Política y gobierno

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno (69329)

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  • 当代中国评论 (2022春季刊)总第8期
    本期除了学者专辑登出张博树博士的两篇讨论民主的文章,也登载青年学者陈纯的一篇评论汪晖'学术'观点的文章。2022年春,适逢俄乌战争,中国国内国外两种挺俄和挺乌两派在网上激烈争论。本刊旗帜鲜明,反对并谴责俄国侵略乌克兰,在封面印上乌克兰国旗和'普京,停止战争'的标语。同时,2022年春在中国出现的'铁链女'事件,本刊也刊登了两篇文章,表明我们的立场和态度。对于国内'动态清零'的防疫运动,本刊刊登著名记者江雪的《长安十日》日记,给历史留下第一手的见闻。中国疫情,继武汉封城,长安封城,现在轮到上海封城······。编辑部将持续登出关于疫情的文章。 ...

    43,76 €

  • Русская идея
    Alexander Zelitchenko
    Какой будет следующая, рождающаяся сегодня цивилизация, почему она рождается и почему будет именно такой? ...

    16,67 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of James Monroe (Esprios Classics)
    James Monroe
    James Monroe (1758s-1831) was the fifth President of the United States (1817-1825). His administration was marked by the acquisition of Florida (1819); the Missouri Compromise (1820), in which Missouri was declared a slave state; and the profession of the Monroe Doctrine (1823), declaring U. S. opposition to European interference in the Americas. The President’s parents, father...

    19,86 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of Ulysses S. Grant (Esprios Classics)
    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant, born Hiram Ulysses Grant (1822- 1885), was an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War. Grant first reached national prominence by taking Forts Henry and Donelson in 1862 in the first Union victories of the war. The following year, his b...

    22,18 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of John Quincy Adams (Esprios Classics)
    John Quincy Adams
    John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) was a diplomat, politician, and the sixth President of the United States (1825-1829). His party affiliations were Federalist, Democratic-Republican, National Republican, and later Anti-Masonic and Whig. Adams was the son of United States President John Adams, and Abigail Adams. He is most famous as a diplomat involved in many international negotiat...

    18,64 €

  • The Complete State of the Union Addresses of Grover Cleveland (Esprios Classics)
    Grover Cleveland
    Stephen Grover Cleveland (1837-1908), the twentysecond and twenty-fourth President of the United States, was the only President to serve non-consecutive terms (1885-1889 and 1893-1897). He was defeated for reelection in 1888 by Benjamin Harrison, against whom he ran again in 1892 and won a second term. He was the only Democrat elected to the Presidency in the era of Republican ...

    20,61 €

  • 现代宪法的政治思想基础
    张雪忠 著
    2018 年和 2019 年这两年时间里,我一直在写一部题为'制宪权导论'的专著。在写作过程中,我集中研读了不少西方政治与宪法思想史上的经典著作,并参阅了不少与之相关的研究论著。在此过程中,我特别注意各种不同的政治学说,是如何促进或阻碍了现代宪法的产生。通过这样的阅读、思考和写作,我自觉对现代宪法的目的、原则、内容和制度构造,有了比以前更为系统和深入的理解。为了理解现代宪法是如何运作的,我用了很多时间去研究它是如何产生的。在本书中,我考察了组成现代宪法体制的若干政治观念,是如何被提出、被改造以及最终被整合在一起的。这本书的内容,一方面是向读者展示现代宪法在各种政治思想推动下的产生过程,另一方面也是透过现代宪法的制度框架,去分析相关政治观念的内容和作用。我在书中用两章的篇幅分析现代宪政体制在英国出现的经过(从大宪章到光荣革命),是想用历史事实去检验本书...

    41,89 €

  • The New Machiavelli (Esprios Classics)
    H. G. Wells
    Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the 'father of...

    29,68 €

  • 当代中国评论 (2021冬季刊)总第七期

    43,72 €

  • نظرات في سنوات المقاومة العراقية
    د. عماد الدين الجبوري
    أن المحنة التي خلقتها لنفسها الولايات المتحدة في العراق، لم تنعكس على هيبتها واقتصادها وقوتها فحسب، وإنما انعكست كذلك على معنويات أبنائها من الجنود، الذين سلكوا الانتحار طريقًا للهروب الأبدي من سياسة دولتهم، التي تشن حروبًا لا قانونية ولا أخلاقية ولا إنسانية. ...

    17,54 €

  • 当代中国评论 季刊 (2021 春季刊) (总第4期)

    34,65 €

  • What is Coming? (Esprios Classics)
    H. G. Wells
    Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 - 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the 'father of...

    22,18 €

  • مختارات من مقالات الكاتبه حول قضايا سياسيه وإقتصاديه وإجتماعيه ومؤسساتيه ودينيه (إصدار عام 2022)
    Dr. Hidaia Mahmood Alassouli
    This is arabic book that includes selections from the Author’s Articles on political, economic, social, institutional and religious Issues, Issued in 2022انا الكاتبه دكتوره هدايه محمود محمد العسولي. قمت بتاليف عدد كبير من الكتب باللغة العربية واللغة الإنجليزية فيما يخص العديد من الموضوعات العلمية والثقافية.لدي اوراق عمل كثيرة في مختلف المجلات العلمية والمؤتمرات. كما لي كثير من...

    29,96 €

  • 重重雾释鸭绿江---抗美援朝决策探秘
    徐泽荣 (XU Zerong / TSUI Ch )著

    41,92 €

  • Secangkir kopi, Kibaran, dan Syahadat
    Suryo Abu Ubaidah
    Terinspirasi suatu kejadian, dan telah menulisnya mungkin hanya dalam tiga bulan saja menjadi sebuah buku. Karena penulisannya yang asal-asalan, menyebabkan kritik, dan bahan tertawaan, dan saran dari teman-temannya yang jebolan Sastra untuk memperbaikinya. Tetapi setelah diperbaiki hasilnya sepertinya malah jadi lucu. Upaya menulis ulang bukunya dipicu ketika terjebak di sebua...

    11,92 €

  • Politigram and the Post-left
    Joshua Citarella
    A unique look into young online memetic subcultures where gen Z teens explore radical politics such as: eco-extremism, neoreaction, anarcho-primitivism, transhumanism, anarcho-capitalism, alt-right, post-left, egoism and cyber-nihilism. ...

    29,36 €

  • تحولات الاستراتيجية الأمريكية في الشرق الأوسط
    قاسم دحمان
    إذا كانت الأحادية القطبية هي خلاصة ما ترتب عن نهاية الحرب الباردة، فإن تفاصيل عدة دون ذلك المستوى قد حدثت. منها اختلال توازن القوى، وظهور وتغير مفاهيم كثيرة في حقل العلوم السياسية والعلاقات الدولية بالأخص، وإعادة ترتيب الكثير من أولويات الدول والتحالفات. وما ذاك كله إلا كهزات ارتدادية وتبعات إلزامية تعرض لها جسم النظام الدولي جراء ما أصاب الرأس من ارتجاج. وإذا كان هذا الرأس هو ...

    14,34 €

  • Right Above Race (Esprios Classics)
    Otto H. Kahn / Otto HKahn
    Otto Hermann Kahn (February 21, 1867 - March 29, 1934) was a German-born American investment banker, collector, philanthropist, and patron of the arts. He was Born and raised in the city of Mannheim, Germany, he started working for Deutsche Bank and, in 1888, was sent to their London office. He became a naturalized British citizen, but in 1893 he accepted an offer from Speyer a...

    18,57 €

  • Civil Government of Virginia (Esprios Classics)
    William F. Fox / William FFox
    'The word GOVERNMENT means guidance or direction or management. It means also the person or persons who rule or control any establishment or institution. Wherever any number of people live together in one house, or one town, or city, or country, there must be government of some kind.In the family the parents are the government. They guide and manage the affairs of the house. Th...

    23,71 €

  • The Essays of Arthur Schopenhauer
    Arthur Schopenhauer
    Arthur Schopenhauer (22 February 1788 - 21 September 1860) was a German philosopher. He is best known for his 1818 work The World as Will and Representation (expanded in 1844), which characterizes the phenomenal world as the product of a blind and insatiable noumenal will. Building on the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant, Schopenhauer developed an atheistic metaphysical...

    18,67 €

  • The Wrack of the Storm (Esprios Classics)
    Maurice Maeterlinck
    Maurice Polydore Marie Bernard Maeterlinck (29 August 1862 - 6 May 1949), also known as Count (or Comte) Maeterlinck from 1932, was a Belgian playwright, poet, and essayist who was Flemish but wrote in French. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1911 'in appreciation of his many-sided literary activities, and especially of his dramatic works, which are distinguished...

    20,65 €

  • Children of the Market Place (Esprios Classics)
    Edgar Lee Masters
    Edgar Lee Masters (1868-1950) was an American attorney, poet, biographer, and dramatist. He is the author of Spoon River Anthology, The New Star Chamber and Other Essays, Songs and Satires, The Great Valley, The Serpent in the Wilderness, An Obscure Tale, The Spleen, Mark Twain: A Portrait, Lincoln: The Man, and Illinois Poems. In all, Masters published twelve plays, twenty-one...

    27,47 €

  • Tusculan Disputations (Esprios Classics)
    Marcus Tullius Cicero
    The Tusculanae Disputationes (also Tusculanae Quaestiones; English: Tusculan Disputations) is a series of five books written by Cicero, around 45 BC, attempting to popularise Greek philosophy in Ancient Rome, including Stoicism. It is so called as it was reportedly written at his villa in Tusculum. His daughter had recently died and in mourning Cicero devoted himself to philoso...

    23,68 €

  • Statesman (Esprios Classics)
    Plato (428/427 or 424/423 - 348/347 BC) was an Athenian philosopher during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, founder of the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. He is widely considered one of the most important and influential individuals in human history, and the pivotal figure in the history of Ancie...

    20,70 €

  • في حضرة ثورة ديسمبر
    د. الزين عباس عمارة / دالزين عباس عمارة
    ويتحقق الأمل فى الواقع وتشتعل نار الثورة ويتصاعد لهيب القصائد من كل الواجهات أغنيات لثورة ديسمبر المجيدة ...أغنيات الفرح وأهازيج النصر.. وعندما أصبحت القصائد نتاجاً وخطوات متلازمة مع احداثيات الثورة تكرم الدكتور عبد العزيز عثمان استشارى الطب النفسي فى الإمارات بعمل تسجيلات صوتية للقصائد تمشى الحافر بالحافر مع خطى الثورة حتى انتصرت الثورة الشعبية السلمية البيضاء التى اذهلت العال...

    20,37 €

  • The Tree of Heaven (Esprios Classics)
    May Sinclair
    May Sinclair was the pseudonym of Mary Amelia St. Clair (24 August 1863 - 14 November 1946), a popular British writer who wrote about two dozen novels, short stories and poetry. She was an active suffragist, and member of the Woman Writers’ Suffrage League. She once dressed up as a demure, rebel Jane Austen for a suffrage fundraising event. Sinclair was also a significant criti...

    27,41 €

  • The Constable’s Tower (Esprios Classics)
    Charlotte M. Yonge / Charlotte MYonge
    Charlotte Mary Yonge (1823-1901), was an English novelist, known for her huge output. She was devoted to the Church of England, and much influenced by John Keble, a near neighbour and one of the leaders of the Oxford Movement. Her novels reflected the values and concerns of Anglo-Catholicism. She began writing in 1848, and published during her long life about 100 works, chiefly...

    20,65 €

  • Political Essays (Esprios Classics)
    James Russell Lowell
    James Russell Lowell (February 22, 1819 - August 12, 1891) was an American Romantic poet, critic, editor, and diplomat. He is associated with the Fireside Poets, a group of New England writers who were among the first American poets that rivaled the popularity of British poets. These writers usually used conventional forms and meters in their poetry, making them suitable for fa...

    24,47 €

  • ¿Qué Hacer?
    Vladimir Lenin
    Lenin escribió el libro ¿Qué hacer? Problemas candentes de nuestro movimiento a fines de 1901 y comienzos de 1902.Iskra publicó en diciembre, en el número 12, el artículo de Lenin Una conversación con los defensores del economismo, al que denominó posteriormente esbozo de ¿Qué hacer? Lenin escribió en febrero de 1902 el prefacio del libro y éste vio la luz a comienzos de marzo,...

    27,44 €

  • The Histories (Esprios Classics)
    Caius Cornelius Tacitus
    Histories is a Roman historical chronicle by Tacitus. Written c. 100-110, it covers c. 69-96, a period which includes the Year of Four Emperors following the downfall of Nero, as well as the period between the rise of the Flavian Dynasty under Vespasian and the death of Domitian. Together, the Histories and the Annals amounted to 30 books. Saint Jerome refers to these books exp...

    27,46 €