
Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Humor (9704)

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Humor Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • In the Blink of an Eye
    Doreen Kerry
    As the twelfth book in the series, Kerry continues to tip-toe in and out of different times in her life on that road to justice. There is no great and powerful wizard at the end of it so she must continue her journey alone. Amidst the heartbreak of it all, the author’s signature style of humour and wit continues to put a smile on one’s face. ...

    52,01 €

  • Kawaii Essen Malbuch
    Regina Peay
    Tauche ein in eine köstliche Malreise mit unserem ’Kawaii Essen Malbuch’.Gefüllt mit 48 entzückenden Ausmalbildern präsentiert diese bezaubernde Sammlung eine verspielte Auswahl sowohl herzhafter als auch süßer Leckereien. Von köstlichen Suppen und Burgern, verspielten Limonaden, Pommes, Sushi bis hin zu einer süßen Auswahl an Cupcakes, Kuchen, Lollipops und Eis ist jede Seite ...

    20,03 €

  • Comida Kawaii Libro de Colorear
    Regina Peay
    Embárcate en una experiencia de color única y deliciosa con nuestro fascinante ’Comida Kawaii Libro de Colorear’. Este cautivador libro presenta 48 páginas de ilustraciones que te transportarán a un mundo encantador lleno de alimentos irresistiblemente adorables, dulces que despiertan el apetito, pasteles exquisitos, bebidas refrescantes y una variedad de delicias culinarias.De...

    20,03 €

  • When a Feller Needs a Friend
    Briggs / Comic Books Restore
    WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND by Wilbur D. Nesbit, Illustrated by Briggs Clare, 1914, First Edition. This is a Vintage Children’s Book full of pages of cartoons printed in black and white. Each cartoon is accompanied by a brief comment and a verse. The Artwork on the cover depicts a small boy and his dog. ---- HERE NEW LAY OUT BY COMIC BOOKS RESTORE---- FORMAT 8’x10’---- Black ...

    20,38 €

  • Mutt and Jeff, Fishing Jokes
    Comic Books Restore / Fisher
    Here’s a comic that reunites Mutt and Jeffon the theme of FISHING !----It brings together adventures publishedin the early years of this famous duo.----But also adventures published after 1930.-----A unique work, restored and formattedby Comic Books Restore!--- Format 8’x10’--- Pages 40--- Black and white version ...

    20,64 €

  • The Wine Science Show
    Luke Morris
    The history of Champagne is one of a once disgusting drink that changed not only itself but the world of winemaking.This story exposes the truth about the Dom Perignon myth, with the humorous text taken from the Wine Science Show - presented at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the Adelaide Fringe Festival.The book has some MS Paint drawings, as well as references...

    12,31 €

  • All Things Considered
    G K Chesterton
    All Things Considered is an extensive collection of essays by the great English author and humorist G K Chesterton. This collection contains the following titles: The case for the ephemeral -- Cockneys and their jokes -- The fallacy of success -- On running after one’s hat -- The vote and the house -- Conceit and caricature -- Patriotism and sport -- An essay on two cities -- F...

    14,48 €

  • Paxton’s Pungent Pigments
    Allan J Furlong
    The story of a seabird with bad breath and the friends who want to make him normal. It’s a story about friendship, diversity and acceptance. Through imaginative and lively, humourous text we join the world of Paxton, Zippy, Francesca and Belinda on the Galapagos (Enchanted) Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Children will learn a little about the history and fauna of the islands and...

    19,74 €

  • Paxton’s Pungent Pigments
    Allan J Furlong
    The story of a seabird with bad breath and the friends who want to make him normal. It’s a story about friendship, diversity and acceptance. Through imaginative and lively, humourous text we join the world of Paxton, Zippy, Francesca and Belinda on the Galapagos (Enchanted) Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Children will learn a little about the history and fauna of the islands and...

    38,42 €

  • Las Aventuras del Príncipe Diego
    David Days
    Diego es el príncipe del Reino Azul y vive en una gran castillo azul con su padre, su tío, su prima y todos sus sirvientes. Ser un niño aveces significa que muchas cosas son más grandes que tú... una de ellas es el miedo. Acompaña a Diego y su prima Alex a enfrentar sus miedos y aprender a vencerlos. ...

    34,78 €

  • Las Aventuras del Príncipe Diego
    David Days
    Diego es el príncipe del Reino Azul y vive en una gran castillo azul con su padre, su tío, su prima y todos sus sirvientes. Ser un niño aveces significa que muchas cosas son más grandes que tú... una de ellas es el miedo. Acompaña a Diego y su prima Alex a enfrentar sus miedos y aprender a vencerlos. ...

    16,39 €

  • La Tenebrosa Vida de Joelin Faarru 3
    David Days
    Ya salió el último libro de esta fantástica trilogía. La última vez que vimos a Joelin, había devuelto a Nico, bueno, Carlo, la familia que había perdido, acabó con los poderes de Muiris y hasta rescató a Astrid de la muerte! Ahora le toca a Nico rescatar a todos, cuando un nuevo villano aparezca y secuestre a Joelin y a Astrid. Descubre lo linda y tenebrosa que puede ser la vi...

    11,68 €

  • Brasil Afora
    Fernando Abdo
    Séculos de invasões, colonizações predatórias e densa exploração territorial insuflaram tremenda diversidade cultural e dessemelhanças - quase semelhantes no arraial brasileiro. As cicatrizes expuseram a generosidade, a mansidão do questionar e regionalismos inconfundíveis. Nesta obra, alguns contos de Norte a Sul, de gente fictícia, contudo, vigentes-fidedignas.Não há intensã...

    13,00 €

  • Sem Saída
    Leandro Ferreira
    Em uma São Paulo quente e movimentada o aspirante a escritor Leonardo Patroclu ganha a vida como motorista de aplicativo. Com muitas dívidas e relacionamentos amorosos passageiros Leonardo vive o perigo das ruas e as dificuldades da profissão para alcançar o seu sonho de ser reconhecido no mercado literário e suprir as necessidades do seu lar. ...

    9,19 €

  • The History Of Magic
    Em uma terra desconhecida pelos humanos no ano de 1024 existia 5 reinos e 4 sub-reinos, e um dia nesta terra o rei de sombria, queria roubar os tronos dos outros reinos, porém foi impedido, mas antes de morrer pronunciou uma profecia que iria mudar a vida de 4 jovens no futuro. ...

    10,47 €

  • Fairy Tales for Angry Little Girls
    Lela Lee
    Forget those sweet stories you read as a child!The beloved cast of Angry Little Girls are recast as heroines.Kim, the angry little Asian girl, stars in 'Snow Yellow and the Seven Short Men.' Wanda, the fresh little soul sistah, stars in 'RapPunsWell.' Xyla, the gloomy girl, stars in 'Little Miss Wears a Hood.' Deborah, the disenchanted princess, stars in 'The Princess Got the T...

    37,55 €

  • A Little Sweet Talk
    Karen Landry
    Violet Taylor knows that when an opportunity comes to grow her nanoscopic baking business to the merely microscopic, it will probably never come again. So it’s important to always say yes. Yes to baking cupcakes for her son’s PTA. Yes to stocking the local café with tasty treats. Yes to cakes for birthday parties, retirements, an Instagram influencer’s wedding-Wait, wh...

    15,82 €

    Pereg Ibero, Alfredo
    Jugo de palabras ofrece a los lectores una colección de aforismos, anécdotas y reflexiones cargadas de ingenio y humor. Con un estilo ágil y sagaz, el autor nos invita a sumergirnos en una serie de situaciones cotidianas vistas desde una perspectiva humorística y a menudo irónica, ofreciendo una mirada refrescante sobre los absurdos de la vida moderna. Desde diálogos llenos de...

    10,00 €

  • Impertinências
    Luiz Carlos La Rosa
    Neste livro, Luiz Carlos La Rosa, com seu refinado humor, relata coisas do cotidiano, faz releituras de fábulas e ditos populares, brinca com os usos e costumes nacionais, e ainda apresenta contos e crônicas na sua forma hilária de costume, além disso, conta causos bem interessantes e faz críticas bem humoradas das excessivas posturas sócio-políticas atuais. Tem até relatos sob...

    10,55 €

  • Diz Que Diz
    Gilson Vieira Da Cunha
    O livro é o terceiro e último volume de uma trilogia de contos, que sucede a Tempo-Quente e Assim, Assim, recentemente publicados pelo Clube de Autores. Encerra quatro histórias divertidas, talhadas entre os anos de 2005 e 2007.Relata o cotidiano de pessoas simples e suas andanças pelas ruas - seja trabalhando,fuxicando, observando, chateando ou simplesmente batendo pernas. Alg...

    15,25 €

  • Vertical Lines III
    Andrew A. Felder
    Book III is every bit as delightful as Books I and II - page after page of smiles, laughs, and sometimes outright guffaws. All three books are the perfect companions when you need a pick-me-up or just have a few minutes and want something light. And they never get old! Open to any page and see for yourself. Guaranteed to please! Samples:My friend David lost his ID. Now we just ...

    15,32 €

  • Fran and Her Friend Death
    J.D Cervantes
    Who knew souls were real. Fran didn’t when she foolishly gave her soul away to a demon conman named Frank. She could have been happy living without one, except for when Death tells her how much her soul is worth. should she have known, she wouldn’t have had to continue eating instant ramen noodles any longer. An adventure then ensues as Death and Fran venture the streets of Chi...

    21,90 €

  • Vida
    Filipe Pereira Da Silva
    Essa história retrata a luta pela vida, travada porTuta , uma surpreendente mãe tartaruga que enfrenta muitos perigos para ter e proteger seus filhotes,Vida , uma tartaruguinha corajosa, inteligente e muito curiosa,Bella , uma brilhante jovem ativista ecológica que não mede esforços na sua luta em proteção a natureza, se digladiando até com os da sua própria espécie e alguns pe...

    9,56 €

  • Sweet Buttcoins
    Dimitris Vareltzidis
    Sweet Buttcoins is about women and investments in cryptocurrencies (cryptos). They are both sweet to learn but very difficult to understand and master. One of the few girls who knew nothing about Bitcoins referred to them as Buttcoins, which was actually a very sweet mistake that inspired me to come up with the title of the book.My cryptos investments in 2022 were the best canv...

    30,17 €

  • Deadly Sins
    Ian Laver
    Ian Laver, award winning author of two novels, CRUCIAL STEP and UNEASY, lures the reader into a world of deadly sins in this collection of short stories. Each story reveals character flaws, human excesses and weaknesses, fantasy, adventure, humour, lust and desire. These are the varied human sins that wreak havoc upon ordinary and eccentric characters. The reader will not be ab...

    16,29 €

  • Henry Rifle’s Greatest Hits
    Henry Rifle
    In terms of commercial success, The Henry Rifle Project was a complete and utter failure. From a profit and loss standpoint, the historical scales will forever tilt heavily toward loss. Still, more than anything else, Henry Rifle was a lifeboat launched by a man who was sinking rapidly. An emergency buoy fired up from the depths.Even if that lifeboat never reached new worlds an...

    22,70 €

  • Cada Uma!
    Roque Aloisio Weschenfelder
    Um livro divertido, de textos brevíssimos com muito subentendimento. Para ler num tapa ou aos poucos para digerir cada microconto. ...

    7,79 €

    Linda Primera / Toby
    Every one of us is going to get older. However, the media does not usually portray it like it is in reality. They show how much fun it is to retire and be able to travel, etc. What I am portraying is a humorous parody on what getting older really looks and feels like. I hope you enjoy reading it. ...

    8,89 €

    Linda Primera / Toby
    Every one of us is going to get older. However, the media does not usually portray it like it is in reality. They show how much fun it is to retire and be able to travel, etc. What I am portraying is a humorous parody on what getting older really looks and feels like. I hope you enjoy reading it. ...

    19,10 €

  • The Outback Diaries
    Randy Tharp
    The Outback Diaries recounts the efforts Randy took for his mother Barb in the last year of her life. It started with a road trip from apartment H in Colorado Springs, to a house in the suburbs of San Antonio, and then to room 209 at Los Prados Verdes Center for Nursing & Rehabilitation. Randy and Barb encountered the unimaginable all along the way. There was the free range sol...

    17,57 €