
Humanidades / Historia / Historia: teoría y métodos / Historiografía (762)

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  • Pawstos Buzand’s History of the Armenians
    Pawstos (Faustus) Buzand / Robert Bedrosian
    The History of the Armenians describes episodically and in epic style, events from the military, socio-cultural, and political life of fourth century Armenia. This work is perhaps the most problematical of the Armenian sources, and one of the most tantalizing. Controversy surrounds almost every aspect of this History: the format of the extant (versus the original) text; the aut...

    27,21 €

  • Ghazar P’arpec’i’s History of the Armenians
    Ghazar Parpec’i (Parpetsi) / Robert Bedrosian
    Ghazar P’arpec’i’s History of the Armenians was written at the end of the fifth or beginning of the sixth century. The first book of this three-book work begins with information concerning the division of Armenia between the Byzantine and Sasanian empires (in 387), and describes the invention of the Armenian alphabet and the abolition of the monarchy in the Iranian-controlled e...

    37,52 €

  • Pawstos Buzand’s History of the Armenians
    Pawstos (Faustus) Buzand / Robert Bedrosian
    The History of the Armenians describes episodically and in epic style, events from the military, socio-cultural, and political life of fourth century Armenia. This work is perhaps the most problematical of the Armenian sources, and one of the most tantalizing. Controversy surrounds almost every aspect of this History: the format of the extant (versus the original) text; the aut...

    24,47 €

  • Aristakes Lastivertc’i’s History
    Aristakes Lastivertc’i / Robert Bedrosian
    Aristakes Lastiverts’i was an eleventh century Armenian cleric and historian. His History was written between 1072 and 1079, and describes the events of 1000-1071, including information about Byzantine-Armenian relations, the Seljuk invasions, and the Tondrakian movement in the Armenian Church. The work opens with a poetic summary of the disasters befalling the Armenian people ...

    37,79 €

  • History of the Aghuans
    Movses Dasxuranc’i (Kaghankatvatsi) / Robert Bedrosian
    The History of the Aghuans by Movses Dasxuranc’i (Kaghankatvatsi) is a major source for the history of the indigenous Aghuan people of Caucasia from the earliest times to about A.D. 988. Aghuania comprised parts of modern Dagestan and Azerbaijan, Armenia’s eastern neighbor. Its ancient peoples and their numerous languages were noted occasionally by classical Greek and Latin aut...

    24,49 €

  • Smbat Sparapet’s Chronicle
    Smbat Sparapet / Robert Bedrosian
    Smbat Sparapet’s Chronicle is a major source for the history of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia. Roughly three-quarters of the work consists of a summary of Matthew of Edessa’s Chronicle which describes the period from 951 to 1136 and its continuation by Gregory the Priest, covering the period from 1136-1162. Given that Matthew’s wrk has survived, by far the most important part...

    26,28 €

  • Matthew of Edessa’s Chronicle
    Matthew of Edessa / Robert Bedrosian
    Matthew of Edessa’s Chronicle is a valuable source for the history of the Near East in the 10th-12th centuries. Matthew’s work describes the period from 952 to 1129. Appended to it is a continuation by Gregory the Priest, which describes events from 1137 to 1162. Western scholars have used the Chronicle primarily for its unique information on the Crusades. It contains, addition...

    25,59 €

  • History of the Aghuans
    Movses Dasxuranc’i / Movses Dasxuranc’i (Kaghankatvatsi) / Robert Bedrosian
    The History of the Aghuans by Movses Dasxuranc’i (Kaghankatvatsi) is a major source for the history of the indigenous Aghuan people of Caucasia from the earliest times to about A.D. 988. Aghuania comprised parts of modern Dagestan and Azerbaijan, Armenia’s eastern neighbor. Its ancient peoples and their numerous languages were noted occasionally by classical Greek and Latin aut...

    23,92 €

  • Ghewond’s History
    Ghewond / Robert Bedrosian
    Ghewond’s History covers the period from ca. 632 to 788 and includes descriptions of the Arab invasions of Armenia in the mid 7th century, the wars fought by the caliphate against Byzantium and the Khazars, the settlement of Arab tribes in Asia Minor and the Caucasus, and the overthrow of the Umayyads, as well as information on Arab tax policies, the status of the Armenian Chur...

    26,66 €

  • Matthew of Edessa’s Chronicle
    Matthew of Edessa / Robert Bedrosian
    Matthew of Edessa’s Chronicle is a valuable source for the history of the Near East in the 10th-12th centuries. Matthew’s work describes the period from 952 to 1129. Appended to it is a continuation by Gregory the Priest, which describes events from 1137 to 1162. Western scholars have used the Chronicle primarily for its unique information on the Crusades. It contains, addition...

    24,17 €

  • A Lecture on the Study of History
    Lord Acton

    15,04 €

  • A Lecture on the Study of History
    Lord Acton

    27,18 €

  • 煌煌商周
    编辑推荐一部通俗诙谐的商周历史小说,引领读者穿越晦暗的商周历史,了解华夏文明的早期转型,探寻孔子毕生追求的'理想国'。从'中华文明起源'的主题切入,梳理商周之间的变革历程,从商的血腥祭祀、尚鬼尊神到周的制礼作乐、分封四方、德治保民......且看华夏文明如何开启崭新的基调。有侧重地撷取商周之际百年间的重要人物、事件,以大量的历史情节流畅清晰地描绘历史脉络。采用翔实可信的考古材料、传世文献,吸收前贤学者研究,不颠覆、不戏说,言之有物,尽力还原商周间历史的本来面貌。 内容简介本书主要讲述了自周族公亶父迁居岐山起,至周公旦病逝之间百余年波澜壮阔的周人历史,以及平行时间线下武乙至帝辛几代商王之间的晚商故事。作者以通俗诙谐的语言,按时间顺序梳理了中华文明早期历史的晦暗经过,向我们讲述了小邦周是如何率领本邦及诸多小方国,推翻了热衷神祀、人牲的商朝,之后革新天下、...

    47,34 €

  • 无字史记
    编辑推荐周口店北京人是不是我们的直系祖先?如果非洲现代智人是中国人的祖先,那为什么我们的肤色不是黑色?哪些驯化的动植物是土生土长的,哪些又是外来的?它们给我们的祖先带来了什么影响?中国的各个族群是如何诞生的?他们在中华大地上是如何迁徙的?世界各地的族群与中国人有亲缘关系吗?★ 你不知道的祖先:今天的现代人,是14万年前生活在非洲的一位女性祖先的后代?周口店北京人是现代中国人的祖先吗?★ 你不知道的基因:中国人的与东亚、东南亚和欧洲的基因交流。★ 不会撒谎的历史真实:除了真假难辨的文献资料和沉默不语的考古证据,我们还有另一种触摸历史真实的可能--基因。★ 得到App创始人罗振宇、古生物学者邢立达重磅推荐! 内容简介自古以来,我们中国人就崇敬自己的祖先,并通过对共同祖先的认同和纪念,来凝古以来,我们中国人就崇敬自己的祖先,并通过对共同祖先的认同和纪念,来...

    39,87 €

    Viaggio nella storia antica del Medioriente fra sorrisi e fantasia fino al 1500 a.C. ...

    39,34 €

  • 重返帕米尔:追寻玄奘与丝绸之路
    编辑推荐1、'一带一路'书,侯杨方带你去看你未曾见过的丝绸之路。从纸面研究到实地考察,从历史源流、历史记录以及实地地理考察,精准复原并多维度全面深入展现与大众想象所不同的丝绸之路。2、 侯教授实地考察并精准复原玄奘路,得到《光明日报》、《新民晚报》、《中国社会科学报》、《外滩画报》、《彭湃》、《青年报》、历史学家葛剑雄的倾力推荐。3、 告诉你一个真实的玄奘。他是《西游记》中孱弱、昏庸、人妖不分的唐僧吗?显然不是。现实中的玄奘是知识渊博的大学者,体魄强健的探险家,杰出的地理学家,又是爱憎分明、言辞犀利的率性美男子。4、 重走玄奘路具有深刻现实意义,契合发展现代人探索与旅游的要求。5、体验式的重走是对自身的一种修行。有助于我们在不确定面前依然保持冷静与高效,就像大家每次去做未知的事,需要不断与自己博弈,*终才能抵达*,见识到曾经无法触及的风景。 内容简介...

    40,03 €

  • 虚无时代
    [英]彼得·沃森(Peter Watson)
    编辑推荐★ 尼采'上帝之死'的宣言,如何催生出后现代的碎片化社会?★ 一部打破专业壁垒的智识全书,一场拒绝简化的思想盛宴 ★ 从古典崩溃到二十一世纪,一百三十年间人类思想冒险家的探索之旅★ 是灵性倒退,抑或重陷狂热,站在历史分歧点上的人类,何去何从?  内容简介这是一个关于人类在孤立无援的世界中探索与创造、失败和成功的迷人故事。1882年,尼采宣布 '上帝已死',以此为标志,西方世界进入无神论时代,宗教信仰坍塌带来的震荡催生了从思想界到艺术文化各个领域的百花齐放。哲学家、诗人、剧作家、画家、心理学家、科学家......数以万计杰出的个体将他们的创造性精力投入到设计没有上帝的生活方式中,在终极价值坍塌的废墟上独自面对希望与失望,拒绝妥协,展现出人类的尊严和勇气。今天,他们的事迹*次被完整讲述了出来。作为当代*杰出的思想史学家之一,彼得•沃森以尼采在世纪...

    54,94 €

  • Scriptural Reflections on History
    Klaas Johan Popma / Harry Van Dyke
    K. J. Popma, a teacher of classical languages and a special professor of Reformed philosophy at the universities of Groningen and Utrecht, wrote his book during the trying times of the Second World War. The work outlines a philosophy of history rooted in Scripture and takes the account provided by Scripture seriously, without eliminating its historical character, either by spir...

    25,64 €

  • Ghazar P’arpec’i’s History of the Armenians
    Ghazar P’arpec’i (Parpetsi) / Robert Bedrosian
    Ghazar P’arpec’i’s History of the Armenians was written at the end of the fifth or beginning of the sixth century. The first book of this three-book work begins with information concerning the division of Armenia between the Byzantine and Sasanian empires (in 387), and describes the invention of the Armenian alphabet and the abolition of the monarchy in the Iranian-controlled e...

    37,97 €

  • Reporte minoritario
    Carl R. Trueman / CARL RTRUEMAN
    ¿Es posible hacer un análisis de la cultura contemporánea tomando algunos de los grandes paradigmas de la historia? ¿De qué manera el pasado nos ayuda a comprender, analizar, y criticar nuestro presente para darle forma al futuro?¡Reporte Minoritario hace exactamente todo esto y mucho más! El libro consiste en una colección de ensayos eruditos, escritos de manera amena y divert...

    20,80 €

  • How to be a historian
    Herman Paul
    What is unique about this volume is that is explores the history of historical studies through the prism of ’scholarly personae’ (models of virtue, embodying how to be a historian). It offers a stimulating new perspective on the unity, or disunity, of historical scholarship as it existed in nineteenth- and twentieth-century. ...

    44,54 €

  • Seeing with Free Eyes
    Marlene K. Sokolon / Marlene KSokolon
    Examines the ideas of justice in Euripidean tragedy, which reveals the human experience of justice to be paradoxical, and reminds us of the need for humility in our unceasing quest for a just world. ...

    121,16 €

  • Operation Watchtower
    Daniel Wrinn
    "Una lectura excelente sobre la batalla fundamental en Guadalcanal". - Revisor Un relato contundente de la marea que cambió la campaña del Teatro del Pacífico de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En el apogeo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, las fuerzas estadounidenses lanzaron una campaña larga y agotadora para tomar la isla de Guadalcanal, montando el primer gran ataque terrestre contr...

    9,72 €

  • Operation Galvanic
    Daniel Wrinn
    "Una tremenda historia de los héroes estadounidenses que dieron cada onza de su fuerza y ​​coraje para abrir la puerta a Tokio". - Revisor Explora la batalla por Tarawa bajo una nueva luz fascinante. La guerra por el Pacífico continúa. Estados Unidos ha puesto sus ojos en el atolón de Tarawa, una isla pequeña pero vital que, si se captura, les daría a los aliados un poderoso tr...

    9,82 €

  • Operation Backhander
    Daniel Wrinn
    "Una descripción sobresaliente de una batalla brutal". - Revisor Una visión apasionante de la guerra por Nueva Guinea y la operación por el cabo Gloucester. Decidida a capturar una isla fundamental en su guerra contra los japoneses, la 1.ª División de Infantería de Marina de los EE. UU. Se enfrentó a una tarea desafiante: aterrizar en la península fortificada de Cabo Gloucester...

    9,28 €

  • Balas y Alambre de Púas
    Daniel Wrinn
    "Un relato reflexivo y apasionante de los inicios de la Guerra en el Pacífico". - Revisor Descubra una nueva apreciación de la guerra en el Pacífico. Desde las costas del cabo Gloucester hasta los tranquilos atolones e islas del Mar de Salomón, la Segunda Guerra Mundial dejó una profunda huella en este rincón protegido del mundo, que se sentiría durante las próximas décadas. At...

    16,34 €

  • Imagined Empires
    Dimitris Stamatopoulos
    The Balkans offer classic examples of how empires imagine they can transform themselves into national states (Ottomanism) and how nation-states project themselves into future empires (as with the Greek 'Great Idea' and the Serbian 'Načertaniye'). By examining the interaction between these two aspirations this volume sheds light on the ideological prerequisites for the emergence...

    95,19 €

  • Perspectives on Sensory History
    Mark M. Smith
    An exploration of the past, present, and future of sensory history. ...

    99,99 €

  • Post-everything
    Postmodern, postcolonial, and post-truth are broadly used terms. But where do they come from? When and why did the habit of interpreting the world in post-terms emerge? And who exactly were the ’post boys’ responsible for this? This book traces the emergence and popularity of post-concepts through a wide range of genres and fields. ...

    42,88 €

  • Operazione Galvanic
    Daniel Wrinn
    "Una storia formidabile degli eroi americani che hanno dato ogni grammo della loro forza e coraggio per aprire il cancello di Tokyo." Esplora la battaglia per Tarawa sotto una nuova affascinante luce. La guerra per il Pacifico infuria. Gli Stati Uniti hanno messo gli occhi sull’atollo di Tarawa, un’isola piccola ma vitale che, se catturata, darebbe agli Alleati un potente tramp...

    13,15 €