
Lenguas (101565)

  • Sensoristica nei ritratti ed espressione della lirica
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    L’opera 'La sensorica nei ritratti e nell’espressione della lirica (letteratura russa del XIX secolo)' presenta una vera e propria analisi letteraria della maestria psicologica degli scrittori russi del XIX secolo, mostrata attraverso le peculiarità della visione del mondo sensuale dei loro singoli autori. Questo diversifica il mondo interiore dei personaggi, poiché gli autori ...

    25,12 €

  • Sensorialidade nos retratos e expressão do lirismo
    Ludmila Abdullaeva
    A obra 'Sensorialidade nos retratos e expressão do lirismo (literatura russa do século XIX)' apresenta uma análise literária atual da mestria psicológica dos escritores russos do século XIX, mostrada através das peculiaridades da visão do mundo sensual de cada autor. Isto diversifica o mundo interior das personagens, uma vez que os autores das obras transmitem aos seus heróis a...

    25,12 €

  • English Language Lovers
    Rolade B Berthier
    In our globalised and digitalised world, English has become necessary. It’s simply complex, which makes us keep learning. It is impossible to master all its intricacies in a lifetime; even native speakers are challenged with the daily arrival of new jargon, slang, and formal words and phrases.This book has words of thoughts, thoughts on words, and words to laugh at that will ma...

    23,95 €

  • The Small Joys of Everyday Life
    Artici Bilingual Books
    Embark on a linguistic journey filled with excitement, discovery, and laughter with The Small Joys of Everyday Life: Short Stories for German Language Learners. This delightful collection of thirteen bilingual German-English short stories is tailor-made for intermediate German language learners looking to enhance their skills while immersing themselves in captivating narratives...

    10,48 €

  • Surrendering into Soul
    Dr. Janet Smith Warfield
    'Surrendering Into Soul' is not about exploring outer space. It is not about Neil Armstrong’s left foot planted on the surface of the moon in 1969. It is not about NASA’s 2020 Mars Perseverance rover, searching for signs of ancient life on the Red Planet. It is not about Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson rocketing beyond the edge of space in 2021.This book is about exploring your ...

    22,81 €

  • Language Learning and the Mother Tongue

    35,95 €

  • Fundamental Principles of Corpus Linguistics
    Tony McEnery / Vaclav Brezina

    35,39 €

  • Social Meaning and Linguistic Variation

    35,01 €

  • Pragmatics in English Language Learning

    35,71 €

  • The Adaptive Bilingual Mind
    Evangelia Adamou

    35,89 €

  • Multilingualism and Education

    35,39 €

  • Language Awareness in Business and the Professions
    Erika Darics

    35,80 €

  • Multilingualism and Identity

    34,85 €

  • Antiracist Discourse
    Teun A. van Dijk

    35,53 €

  • Images of parents and God
    Réka Nyikos
    Rainer Maria Rilke’s conception of God has been examined from many perspectives, but this essay attempts to shed light on the poet’s relationship to God and Christ from a hitherto unexplored angle. Rilke’s relationship with his parents - especially his mother - his family environment and his socialization raise a number of connections. The essay focuses on his attachment to his...

    61,44 €

  • Images des parents et de Dieu
    Réka Nyikos
    La vision de Dieu de Rainer Maria Rilke a été étudiée sous de nombreuses perspectives, mais cet essai tente d’éclairer la relation du poète à Dieu et au Christ sous un angle encore inexploré. La relation de Rilke avec ses parents - en particulier avec sa mère -, son environnement familial et sa socialisation soulèvent un certain nombre de questions. L’essai se concentre sur le ...

    61,51 €

  • Immagini dei genitori e di Dio
    Réka Nyikos
    La concezione di Dio di Rainer Maria Rilke è stata studiata da molti punti di vista, ma questo saggio cerca di far luce sul rapporto del poeta con Dio e Cristo da un punto di vista finora inesplorato. Il rapporto di Rilke con i genitori, in particolare con la madre, il suo ambiente familiare e la sua socializzazione fanno emergere una serie di connessioni. Il saggio si concentr...

    61,44 €

  • Imagens dos pais e de Deus
    Réka Nyikos
    A conceção de Deus de Rainer Maria Rilke tem sido estudada de muitas perspectivas, mas este ensaio tenta lançar luz sobre a relação do poeta com Deus e Cristo de um ângulo até agora inexplorado. A relação de Rilke com os seus pais - especialmente a sua mãe -, o seu ambiente familiar e a sua socialização revelam uma série de ligações. O ensaio centra-se na sua ligação aos pais, ...

    61,44 €

  • Образы родителей и Бога
    Река Ньикош
    Концепция Бога у Райнера Марии Рильке изучалась с разных точек зрения, но в этом эссе предпринята попытка пролить свет на отношения поэта с Богом и Христом с до сих пор не исследованной стороны. Отношения Рильке с родителями, особенно с матерью, его семейное окружение и его социализация обнаруживают ряд связей. Эссе посвящено его привязанности к родителям, его семейной социализ...

    61,51 €

  • 100+ Common Spelling Mistakes in English
    Ezekiel Agboola
    Ever sent an email and realized 'accommodate' looks more like a rollercoaster than a word? Fear not, fellow wordsmith! '100+ Common Spelling Mistakes in English' is your ticket to flawless English. Say goodbye to those cringe-worthy spelling mistakes and hello to linguistic prowess!In this must-have guide, we’re not just fixing spelling; we’re on a mission to make your words sh...

    14,18 €

  • Стратегии понимания прочитанного
    К. Лаццаротто Волкао / Крис Ройс Шардосим
    Эта книга основана на результатах исследования, проведенного в период с 2011 по 2015 год и посвященного стратегиям понимания прочитанного с учащимися 6-го класса начальной школы. Она основана на экспериментальном психолингвистическом исследовании, проведенном с группой учащихся из Ибирамы, штат Санта-Катарина, в форме семинара в 2014 году в рамках проекта расширения, организова...

    77,85 €

  • Stratégies de compréhension de la lecture
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Cet ouvrage est issu d’une recherche menée entre 2011 et 2015 sur les stratégies de compréhension en lecture avec des élèves de 6e année primaire. Il s’est appuyé sur une recherche psycholinguistique expérimentale avec un groupe d’élèves d’Ibirama, à Santa Catarina, sous forme d’atelier en 2014 dans le cadre d’un projet d’extension organisé par l’Institut Fédéral de Santa Catar...

    77,86 €

  • Strategien zum Leseverstehen
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis von Forschungen, die zwischen 2011 und 2015 zu Strategien für das Leseverständnis mit Schülern der 6. Klasse der Grundschule durchgeführt wurden. Es basiert auf einer experimentellen psycholinguistischen Untersuchung mit einer Gruppe von Schülern aus Ibirama in Santa Catarina, die 2014 in Form eines Workshops im Rahmen eines vom Bundesinstitut von S...

    77,85 €

  • Strategie per la comprensione della lettura
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    Questo libro nasce da una ricerca condotta tra il 2011 e il 2015 sulle strategie di comprensione della lettura con studenti del sesto anno della scuola primaria. Si basa su una ricerca psicolinguistica sperimentale con un gruppo di studenti di Ibirama, a Santa Catarina, sotto forma di laboratorio nel 2014 nell’ambito di un progetto di estensione organizzato dall’Istituto Federa...

    77,89 €

  • Strategies for reading comprehension
    C. Lazzarotto Volcão / Chris Royes Schardosim
    This book is the result of research carried out between 2011 and 2015 on strategies for reading comprehension with 6th grade students. It was based on experimental research in psycholinguistics with a group of students from Ibirama, in Santa Catarina, in the form of a workshop in 2014 as part of an outreach project run by the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina. The thirty 6th ...

    77,90 €

  • Analyse der Mikrostruktur der vom PNLD vertriebenen Wörterbücher
    Ludymilla Tessari Dutra R.
    Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts war die Lexikographie bestrebt, die praktischen und theoretischen Probleme bei der Entwicklung von Wörterbüchern zu untersuchen. Dieses Buch ist keine Ausnahme von diesem Konzept, da wir die Mikrostruktur von einsprachigen Wörterbüchern, die vom PNLD (Nationales Schulbuchprogramm) vertrieben werden, analysieren und zeigen, ob ihr Aspekt für den ko...

    55,10 €

  • Analysing the microstructure of dictionaries distributed by the PNLD
    Ludymilla Tessari Dutra R.
    At the beginning of the 20th century, lexicography aimed to investigate practical and theoretical problems in the development of dictionaries. This book is no exception to this concept, as we analyse the microstructure of monolingual dictionaries distributed by the PNLD (National Textbook Programme), showing whether their aspect is favourable to the cognitive process of primary...

    54,97 €

  • Analyse de la microstructure des dictionnaires distribués par le PNLD
    Ludymilla Tessari Dutra R.
    Au début du XXe siècle, la lexicographie s’est efforcée d’étudier les problèmes pratiques et théoriques liés à l’élaboration des dictionnaires. Ce livre ne fait pas exception à ce concept, puisque nous analysons la microstructure des dictionnaires monolingues distribués par le PNLD (Programme national des manuels scolaires), en montrant si leur aspect est favorable au processus...

    55,04 €

  • Анализ микроструктуры словарей, распространяемых ПНЛД
    Людм Тессари Дутра Р.
    В начале XX века лексикография стремилась исследовать практические и теоретические проблемы развития словарей. Данная книга не является исключением из этой концепции, поскольку мы анализируем микроструктуру монолингвальных словарей, распространяемых PNLD (National Textbook Programme), показывая, насколько их аспект благоприятен для познавательного процесса учащихся начальной и ...

    55,10 €

  • Análisis de la microestructura de los diccionarios distribuidos por el PNLD
    Ludymilla Tessari Dutra R.
    All’inizio del XX secolo, la lessicografia si proponeva di indagare i problemi pratici e teorici dello sviluppo dei dizionari. Questo libro non fa eccezione a questo concetto, poiché analizza la microstruttura dei dizionari monolingui distribuiti dal PNLD (Programma Nazionale dei Libri di Testo), mostrando se il loro aspetto è favorevole al processo cognitivo degli studenti del...

    54,97 €