Política y gobierno

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno (69329)

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  • Elena Quinteros y la libertad en América Latina
    Karla Hernández Scott
    La historia de América Latina es la del individuo frente al Estado. Basta consultar cualquier historia reciente de nuestro continente y encontraremos en ella la esencia de este conflicto eterno: individuo que enfrentan a los Estado en busca de libertad, y unos Estados que utilizan toda su fuerza represiva y censuradora para suprimir las voces incomodas e imponer hegemonías polí...

    29,03 €

  • Sarvodaya
    Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
    Sarvodaya is Gandhiji’s most important socialpolitical movement. Like Satyagraha, it too is a combination of two terms, Sarva meaning one and all, and Uday meaning welfare or uplift. The conjunction thus implies Universal uplift or welfare of all as the meaning of Sarvodaya. ...

    17,08 €

  • الجماعات الإسلامية المعاصرة- The Contemporary Islamic Groups
    By: Dr. Abdullah Al-Salem
    يهدف هذا الكتاب إلى التعريف بأهم الجماعات الإسلامية المعاصرة، من حيث معرفة درجة النشاط السياسي للجماعة، وذكر أهم رموزها وشخصياتها الفاعلة، وتناول الأحداث المتعلقة بها، واستعراض السمات البارزة لها، وأهم المؤاخذات والانتقادات الموجهة إليها. ومن ثم فحص هذه المؤاخذات لإثبات الحقائق منها ورد الشبهات والافتراءات.وتقوم الدراسة على المنهج الوصفي للتعريف بأسماء الجماعات الإسلامية المعاص...

    50,93 €

  • The American
    Henry James
    Henry James was an American born author and literary critic of the late 19th and the early 20th centuries. He contributed to the criticism of fiction, particularly in his insistence that writers be allowed the greatest freedom possible in presenting their view of the world. He spent most of his writing career in Britain. He is best known for a number of novels showing Americans...

    28,96 €

  • All-Wool Morrison (Esprios Classics)
    Holman Day
    Holman Francis Day (1865-1935) was an American author, born at Vassalboro, Maine, and a graduate of Colby College (class of 1887). In 1889-90 he was managing editor of the publications of the Union Publishing Company, Bangor, Maine. He was also editor and proprietor of the Dexter Eastern Gazette, a special writer the Journal in Lewiston, Maine, representative of the Boston Hera...

    24,43 €

  • El Estado y La Revolución
    Vladimir Lenin
    Esta obra fue escrita por Lenin en las vísperas del triunfo de la Revolución Rusa. En ella, desarrolló las bases prácticas de la dictadura del proletariado, denunciando lo que entendía como el carácter fraudulento de la democracia burguesa y exponiendo las condiciones de la extinción del Estado y toda forma de opresión. ...

    16,75 €

  • Desmontando a Mao
    Roberto Vaquero
    Una crítica profunda y desde postulados marxistas a la figura de Mao Tse Tung y la ideología maoísta. En esta obra (con 3 ediciones en total) Roberto Vaquero analiza punto por punto cada uno de los mitos de la revolución china y las deviaciones de su líder principal, recalcando su antagonismo con la ideología marxista y la revolución socialista. ...

    22,51 €

  • Early Israel and the Surrounding Nations (Esprios Classics)
    Rev. A. H. Sayce / RevAHSayce
    The Rev. Archibald Henry Sayce (1845-1933), was a pioneer British Assyriologist and linguist, who held a chair as Professor of Assyriology at the University of Oxford from 1891 to 1919. He was able to write in at least twenty ancient and modern languages, and was known for his emphasis on the importance of archaeological and monumental evidence in linguistic research. He was a ...

    23,67 €

  • Patriarchal Palestine (Esprios Classics)
    Rev. A. H. Sayce / RevAHSayce
    The Rev. Archibald Henry Sayce (1845-1933), was a pioneer British Assyriologist and linguist, who held a chair as Professor of Assyriology at the University of Oxford from 1891 to 1919. He was able to write in at least twenty ancient and modern languages, and was known for his emphasis on the importance of archaeological and monumental evidence in linguistic research. He was a ...

    22,18 €

  • Ahwale Mulk o Alam
    Mr. Qutubuddin Khan / MrQutubuddin Khan
    Ahwale Mulk o Alam delves into the socio-political situation across the world in general and India in particular, highlighted using specific events and pertinent issues. It is in the form of a collection of thirty thought provoking articles that’s sure to keep the reader engrossed and contemplate on his own. ...

    28,27 €

  • نقد الحس النقدي عند العرب
    علاء الدين صا الأعرجي
    الخيط الناظم في دراسات هذا الكتاب يكتسب أهمية كبرى قائمة بذاتها، ليؤكد حقيقة أن النظريات الثلاث التي وضعها الأعرجي في أعماله المختلفة، يمكن ان تتجسد في العديد من مجالات الحياة، كما أنها يمكن أن تقدم تفسيرات للعديد من المظاهر، بل أنها تؤشر بوضوح شديد على مصدر العلة في بيئة التخلف التي نعيش فيها. والعالم العربي الذي يواجه معضلات تبدو شديدة التداخل والتعقيد، يحتاج أكثر من أي مكان ...

    17,25 €

  • بعض من سوسيولوجيا الثورة السورية
    د. طلال عبد المع مصطفى / دطلال عبد المع مصطفى
    يتميز المجتمع السوري المتجانس، بالمجتمع السلطوي الذي أنتج أفرادًا لديهم الاستعداد الكبير للخضوع والتبعية لأسيادهم، ويعبرون عن إعجابهم الشديد بالسلطة، وحبهم الأعمى لها، إنهم يتلذذون بالإذلال إلى درجة تقبيل البساطير السوداء. إن أفضل تعبير عن علاقة هؤلاء المتجانسين مع السلطة الاستبدادية هو علاقة العبد بالسيد؛ إذ يكفي أن يقدم السيد للعبد حدًا معينًا من الطعام والحماية، لكي يعتبر ال...

    18,08 €

  • The French Revolution, Volume I (Esprios Classics)
    Hippolyte A. Taine / Hippolyte ATaine
    Hippolyte Adolphe Taine (1828 -1893) was a French critic and historian. He was the chief theoretical influence of French naturalism, a major proponent of sociological positivism and one of the first practitioners of historicist criticism. Literary historicism as a critical movement has been said to originate with him. Taine is also remembered for his attempts to provide a scien...

    29,69 €

  • The Writings of Thomas Paine, Volume II (Esprios Classics)
    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine (born Thomas Pain) (1737 - 1809) was an English-born American political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. He authored Common Sense (1776) and The American Crisis (1776-1783), the two most influential pamphlets at the start of the American Revolution, and helped inspire the patriots in 1776 to declare independence from Great Britain. His ...

    25,25 €

  • Ethics in Service (Esprios Classics)
    William H. Taft / William HTaft
    William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 - March 8, 1930) was the 27th president of the United States (1909-1913) and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split t...

    18,35 €

  • State of the Union Address (Esprios Classics)
    William H. Taft / William HTaft
    William Howard Taft (September 15, 1857 - March 8, 1930) was the 27th president of the United States (1909-1913) and the tenth Chief Justice of the United States (1921-1930), the only person to have held both offices. Taft was elected president in 1908, the chosen successor of Theodore Roosevelt, but was defeated for re-election by Woodrow Wilson in 1912 after Roosevelt split t...

    22,94 €

  • The Germany and the Agricola of Tacitus (Esprios Classics)
    Caius Cornelius Tacitus
    Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (c. AD 56 - c. 120) was a Roman historian and politician. Tacitus is considered by modern scholars to be one of the greatest Roman historians. He lived in what has been called the Silver Age of Latin literature, and has a reputation for the brevity and compactness of his Latin prose, as well as for his penetrating insights into the psycholog...

    20,65 €

  • 当代中国评论 第2期
    主编:荣伟 副主编:罗慰年 / 刘迎曦
    《当代中国评论》坚持和坚守自由主义价值观和思想理念,高举当今世界文明的标志进步主义大旗, 努力建立一个传播和引领华语世界走向与当今世界文明同步方向的真正思想言论自由平台。《当代中国评论》第一期 2020 秋季号出版后受到读者广泛好评!第二期2020冬季号,在美国大选风波尘埃落定之际和大家见面了!本期开始我们推出学者专栏 。首次特别推出美国著名资深中国问题专家、哥伦比亚大学东亚系黎安友教授专辑,特别推荐黎安友教授的三篇文章,这些文章刊登在美国主流杂志和美国智库刊物,都是第一次在中文媒体发表。本期推出的其他学者包括良心学者许章润等对中美关系和时事政治评论、政治哲学、历史人物评述等非常有独到见解文章,众多优秀学者奉献他们的文章, 使得《当代中国评论》杂志成为华语世界瞩目的思想交流高端学术平台。让我们用《当代中国评论》冬季刊的出版, 告别多灾多难的2020年...

    34,60 €

  • Gorgias (Esprios Classics)
    Plato (428/427 or 424/423 - 348/347 BC) was an Athenian philosopher during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, founder of the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered one of the most important and influential individuals in human history, and the pivotal figure in the history of Ancie...

    22,19 €

  • 我的选票我做主--中国民主选举指南
    本书由理念篇、方案篇、案例篇和结语组成。方案篇又分为选民篇、志愿者篇和选举技术篇。另外还有一个附件--关键法律条文汇总。本书又称为'选民手册''选民口袋书''选民行权手册''选民行权指引''选民如何实现自己的尊严''选民主体能力建设手册''选民依法通过选票实现自己的最大利益'。 ...

    33,48 €

  • Memoirs of Aaron Burr - Volume I (Esprios Classics)
    Matthew L. Davis / Matthew LDavis
    Aaron Burr Jr. (February 6, 1756 - September 14, 1836) was an American politician and lawyer. He served as the third vice president of the United States during President Thomas Jefferson’s first term from 1801 to 1805. Burr’s legacy is defined by his famous personal conflict with Alexander Hamilton that culminated in Burr killing Hamilton in the famous Burr-Hamilton duel in 180...

    28,90 €

  • Count the Cost (Esprios Classics)
    Jonathan Steadfast
    'An interesting question is here asked by the direction of infinite wisdom. This question contains the following useful and important instruction: That no man or body of men should attempt the accomplishment of any great object without duly estimating the evils and benefits probably resulting from it. Such a rule of life and adopted and adhered to would have prevented many sche...

    17,27 €

  • Newfoundland and the Jingoes (Esprios Classics)
    John Fretwell
    'It would be evidence of gross ignorance, or something worse, to pretend that the United States, under like conditions, would have treated the Newfoundlanders better than England has done. It would be especially so after the humiliating spectacle presented to the world by our Democratic majorities last year in Congress and in the State and city of New York.' ...

    17,38 €

  • The Discovery of the Source of the Nile (Esprios Classics)
    John Hanning Speke
    John Hanning Speke (4 May 1827 - 15 September 1864) was an English explorer and officer in the British Indian Army who made three exploratory expeditions to Africa. He is most associated with the search for the source of the Nile and was the first European to reach Lake Victoria (known to locals as Nam Lolwe in Dholuo and Nnalubaale or Ukerewe in Luganda). Speke is also known f...

    31,96 €

  • ميشيل كيلو تحدي الحرية
    فايز سارة
    ولد مشروع كتاب ميشيل كيلو تحدي الحرية، بحيث يتضمن عرضاً لحياته وتجربته ورؤيته للعالم من حوله، ولما ينبغي أن يكون عليه، وما يراه من الطرق الممكنة في الوصول إلى الأهداف المرجوة، وقد حاولت قدر ما أستطيع أن أقدم الأمر من خلال تطورات حياته وكتاباته ومواقفه. فأرجو أني وفقت فيما فعلت هادفاً تكريماً لرفيق وصديق وأخ، وخدمة لفكرة إخراج بلدنا وأهلنا من أتون ما صرنا إليه من كارثة، أسس لها ...

    23,81 €

  • 关于中美关系及人类前景的宣言
    李伟东 / 张博树 / 邓聿文 / 冯胜平 /  
    2020年9月,中国战略分析智库(China Strategic Analysis Center Inc)组成了中美关系前景课题组,由张博树领衔,李伟东和邓聿文参与研究和写作。到 2020 年末,完成了《中美关系及人类前景的宣言》(张博树执笔)和两个附件--分别给中美两国政府的建议(由张博树和李伟东联合执笔),并于 2021 年元旦用中英文发表。这三份文件,表达了我们智库的主张:中美不要再争斗,而应着眼于人类共同的战略利益促进世界和平与合作。同时提醒中国应该加快国内政治改革,适应国民的普遍政治需求和国际历史潮流;也提醒美国放弃用丛林原则对待世界和中国,妥善解决与中国之间的五大战略棋局。文件发表后,引起了一定的反响。后续政策效应还在发酵之中。为了让更多关注中美关系和中国发展趋势的朋友了解我们的新思维和新建议,现将三份文件集结成书,留存于世。一来为中美两...

    33,38 €

  • 劳动文化学(下)(Labor Culture)

    32,95 €

  • 致敬底层(下)(Tribute to the Underclass)
    王江松 著
    这本书是对当代中国第一次劳工运动高潮的同时态的亲历、追踪、记录、呐喊、思考和传播,围绕着四个主题构成了全书的结构和内容:劳工界需要自己的代言人和思想家、 中国社会转型与劳工运动、关于劳工问题的思想争鸣和理论探讨以及关于劳工运动的评论、文告、声明、访谈。正像作者在序言《从倾听底层到致敬底层》中所论述的,这表明中国有一部分知识分子正在与底层民众相结合,与他们一起追求自由、平等和公正的生活价值,追求宪政、民主和法治的政治制度。本书深刻而厚重的苦心孤诣在于,知识分子和中间阶层,既不能弃底层于不顾而径直追求自己的目标,更不能愚蠢地把底层民众推到极左或极右那边去。中国的社会转型,有赖于依托中产阶级的宪政民主右翼与依托劳工阶级的宪政民主左翼的团结和联合,否则必将长期陷入转型陷阱而无法自拔。 ...

    33,02 €

  • 广东工人运动考察报告
    本书是《致敬底层:当代中国的劳工运动》一书的姊妹篇,精选了二十来个发生在本世纪一0年代中国劳工运动第一次高潮中的劳工集体维权经典案例,客观记录和描述了这些事件的过程,对其成败得失进行了细致的剖析和评论,像教科书一般向劳工大众和社会公众介绍劳工运动的优势和弱势、战略和策略、经验和教训,同时具有很高的史料文献价值和思想学术价值。由于遭受强力打压,以珠三角地区为主的第一波劳工运动目前已经陷入了低潮,但在可以预见的将来,中国劳工还将再一次、很多次奋起。在这个意义上,《广东工人运动考察报告》必将载入当代中国劳工运动和社会运动史册。 ...

    32,69 €

  • 美式民主是否正走向衰败?
    临风 著
    本书选取了这几年来有关美国建国的理念和川普乱政的写作,集结成书。作者的构想就是希望记录,并分析这些具有历史性意义的事件。本书忠于历史、还原事实,从全面历史的视角看问题,而非偷梁换柱地脸谱化。与此同时,我不是站在'价值中立'的立场看问题。凡是批评、分析文化和时政,批评者心中必须有把价值坐标系,这个坐标系超越党派,超越部落思维,超越当下,而是以人类长远共同的命运作为参照点。本书一共分作五个部分。第一章讲到'灯塔国'建国的理念与来由,并在川普治下的种种扭曲现象。第二章谈美国的保守主义,以及它如何遭受扭曲。第三章谈美国的国家身份的问题,说明种族主义不能是国家认同的一部分。第四章谈到'法律与秩序'的狗哨和现实。第五章是对时代的反思。 ...

    33,26 €