Juegos de mesa

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  • Hanafuda Games
    Antonietta Fazio-Johnson / Jason Johnson
    Learn how to play hanafuda! An in-depth collection of 37 great games, including popular games such as Koi-Koi, Go-Stop, and Hachi-Hachi. Organized into categories by type and difficulty, this step-by-step rulebook includes intuitive scoring samples, visual references, numerous variants, gameplay samples, and quick reference charts.This book features the art of the Sensu hanafud...

    61,34 €

  • Go
    Chikun Cho
    Played throughout eastern Asia for thousands of years, go has captured the imagination of more game players than any other strategy game. Today, go is becoming increasingly popular in the western world as more and more people discover its beauty, elegance, and strategic depth.This book is the best and most authorative introduction to this ancient and fascinating game. Written s...

    22,83 €

  • Chess
    Barry Martin
    “In the dimension of reviving the mystique and wonder of chess, it is all too easy for those engaged in the rough and tumble of chess combat to overlook the mystery and infinite aesthetic profundity of its intellectual and iconic ethos. One example stands out... Barry has encountered many of the greats in person and across the board. Barry’s insights into the relationship betwe...

    16,47 €

  • Oxford History of Board Games
    David Parlett
    “Great tidbits or obscure, entertaining facts can be found on any given page.” --Library JournalFor thousands of years, board games have captured our imaginations as we have conspired against, chased, and attacked one another across the table from our friends and foes, locked quest for victory. In his newly updated History of Board Games (the previous edition was titled: The Ox...

    39,85 €

  • Attacking and Defending Weak Groups
    Richard Bozulich
    When evaluating a position, besides determining the balance of territories, an important consideration is the identification of weak groups. Positions often arise in professional games where one side seems to have secured a sizable amount of iron-clad territory, while the other side has little or even no area of the board that he can count on as territory. However, if the side ...

    35,00 €

  • Battle Valor Fantasy
    Ed Spettigue
    “War is coming? I think not. War has been here, is here, and will continue to be here until such a time that the Gods see fit to rid the World of the Pestilence of so called Intelligent beings. It is within our very nature to covet, desire, and try to obtain those things that belong to our neighbors, be they man or beast. Thus, conflict is inevitable.” - Attributed to William o...

    49,67 €

  • The Dwarven Smith’s Tome
    Douglas Sun
    The Dwarven Smith's Tome is the fifth in our Places by the Way series of location modules. Places by the Way offers you an assortment of colorful pieces to help you fill out your campaign world. Even the most epic campaigns need interludes — places where heroes can regroup and pursue amusing side quests in between world-saving feats of derring-do ...

    4,49 €

  • Domine las aperturas de ajedrez
    Adolivio Capece
    Esta obra es un práctico estudio, que resultará interesante para los aficionados ajedrecistas, cualquiera que sea su grado de experiencia y conocimientos.El texto está ilustrado con tableros en color que recogen las partidas más interesantes en las que las diferentes aperturas constituyen elementos fundamentales.Podrá conocer cuál es la estrategia más correcta en las diferentes...

    20,75 €

  • TIER The Enhanced Role-Playing Game 2nd Edition
    Michael Moran
    TIER The Enhanced Role-Playing Game 2nd Edition is a revolutionary tabletop RPG game that offers D&D style gameplay, but there are NO CLASSES! TIER uses a system of Masteries, similar to Feats but much stronger. You start at level 1 with 3 or 4 Masteries, depending on your starting race. As you gain level-ups, you select new Masteries to empower your character. There are 100+ M...

    35,84 €

  • Chess Fundamentals
    Jose Capablanca
    Capablanca’s Masterpiece now in Algebraic Notation Written with the novice chess player in mind, Chess Fundamentals equips you with the essential opening, middlegame, and endgame techniques needed to advance your game. Capablanca writes with an ease of understanding that any chess player will grasp, and includes 14 full games annotated by the World Champion himself. A true moun...

    12,44 €

  • Get Strong at Attacking
    Richard Bozulich
    The techniques of attacking, along with tesuji and life-and-death, are part of the middle game, but, whereas you will find an abundance of literature on the latter two subjects, books that focus solely on creating or spotting vulnerable stones, then illustrating how to correctly attack them, are hard to find. This book is aimed at helping to alleviate this lack. Accurate analys...

    38,37 €

  • Loving Eurogames
    Scott Erway
    “Thank you for this LITTLE book which is a GREAT read. It gave me some very enjoyable hours of insight and contemplation.” ~ Dr. Reiner Knizia, Knizia GamesHow do YOU play ?Aspiring to the Well Played Game can profoundly shape our characters – for the better! After 35 years of gaming together the authors noticed that the lessons they learned around the game table were helping ...

    10,42 €

  • Chess Fundamentals
    Jose Raul Capablanca
    Play to Win! Jose Raul Capablanca was one of the greatest World Chess Champions of all time! While his playing style was straightforward he played with a blazing speed and strength that had never been seen before or since. In Chess Fundamentals Capablanca gives the reader a glimpse into his thinking patterns and strategy. Perfect for any playing level. The advice and exercises ...

    23,78 €

  • Sabaki - The Art of Settling Stones
    Richard Bozulich
    During the opening stages of the game the players stake out positions and more or less divide the board. Normally each player wants to win and take just over 50% of the board. This usually involves a balance between safety and risk; that is, making a safe and non-invadable extension or an extension that is slightly farther and limits the opponent’s territory. The drawback of th...

    35,04 €

  • Sylvanhome
    Douglas Sun
    Sylvanhome is the fourth in our Places by the Way series of location modules. Places by the Way offers you an assortment of colorful pieces to help you fill out your campaign world. Even the most epic campaigns need interludes — places where heroes can regroup and pursue amusing side quests in between world-saving feats of derring-do. 3 ...

    5,58 €

  • The Ultimate Guide To Super Metroid
    BlackNES Guy
    Think you know Super Metroid? Think again!!This is the ultimate guide to Super Metroid on the SNES Classic and original Super Nintendo Entertainment System, from the creator of The Ultimate Guide series; bestselling author The BlackNES Guy!!This book is a complete walkthrough guide in The Ultimate Guide series, giving you all the tools you will need to master this game!Ceres St...

    26,56 €

  • The Second Book of Go
    Richard Bozulich
    This book is written for players who have acquired an understanding of therules of go and some of its most elementary tactics and strategies by having readan introductory book and having played a few games. We have assumed that thereader understands the terms ‘sente’ and ‘gote’, that he knows what a ko is, isable to determine neutral points, and can count the score. Its aim is ...

    38,43 €

  • Secrets of Oyster Cove
    Douglas Sun
    Secrets of Oyster Cove is the third in our Places by the Way series of location modules. Places by the Way offers you an assortment of colorful pieces to help you fill out your campaign world. Even the most epic campaigns need interludes — places where heroes can regroup and pursue amusing side quests in between world-saving feats of derring-do. 3 ...

    5,53 €

  • Life and Death
    James Davies
    The approach to life-and-death problems used in this book is to emphasize the status of standard groups. Most life-and-death problems in books are presented in the following manner: Black to play and kill; or White to play and live; or Black to play and live in ko; etc. This format has the advantage that even without looking at the answer, you usually know when you have solved ...

    31,87 €

  • Hanafuda Games
    Antonietta Fazio-Johnson / Jason Johnson
    Learn how to play hanafuda! An in-depth collection of 37 great games, including popular games such as Koi-Koi, Go-Stop, and Hachi-Hachi.Organized into categories by type and difficulty, this step-by-step rulebook includes intuitive scoring samples, visual references, numerous variants, gameplay samples, and quick reference charts.This book features the art of the Hanami hanafud...

    56,22 €

  • Graded Go Problems for Beginners
    Yoshinori Kano / Richard Bozulich
    This is the fourth and final volume of the series Graded Go Problems for Beginners and is aimed at players 10-kyu or stronger. The problems here are more difficult than the ones in Volume Three and, if your are able to solve problems of the same difficulty during your own games, your strength would be close to 1-kyu.The answers to many of these problems are a bit terse, but we ...

    34,89 €

  • Stop, Go, Murder
    Paul Freeman
    StopGoMurder is a story about murder, the game of Go, and the role of happenstance in shaping our lives. Introduced here is Steven Crane, a homicide detective who has come to see his life, including his current case, as a deceiving game of Go — the ancient board game of strategy, and his obsession.      The killer Crane is after is in plain view, and he knows it in his gut. Sti...

    20,68 €

  • Fate of the Forebears, Part 2
    Christopher Grey / Ryan Servis / Steven Gordon
    The City of Sands adventure module starts where the Domes of Ishaq-Zahur leaves off, sending a party of heroes from the peril of the desert tombs to the streets of the sandy metropolis, Archensheen. There the players will find themselves caught in the middle of a fierce struggle for political power and ancient artifacts as factions from all across the city vie for control of re...

    21,66 €

  • Fate of the Forebears, Part 2
    Christopher Grey / Ryan Servis / Steven Gordon
    The City of Sands adventure module starts where the Domes of Ishaq-Zahur leaves off, sending a party of heroes from the peril of the desert tombs to the streets of the sandy metropolis, Archensheen. There the players will find themselves caught in the middle of a fierce struggle for political power and ancient artifacts as factions from all across the city vie for control of re...

    21,66 €

  • Appendix N
    Jeffro Johnson
    APPENDIX N: The Literary History of Dungeons & Dragons is a detailed and comprehensive investigation of the various works of science fiction and fantasy that game designer Gary Gygax declared to be the primary influences on his seminal role-playing game, Dungeons & Dragons. It is a deep intellectual dive into the literature of SF/F's past that will fascinate any serious rol...

    27,98 €

  • A Treasure on the Rocks
    Douglas Sun
    A Treasure on the Rocks is the second in our Places by the Way series of location modules. Places by the Way offers you an assortment of colorful pieces to help you fill out your campaign world. Even the most epic campaigns need interludes — places where heroes can regroup and pursue amusing side quests in between world-saving feats of derring-do. 3 ...

    5,34 €

  • In the Beginning
    Ikuro Ishigure
    The opening is theoretically the hardest part of the game of go. To professional players, it is the hardest part in practice, as well; in championship games that last two days, for instance, the first day is usually spent playing and thinking about the first 50 moves, and the second day is spent finishing all the rest. Such is the consistency of professional play in the middle ...

    29,26 €

  • 38 Basic Josekis
    James Davies / Kiyoshi Kosugi
    In the game of go, the opening moves focus on the corners of the board. Over the thousands of years of go playing, this aspect of the game has been intensively studied and a large number of opening formulas, or josekis, have been discovered and refined. Every go player needs to have a working knowledge of the basic ones.38 Basic Joseki cuts incisively through the labyrinth of j...

    28,83 €

  • Tesuji
    James Davies
    Tesujis are the tactics of short range combat in the game of go. This volume presents over three hundred examples and problems of them, aimed at training the reader to read and spot the right play in all sorts of tactical situations. It covers a wide range of material while concentrating on fundamentals; its problems manage to be both hard enough to challenge and easy enough to...

    29,04 €

  • Solipstry
    Alex Rinehart
    Solipstry is a D20 role playing game system that allows you to create any world you can imagine. Wild humans who worship a crashed star ship? Yep. Mermaids struggling against communism? Yep. Fantasy medieval? Yep. Pirates fighting a dinosaur incursion? Absolutely. Solipstry gives you freedom to create the world that is in your mind, and by cutting down on crunchy, complicated m...

    18,34 €

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