Informática: cuestiones generales

/ Informática: cuestiones generales (11877)

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  • A History of Greece
    Connop Thirlwall

    48,71 €

  • Advances in Indexing Scientific Data
    Rishi Sinha
    The ability to extract information from collected data has always driven science. Today’s large computers and automated sensing technologies collect terabytes of data in a few weeks. Extracting information from such large amounts of data is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. This book proposes the use of bitmap indexes to efficiently solve this problem. Earlier solutio...

    106,48 €

  • Selective Data Replication
    Xuan Gu
    The main purpose of this research is to incorporate additional higher-level semantics into the existing data replication strategies in such a way that their flexibility and performance can be improved in favor of both data providers and consumers. The resulting approach from this research is referred to as the selective data replication system. With this system, the data...

    106,51 €

  • The Modeling
    E-services is a suite of web-based products brings profound changes in business models and value chains especially for Professional and Continuing Education Centre (PACE) environment due to its responsibility to manage all courses provided by every faculty to private colleges. PACE is currently running resourcefully but it is facing a few problems such as the difficultie...

    76,32 €

  • Transformation of Ontologies
    Eduard BABKIN
    In this book an extremely important problem of interoperability in heterogeneous distributed software systems is addressed. The author proposed a new approach to achieving semantic interoperability in a broad range of distributed software systems (such as multiagent systems and sensors networks) on the basis of hierarchical information modeling guided by concepts and co...

    123,25 €

  • On Local Area Network Management
    Seppo Sirkemaa
    Information technology infrastructure (or IT infrastructure) therefore plays a critical role because all other systems depend on it. The local area network - which is the focus of this research - is part of the basic IT infrastructure. The local area network, or LAN, is defined as the organization’s own infrastructure, which connects workstations, servers, and other devices. We...

    123,16 €

  • Uncertainty and Indistinguishability
    Enric Hernández Jiménez
    The concept of equality is a fundamental notion in any theory since it is essential to the ability of discerning objects. When all the properties involved are entirely precise what we obtain is the classical equality, where two individuals are considered equal if and only if they share the same set of properties. What happens, however, when imprecision arises as in the case of ...

    106,43 €

  • Service Deployment Platform for Intelligent Transportation Systems
    Jose Santa
    Vehicles are a perfect frame for providing many novel services. However, a suitable on-board hardware and software support compliant with market and user demands is necessary. The onboard software architecture presented in the book covers this issue and acts as the basis for the rest of proposals presented in the work. The integration of telematics and vehicular communicat...

    76,13 €

  • Hashing, Searching, Sketching
    Rina Panigrahy
    The Information Age has enabled the search for information in ways never imagined before. The search criteria may be exact where the input query is expected to exactly match the search object, or fuzzy -- for instance image search, news search, and similar document search -- making the search problem much harder. Hashing is a simple and effective method for exact search t...

    92,15 €

  • Monitoring of Distributed Applications in Peer-to-Peer Systems
    Bogdan-Eugen Marinoiu
    Peer-to-peer systems have gained momentum over the last years. This work was motivated by the necessity to analyze such systems. It proposes a distributed monitoring system, P2PMonitor, that has alerters specialized in local monitoring of entities. These alerters encode the basic events detected into streams of (Active)XML documents. A method for filtering efficiently such stre...

    76,67 €

  • Collaborative Business Relationships and the Use of ICT
    Helen Cripps
    The research investigated the drivers and inhibitors of collaborative relationships and the factors that impact on the creation and sustaining of these relationships. The role of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in facilitating and sustaining collaborative relationships and the perceived benefits and drawbacks of collaborative relationships were also investigated. The...

    122,83 €

  • Video Image Segmentation and Object Detection Using MRF Model
    In this book, the problem of video object detection has been addressed. The object is detected by integrating the spatial segmentation as well as temporal segmentation. The spatial segmentation of frames has been formulated in spatio-temporal framework. A Compound MRF model is proposed to model the video sequence. This model takes care of the spatial and the temporal distributi...

    106,48 €

  • Distributed Data Management
    Tarék Ayoubi
    Patient’s mobility throughout his lifetime leaves a trial of information scattered in laboratories, clinical institutes, primary care units, and other hospitals. Hence, the medical history of a patient is valuable when subjected to special healthcare units or undergoes home-care/personal-care in elderly stage cases. Despite the rhetoric about patient-centred care, few attempts ...

    75,94 €

  • High-Level Synthesis Blue Book
    Michael Fingeroff
    Are you an RTL or system designer that is currently using, moving, or planning to move to an HLS design environment?Finally, a comprehensive guide for designing hardware using C++ is here. Michael Fingeroff’s High-Level Synthesis Blue Book presents the most effective C++ synthesis coding style for achieving high quality RTL. Master a totally new design methodology for coding in...

    151,57 €

  • Software Engineering Methodology 2nd Edition
    Bernard Carrier / Gerry Tarum

    90,38 €

  • Software Engineering Notebook 2nd Edition
    Bernard Carrier / Gerry Tarum

    90,45 €

  • Using data warehousing to deliver integrated management information
    Shana Ponelis
    Customer data plays a vital role in organisations, particularly in sales and marketing. Integrating internal customer data across functions and departments is vital but equally important is integrating external sources of customer data. Without complete data the picture painted by eventual management information is incomplete. This book shows that data warehousing techniques ca...

    92,23 €

  • Efficient Decision Procedures for Validation
    Ofer Strichman
    This dissertation focuses on two subjects in formal verification. The first subject is the development of methods and tools for the formal verification of compilers. We offer the Translation Validation approach, according to which the translation of the compiler is validated after each run. The evidence from applying translation validation to two compilers proves that this appr...

    76,66 €

  • Developing Contextualized ICT Education
    Mikko Vesisenaho
    This book gives a detailed description on developing contextualized, university-level introductory Information and Communication Technology (ICT) education in Tanzania during 2000-2009. It is a revised and updated version of the author’s doctoral thesis offering new insights of the topic for the reader. It also introduces the 2007 launched Contextualized Bachelor Degree Program...

    92,19 €

  • Reinforcement Learning, Logic and Evolutionary Computation
    Drew Mellor
    Reinforcement learning (RL) consists of methods that automatically adjust behaviour based on numerical rewards and penalties. While use of the attribute-value framework is widespread in RL, it has limited expressive power. Logic languages, such as first-order logic, provide a more expressive framework, and their use in RL has led to the field of relational RL. This thesis devel...

    122,97 €

  • The Role of the Business Analyst de-Mystified
    Marie-Anne Ras
    As a qualified certified accountant and a personal development coach, on meeting Marie-Anne Rasé, I asked her what she did for a living, to which she replied: 'I am a business analyst.'After processing this in my mind, several meetings later, I sought clarification from her with regards what a business analyst does, to check whether my `educated guess’ was as accurate as I pres...

    17,67 €

  • The Reactive Keyboard
    Ian H. Witten / Ian HWitten / John J. Darragh / John JDarragh

    44,38 €

  • Cyberprotest
    Jenny Pickerill
    An exploration of contemporary radical internet activism in Britain.An exploration of contemporary radical internet activism in Britain ...

    29,67 €

  • Virtual Environments for Corporate Education
    William Ritke-Jones
    Corporations are beginning to see the educational potential of virtual realities in the workplace. Thanks to its unique characteristics as well as its ability to bring dispersed people together in an almost 'real' environment for relatively low cost, virtual environments may become the preferred educational arena for corporations. Virtual Environments for Corporate Education: E...

    236,58 €

  • Interpersonal Relations and Social Patterns in Communication Technologies
    The development of information and communication technologies enables dynamic social interaction through computer-mediated communication. Interpersonal Relations and Social Patterns in Communication Technologies: Discourse Norms, Language Structures and Cultural Variables describes the growing proliferation of CMC applications and the need for new perspectives, methods and tool...

    236,90 €

  • Designing Solutions-Based Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing
    As information availability pervades every aspect of life, new trends, technologies, and enhancements must be carefully researched, evaluated and implemented in order to fabricate successful computing applications. Designing Solutions-Based Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing: New Issues and Trends examines current practices and challenges faced by designers of Ubiquitous and Pe...

    236,37 €

  • Ontology Theory, Management and Design
    Faiez Gargouri / Wassim Jaziri
    Ontologies and formal representations of knowledge are extremely powerful tools for modeling and managing large applications in several domains ranging from knowledge engineering, to data mining, to the semantic web. Ontology Theory, Management and Design: Advanced Tools and Models , explores the wide range of applications for ontologies, while providing a complete view of the ...

    236,44 €

  • Citizens and E-Government
    Christopher GReddick
    E-government research has flourished as a way of disseminating information and providing services to citizens ever since the popularization of the Internet. Although there have been tremendous advancements in the world of e-government, critical evaluations on the effectiveness of such methods have yet to be determined. Citizens and E-Government: Evaluating Policy and Management...

    237,02 €

  • Politics, Democracy and E-Government
    Christopher GReddick
    Research argues that e-government technologies have positive influences on politics and democracy, improving citizens’ environment as well as their engagement with their government. Although much research indicates that e-government technologies have increased citizen participation, there is much more than can be developed. Politics, Democracy and E-Government: Participation an...

    236,88 €

  • Cases on Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning
    Siran Mukerji
    Technology holds the key for bridging the gap between access to quality education and the need for enhanced learning experiences. Cases on Technological Adaptability and Transnational Learning: Issues and Challenges contains case studies on divergent themes of personalized learning environments, inclusive learning for social change, innovative learning and assessment techniques...

    236,66 €