Libros ilustrados, libros de actividades y material de aprendizaje temprano

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Libros ilustrados, libros de actividades y material de aprendizaje temprano (15956)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Libros ilustrados, libros de actividades y material de aprendizaje temprano Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Draw Me a Story Volume II
    Barbara Freedman / Barbara Freedman-De Vito
    Volume II in the Draw Me a Story series contains twelve fun 'draw and tell stories' on topics such as extraterrestrials, dogs, ancient Egypt, kites, and science. Each story includes clear instructions and traceable drawings, plus an informative guide to using this lively and time-honored storytelling technique. Draw and Tell stories are simple stories for young children. These ...

    15,07 €

  • Draw Me a Story Volume III
    Barbara Freedman-De Vito
    Volume III in the Draw Me a Story series contains twelve fun 'draw and tell stories' on topics such as April Fool’s Day, artists, the Mexican hat dance, monsters, and puzzles. Each story includes clear instructions and traceable drawings, plus an informative guide to using this lively and time-honored storytelling technique. Draw and Tell stories are simple stories for young ch...

    15,18 €

  • Draw Me a Story Volume IV
    Barbara Freedman-De Vito
    Volume IV in the Draw Me a Story series contains twelve fun 'draw and tell stories' on topics such as fairies, lions, magic, pirates, and yo-yos. Each story includes clear instructions and traceable drawings, plus an informative guide to using this lively and time-honored storytelling technique. Draw and Tell stories are simple stories for young children. These tales are very e...

    15,18 €

  • Draw Me a Story Volume I
    Barbara Freedman / Barbara Freedman-De Vito
    Volume I in the Draw Me a Story series contains twelve fun 'draw and tell stories' on topics such as robots, Teddy bears, the moon, and dads. Each story includes clear instructions and traceable drawings, plus an informative guide to using this lively and time-honored storytelling technique. Draw and Tell stories are simple stories for young children. These tales are very easy ...

    15,07 €

  • Easy Read with Grandma Read
    Helen Barlow
    Book 1, stage 2 is the second of twelve easy read with grandma read books designed as learning aids for children aged two to six years old. ...

    14,58 €

  • El Fantasma de la Ópera y El fantasma de Canterville
    Gaston Leroux / Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer / Oscar Wilde
    El fantasma de Ópera narra la historia de un hombre misterioso que aterrorizaba la Ópera de París para atraer la atención de Christine Daaé, una joven cantante a quien amaba.El vizconde Raoul de Chagny también amaba a Christine y se enfrentó al fantasma, luego de que éste raptara a la bella joven.Éste siempre fue rechazado por su fealdad pero, con el poder de un beso, comprendi...

    7,48 €

  • Sticks---Because Sticks Are Also People
    Penelope Dyan
    This is a great little book meant just for kids, the first book to be published in Penelope Dyan’s 'Penny Mouse Early Reader Series,' It is a book meant toencourage reading, creativity and the fun of learning all wrapped into one! Theconcept is simple, but the meaning is deep. Everything about Dyan is more thanit seems and less than it seems. And basically, this is a book meant...

    11,96 €

  • Kevin’s Dream
    Yusuf Ismaeel

    18,08 €

  • Sleepy Town Lullaby -Song and Story
    Hollis Lynn Green
    This children's book uses the Sleepy Town lullaby as a guide and builds on the value of school, learning and sharing what is learned with the family to establish a positive nighttime routine. The influence of the story will be experienced as the child learns to sing the song and the Sleepy Town Village story is read. ...

    13,45 €

  • Harrytales
    Harry Cate

    13,59 €

  • Sugarland
    Harold Krakower
    A little girl named Sarah lives with her parents and her baby brother. One night she awakens to find a beautiful large butterfly at the bottom of her bed. The butterfly’s name is Alice and she flies Sarah to Sugarland, where Sarah meets up with Arnold the Bear and is invited to a birthday party. At the party Sarah meets with all of Arnold’s animal friends and has the most fanta...

    10,00 €

  • Kindergarten Gems (Yesterday’s Classics)
    Agnes Taylor Ketchum / Ida M. Jorgensen / Ida MJorgensen
    A full collection of stories and rhymes for the youngest listeners. In addition to the usual fairy tales, folk tales, and fables, there are numerous stories about animals, tales of everyday doings, and stories of the seasons. The material is conveniently arranged in groups, with several stories and rhymes for each holiday and season throughout the year. Numerous black and white...

    16,88 €

  • El viejo y el mar
    Ernest Hemingway
    Acompaña al viejo Santiago a su pesca de hoy. El anciano lleva muchos días sin pescar un solo pez, pero seguro que hoy será un buen día. ¡Te lo dije! Pescó un pez enorme, más grande que su barca. Como no cabe dentro, lo va a tener que llevar a rastras por fuera del barco.Tras varios días en alta mar, los tiburones empiezan a rodearlo. Lucha con fuerza pero son muchos, salen de ...

    5,19 €

  • Cassie’s Magic Doors
    Sherry Ebel

    16,79 €

  • My Brother and Me
    Brandy Hickerson

    34,69 €

  • Leo and the Hidden Rainbow
    Joanna Present Wolfe
    Leo, a small boy with wild yellow hair, feels trapped in his monochromatic yellow world. He dreams of escaping to a blue world, and he embarks on a quest to get there. The blue world is not to be discovered, but Leo meets a wise Lady who helps him learn an important lesson: What we see is really a reflection of our own inner attitudes. This new awareness empowers Leo to return ...

    19,56 €

  • El libro de la selva
    Rudyard Kipling
    Un tigre arrebató un bebé de la aldea de los hombres pero en su huída lo dejó caer y no pudo comérselo. Cerca, una pareja de lobos lo recoge y lo cría como a uno de los suyos. Así, Mowgli crece junto a su nueva familia.Akela, Baloo y Bagheera son personajes entrañables que, junto con Kaa, cuidan del pequeño y le ayudan a crecer en la selva. Sus aventuras enseñan la importancia ...

    5,19 €

  • El libro de la selva y Cuentos de la selva
    Horacio Quiroga / Rudyard Kipling
    El libro de la selva narra la historia de un niño que fue robado a sus padres por el tigre Shere Khan, quien en su huída lo dejó caer.Una pareja de lobos lo encuentra y lo cría como a uno de los suyos. Así, Mowgli vive y crece junto con su familia de lobos.Él y sus amigos vivirán grandes aventuras al lado de monos, elefantes, abejas, el malvado Shere Khan y los hombres de la al...

    7,02 €

  • El jinete sin Cabeza
    Irving Washington
    En todas partes y desde siempre han surgido historias y leyendas que nos asustan a todos. Pasan de boca en boca y ponen a prueba los nervios de los más valientes. Así le pasó al personaje de nuestra historia, lchabod Crane, el maestro del pueblo, quien se enamora de la chica más bonita de la comarca. Claro que también el muchacho más apuesto y fuerte la pretende. El jinete sin ...

    5,19 €

  • Easy Read With Grandma Read
    Helen Barlow
    Book 1, stage 1 is the first of twelve easy read with grandma read books designed as learning aids for children aged two to six years old. ...

    14,78 €

  • Aladino y la lámpara maravillosa
    Aladino era un muchacho mal educado, mentiroso y flojo, su mamá ya no sabía que hacer con él, pues siempre estaba metido en problemas, su papá había muerto cuando él era muy pequeño. Un buen día, llegó un hombre que dijo ser el hermano de su padre, pero en realidad era un mago malvado que buscaba a alguien que pudiera bajar a una cueva maravillosa y conseguirle un tesoro, pero ...

    5,19 €

  • Alí baba y los 40 ladrones
    ¡Ábrete Sésamo! ¿Has oído alguna vez esas palabras? Sirven para abrir todas las puertas secretas y mágicas que encierran grandes tesoros. Alí Babá, nuestro protagonista, se las escuchó a una cuadrilla de 40 ladrones y se dio cuenta de que con ellas podía obtener riqueza y felicidad. Él era honesto y bondadoso, y sólo quería hacer el bien a su familia y amigos. Sin embargo, otro...

    4,73 €

  • Aladino y la lámpara maravillosa
    Aladino y la lámpara maravillosa narra la historia de un joven maleducado y flojo... Un día apareció en su vida un hombre que dijo ser su tío, un malvado hechicero, y, con engaños, lo llevó a una cueva para que buscara y le entregara una lámpara mágica, sin embargo, no consiguió su objetivo y lo dejó encerrado en la cueva.Aladino logró escapar. Y en su casa descubrió que dentro...

    7,02 €

  • You Want Me to Do What?!
    Cheryl L. Crane
    KIDS! Are you missing out on the good stuff? Obedience brings blessing. If you don’t knowwhat it means to obey God, then you’re probably missing out on some great things He hasplanned for you.This fill-in-the-blank, circle-the-answer workbook makes it easy for you to find out from God’sWord (the Bible) what obeying really means. Obedience experts Abram, Noah and Rebekahshow you...

    14,31 €

  • You Want Me to Do What?!
    Cheryl L Crane
    PARENTS & TEACHERS, give your students the chance to: Study God’s Word daily for themselves Discover personal applications in the Bible Practice discussing what God is teaching them Consider praying to accept Jesus as Savior Understand that truly following Jesus means changing to be like HimThe fill-in-the-blank, circle-the-answer workbook (ISBN 978-0-595-45905-6) makes it easy...

    14,31 €

  • Religion vs. God
    William Delaney
    H. L. Menchen, 'Bayard vs. Lionheart' Baltimore Evening Sun-Sunday 26 July 1920 said: 'As democracy is perfected, the office of the president will more closely represent the inner soul of the people. On some great, and glorious day, the plain folks of our land will reach their hearts desire, at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron! 3 ...

    16,42 €

  • The Magnetizing Princess
    Sharon Landsberg Conner
    Bethany Grace desperately wanted a puppy, to play with, and adore her, andhave adventures with; but instead of a golden retriever . She ended up with ababy brother she didn’t want.How does Alyssa, 'The Magnetizing Princess' change Bethany’s life? Will sheget what she wants? Will you learn to get exactly what you want in life?Inspired by seeing The Secret, the author wrote The M...

    9,66 €

  • Mr Chunky and the Very Near Miss
    Sue Pready
    Once upon a time, not so long ago, therelived a very wise old cat called Mr Chunky.When Mr Chunky turns up in the lives of Will and Gabi, it’s as though a warm light has been switched on inside. Everyone who meets him seems to feel it too. When Will faces a very near miss, Mr Chunky is there to make him feel better. But what is it about this cat that makes everyone around him f...

    14,22 €

  • What’s Your Number? 3 Digit Lottery Tracker
    Deborah A Wilson
    Lottery-Tracker is 3-digit fun with a purposeFirst, you can answer some of these fun questions:What 3-digit number fell the most? What 3-digit number fell the least? How many times has your favorite 3-digit number fell?Each 3-digit number from 000 to 999 is in this book. And there are spaces under each number to answer those fun questions for yourself. There are also more fun p...

    14,18 €

  • The Hippo and the Unicorn
    Elaine Phillips
    It all began with a phone call, late one starry night, between two friends. They agreed to a mutual exchange of letters: not electronic mail, mind you, but real letters, written with ink, sealed in colourful envelopes and mailed at the post office-with stamps. Now their imaginative correspondence, interwoven with snippets of poetry and uplifting quotes, has been compiled as an ...

    15,10 €