Short History of the World'. This edition contains all 208 original illustrations, and in addition Wells’ reflections on his first two visits to the Soviet Union, including meetings with Gorky and Lenin. ...

    25,45 €

  • Descripción lógica del proyecto
    Fernandez Roberto / Roberto Fernandez
    Roberto Fernández plantea una revisión de Las Lógicas Proyectuales, cuyos primeros ensayos tuvieron lugar en Rosario en1995. Estaslógicas son entendidas como plataformas desde las cualesrelacionamaneras de proyectar con maneras de entender el mundo, que en su articulación, reconocen sintonías, itinerarios, preocupaciones, operatividades, etc. Revisada, revisitada, esta cartogra...

    37,44 €

  • For Want of a Lighthouse
    Marc Seguin
    No safe harbours for steamboats or sailing vessels could be found along an isolated 70-mile stretch of eastern Lake Ontario, dominated by the irregular-shaped Prince Edward County peninsula. Frequent storms, rocky reefs and sandy shoals were among the many dangers facing 19th century mariners. So many shipwrecks mark one narrow and shallow underwater ridge in the region that ...

    35,41 €

  • For Want of a Lighthouse
    Marc Seguin
    No safe harbours for steamboats or sailing vessels could be found along an isolated 70-mile stretch of eastern Lake Ontario, dominated by the irregular-shaped Prince Edward County peninsula. Frequent storms, rocky reefs and sandy shoals were among the many dangers facing 19th century mariners. So many shipwrecks mark one narrow and shallow underwater ridge in the region that ...

    24,62 €

  • Shaky Ground
    Elizabeth Marlowe
    The recent crisis in the world of antiquities collecting has prompted scholars and the general public to pay more attention than ever before to the archaeological findspots and collecting histories of ancient artworks. This new scrutiny is applied to works currently on the market as well as to those acquired since (and despite) the 1970 UNESCO Convention, which aimed to prevent...

    64,45 €

  • An Unlikely Hero
    Steve Zimmerman
    An Unlikely Hero is set in a magical kingdom that no longer exists-the Bronx during the 1930s and 1940s. But the story really begins at the turn of the twentieth century, when the hero arrives in America with his emigrant family and settles on the Lower East Side of New York. After running away from home at thirteen, the hero acquires his education on the streets before joining...

    14,11 €

    'Circus was quite a serious thing in nineteenth and early twentieth century Europe. Edmond and Jules de Goncourt noted in their Journal 'We go to only one theater--the Circus. There we see clowns, tumblers....there is no false exhibition of talent...' Balzac believed that a circus equestrienne was worth more respect than an actress, a prima ballerina or an opera prima donna. An...

    52,28 €

  • Le Corbusier. Proyectos para la Iglesia Católica
    Esteban Fernández-Cobián / Luiz Burriel Bielza / Luiz Burriel Bielza
    Este libro pretende poner a disposición del lector en castellano una parte de la obra de Le Corbusier que hasta ahora no se podía encontrar sino de maneradispersa. Tomando como punto de partida los XI Rencontres de la Fundación Le Corbusier, Le symbolique, le sacré, la spiritualité (París: Editions de laVillete, 2004), en este volumen se recogen diversos ensayos que abordan el ...

    21,84 €

  • Mosaics of Fishbourne Roman Palace
    Derrick Napier
    The art of mosaic construction seems to have spread through the Hellenistic world and was brought to Italy by Greek craftsmen. Consequently the Romans carried the art further afield as their empire expanded and eventually to England. In England the first mosaic floors were laid in the 1st Century AD and it was only in the later mosaic floors, laid between 150-360 AD, that Greek...

    20,73 €

  • Blueprints and Blood
    Hugh D. Hudson / Hugh DHudson / Jr. Hugh D. Hudson
    Analyzing 'totalitarianism from below' in a crucial area of Soviet culture, Hugh Hudson shows how Stalinist forces within the architectural community destroyed an avant-garde movement of urban planners and architects, who attempted to create a more humane built environment for the Soviet people. Through a study of the ideas and constructions of these visionary reformers, Hudson...

    62,36 €

  • American Homes
    Lester Walker
    American Homes opens the window onto the rich landscape of all the places we call home. Award-winning architect Lester Walker examines hundreds of styles of homes—more than any other survey of American domestic architecture—and helps us understand the history of each style, why it developed as it did, and the practical and historical reasons behind its shape, size, material, or...

    35,02 €

  • At Home in Postwar France
    Nicole C. Rudolph / Nicole CRudolph
    'The vast amount of information, the coherence of the narrative, the elegance of the writing, the soundness of [Rudolph’s] judgments, and the significance of her story to our understanding of France’s ’trentes glorieuses’ suggest that this will be a book that will make a difference to people’s thinking about the era.' · Steven Zdatny, University of Vermont'Through a unique le...

    184,16 €

  • Landmark Architecture of Palm Beach
    Arthur PZiegler / Barbara D. Hoffstot / Barbara DHoffstot
    A classic compendium of Palm Beach's landmark buildings by an experienced preservationist, including 262 vintage photos and brief descriptions of the architecture. ...

    16,23 €

  • The Greatest Story NEVER Told
    Elvis Newman
    'What we call imagination is actually the universal library of what’s real. You couldn’t imagine it if it weren’t real somewhere, sometime.' - Terence MckennaScientific theories that were once considered right and mighty were later proven wrong. This is the case even with the best and most thorough scrutiny and investigation. There is no knowing when a better scientific theory ...

    11,74 €

  • The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture - Volume 1
    Matthew Holbeche Bloxam

    44,12 €

  • The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture - Volume 2
    Matthew Holbeche Bloxam

    44,16 €

  • Architecture Competitions and the Production of Culture, Quality and Knowledge
    This book comprises a series of 22 case studies by renowned experts and new scholars in the field of architecture competition research. In 2015, it constitutes the most comprehensive survey of the dynamics behind the definition, organization, judging, archiving and publishing of architectural, landscape and urban design competitions in the world. These richly documented contrib...

    80,59 €

  • Cladirile vechi din Craiova contemporana
    Catalin Barboianu
    Un inventar în imagini al clădirilor vechi din Craiova - peste 1100 imagini într-un album color nostalgic, care vă invită să vă delectaţi ochiul şi spiritul cu imaginile contemporane ale vestigiilor arhitecturale ale Craiovei vechi.Craiova, oraş vechi, cu o arhitectură impresionantă, deşi puternic marcat de calamităţi de-a lungul istoriei sale - cutremure, incendii, războaie şi...

    70,90 €

    Georges Makita Dr. Alula
    Le peuple congolais a souffert du système d'esclavage et de deux génocides pour des raisons économiques. Entre 1885 et 1908, sous le règne du Roi Léopold II de Belgique, à l'ère de l'État Indépendant du Congo, 10 millions de Congolais sont morts dans l'exploitation brutale du caoutchouc, du cuivre et du diamant. Certains ont survécu avec des mains coupées. L'actuel génocide éco...

    33,69 €