Psicología: emociones

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Psicología / Psicología: emociones (1237)

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    Discover the transformative power of mindfulness in 'Mindfulness Made Simple: Finding Balance in a Busy World.' In this practical and insightful guide, Cameron Grey provides the essential tools and techniques to help you navigate the chaos of everyday life with grace and clarity.Unlock the secrets to reducing stress and enhancing focus as you learn how to incorporate mindfulnes...

    16,35 €

  • Dark Psychology
    Kendall Grey
    Step into the intriguing world of the human mind with the captivating book, 'Dark Psychology.' Unlock the secrets of manipulation, persuasion, and influence as you delve into the depths of human behavior and discover the dark side of psychology.In this compelling and eye-opening book, you’ll embark on a fascinating journey through the tactics and techniques employed by individu...

    88,57 €

    Windy Ford
    Enter the intriguing realm of human psychology with the captivating book, 'Dark Psychology and Gaslighting Manipulation.' Delve into the depths of the human mind as you unravel the mysteries behind manipulative tactics and gain invaluable insights into the intricate world of psychological manipulation.In this thought-provoking and eye-opening book, you’ll embark on a journey to...

    65,09 €

    Brenda Barnes
    Introducing 'Social Anxiety Relief for Kids: Empowering Young Minds to Thrive.'Empower your child to conquer social anxiety and embrace a world of confidence with the transformative book, 'Social Anxiety Relief for Kids.' This invaluable resource is designed to help young minds navigate the challenges of social interactions and develop essential skills that will last a lifetime...

    89,53 €

    Henry White
    Delve into the mysterious realm of the human mind with 'Dark Psychology and Manipulation: Unraveling the Secrets of Influence and Control.' Brace yourself for an eye-opening exploration of the tactics and strategies employed by master manipulators, and gain invaluable insights into protecting yourself from their deceptive clutches.In this thought-provoking and captivating book,...

    96,83 €

  • How to Stop Being a Narcissist
    Lucas Bailey
    Learn to be Strong, Confident, and Admired Without Being Viewed as a Jerk!If you’re tired this it’s the right time to make a change.Do you want to know how to build healthy relationships?It’s tough to transform the habits that negatively impact your life on your own.Do you find it hard to maintain existing connections, ultimately resulting in lost opportunities?It’s proven that...

    24,13 €

    Nathaniel Hayes
    Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders?Do you live through your everyday feeling waves of others’ emotions crashing into you?You may or may not have realized - but you carry the great blessing and power of being an Empath.Often, Empaths who are new to the understanding of their gift, find it difficult to control the sources of overwhelming feelings. The co...

    20,27 €

    Nathaniel Hayes
    Have you ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders?Do you live through your everyday feeling waves of others’ emotions crashing into you?You may or may not have realized - but you carry the great blessing and power of being an Empath.Often, Empaths who are new to the understanding of their gift, find it difficult to control the sources of overwhelming feelings. The co...

    27,37 €

  • 摆脱精神内耗:为什么我们总被内疚、自责和负罪感支配
    编辑推荐习惯性内疚是一种无谓的精神内耗,只有摆脱它,我们才能放下沉重的精神负担,好好爱自己、爱他人。有时内疚是积极的,它会促使我们弥补错误,成为有责任和担当的人。然而,过度的内疚感却会消耗我们,让我们陷入情绪泥潭,变得恐惧、不安和疲惫。比如:·总是为过去的选择、错误或不完美而自责; ·感觉自己永远都做得还不够;·当应该说不'时却说了'好'; ·任由别人用内疚感来操控自己;·当自己既需要也想要时,不敢大声说出来,或者感觉自己不配;............你总是觉得对不起别人,其实你对不起的人就是你自己。没有人是完美的,我们时时尽力,却经常无能为力。学会坦然接受自己的不完美和局限性,面对不如意,既学会内观也学会外看,相信自己拥有的一切都是值得的,才能让自己充满幸福感和正能量。 内容简介一本帮助习惯性内疚者抵抗负能量的暖心指导书哪怕再不想面对,也要勇敢地剥...

    33,11 €

  • The Anger Toolkit
    Matthew McKay
    Written by a dream team of mental health experts and grounded in the most effective evidence-based therapies, The Anger Toolkit offers powerful tools for managing anger in the moment, when readers need it most. With this quick-relief guide, readers will find fast-acting tips, tricks, and skills to cool their temper, find calm in triggering situations, and stop letting anger run...

    24,73 €

  • Overcoming Self-Doubt
    Cameron Bailey
    Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Do you doubt your abilities and question your worth? If so, you’re not alone. Self-doubt can be a powerful barrier to success, holding you back from achieving your goals and living your best life.But it doesn’t have to be that way. In 'Overcoming Self-Doubt: Identifying and Conquering the Barriers to Confidence,' you’ll learn how to...

    10,19 €

  • Social Skills & Communication Mastery
    Want to rapidly improve your social & communication skills?For those who are natural introverts, it can be a struggle even to hold a conversation, let alone build healthy relationships.We know those people. The ones that light a room up when they come in, just with their presence. The ones that command respect as soon as they talk. They are naturally able to communicate with an...

    25,63 €

  • How to Control Your Emotions
    Vincenzo Venezia
    Do you find yourself awake at night because you can’t stop worrying about what happened today?Is anger, fear, sadness and worry always with you?Do they try to assault you every day, take control and prove stubborn and resistant to all attempts to drive them away? Why is it so difficult to manage these emotions? Negative emotions such as fear, sadness and anger are notoriously d...

    15,89 €

  • The Science of Being Lucky
    Nick Trenton
    Practical, real life methods to become the luckiest person you know with - no lucky charms or rituals needed to beat the odds.Luck - we’re not sure what it is, but we know we want it on our side. Is luck a cosmic force that we can randomly stumble upon, or is there something real that people we consider lucky have discovered? The Science of Being Lucky is an in-depth look at wh...

    16,59 €

  • How to Therapize and Heal Yourself
    Nick Trenton
    Self-awareness is key to a happy life. But how can you gain that link between your beliefs, emotions, and behavior?Before you find a therapist, there’s a lot of healing you can do yourself. Learn how.Understand your emotions before they seize control.Therapize and Heal Yourself is a powerful book, full of clinical techniques, examples, and action plans to finally put a magnifyi...

    16,72 €

  • The Science of Being Lucky
    Nick Trenton
    Practical, real life methods to become the luckiest person you know with - no lucky charms or rituals needed to beat the odds.Luck - we’re not sure what it is, but we know we want it on our side. Is luck a cosmic force that we can randomly stumble upon, or is there something real that people we consider lucky have discovered? The Science of Being Lucky is an in-depth look at wh...

    23,19 €

  • Train Your Empathy
    Patrick King
    This single skill can make or break your relationships. Finally learn how to be effective with people.There is an empathy drought in our world, but that doesn’t mean it has to affect you. Learn how to radiate compassion and kindness.Understand subtle indicators of empathy and how to utilize them to gain trust and acceptance.Train Your Empathy is an extreme deep dive into the to...

    16,72 €

  • Train Your Empathy
    Patrick King
    This single skill can make or break your relationships. Finally learn how to be effective with people.There is an empathy drought in our world, but that doesn’t mean it has to affect you. Learn how to radiate compassion and kindness.Understand subtle indicators of empathy and how to utilize them to gain trust and acceptance.Train Your Empathy is an extreme deep dive into the to...

    22,41 €

  • How to Therapize and Heal Yourself
    Nick Trenton
    Self-awareness is key to a happy life. But how can you gain that link between your beliefs, emotions, and behavior?Before you find a therapist, there’s a lot of healing you can do yourself. Learn how.Understand your emotions before they seize control.Therapize and Heal Yourself is a powerful book, full of clinical techniques, examples, and action plans to finally put a magnifyi...

    22,41 €

    Darienne Garner
    There are many different assumptions about mental health issues, so it can be difficult to understand exactly what it means to be suffering. It’s not as neat and clear cut as having a specific diagnosis and set of symptoms. It’s far more unique and complex than most people realize and means dealing with a vast range of complicated and contradictory thoughts and emotions. Living...

    13,84 €

  • Technology-Driven E-Learning Pedagogy Through Emotional Intelligence
    Empirical and anecdotal data suggests that education technology increases access to learning, democratizes knowledge, and increases the breadth and richness of the learning experience. Due to this, there is a need to disseminate awareness and information about the role of emotional intelligence and technology from various dimensions to help students and teachers maintain the qu...

    216,11 €

  • Inner Child Healing
    Milena Harrett
    Many individuals in our modern society feel continuously depressed, anxious, victimized, or even ashamed without really understanding where these emotions stem from... The good news is that there is a way to put an end to these self-sabotaging patterns and feelings that are holding you back from living a good life. And not only that but without the side effects commonly associa...

    24,13 €

  • Empower Your Mornings
    Scott Allan
    'Empower Your Mornings' is a book that helps readers develop a morning routine that sets them up for daily success. It covers the benefits of starting the day with intention, including increased productivity, better health, and a sense of accomplishment. The book offers practical tips and strategies for creating a personalized routine that fits each reader’s unique needs and go...

    12,08 €

  • Limited to limitless
    Morgan Greyson
    Have you ever wondered if you’re something more than your titles or the roles you play in life?Well, you are. In fact, you are much more.Whether you’ve been on the path a while, or you’re just beginning your spiritual journey, Limited to Limitless will help you gain insight into your deepest questions.Questions such as:·    Why was the universe created?·    What is the purpose ...

    20,62 €

  • Limited to limitless
    Morgan Greyson
    Have you ever wondered if you’re something more than your titles or the roles you play in life?Well, you are. In fact, you are much more.Whether you’ve been on the path a while, or you’re just beginning your spiritual journey, Limited to Limitless will help you gain insight into your deepest questions.Questions such as:·    Why was the universe created?·    What is the purpose ...

    27,72 €

    Jean Martin
    Wenn Sie Depressionen, Angstzuständen, Panikattacken und Wut in Ihrem Alltag nicht entkommen können, können Sie jetzt entdecken, wie es geht......dank der Akzeptanz- und Commitment-Therapie!'Vor einem Problem wegzulaufen, vergrößert nur den Abstand zur Lösung'Krankheiten wie Angstzustände, Depressionen, Zwangsstörungen, Süchte und Drogenmissbrauch können alle von ACT und achtsa...

    21,32 €

  • Changing Your Feelings
    Healey E. Ikerd
    If you are having feelings of anxiety or worry, God has given you the power to change those feelings. Changing Your Feelings workbook merges biblical principles, psychology/CBT, and health to bring you practical ways to address your negative emotions. Written by a Licensed Professional Counselor, these tools are used daily with clients in her counseling practice. Whether you...

    15,72 €

  • グリーフリカバリー・ハンドブック、20周年記念拡大版:死別、離婚、病気、失業、信用......様々な喪失を乗り越えて一歩を踏み出すための実践プログラム
    John W. James / Russell Friedman / Aya Yoshioka
    20周年を記念して改訂されたこの古典的な実用書は、グリーフの影響をさらに探り、グリーフに苦しむことを完結して回復し幸せに生きるための、効果的な行動の始め方に、新たな光を当てています。 グリーフからの回復が完全でないと、幸せを感じにくいまま人生を生きていくことになります。グリーフから回復し活力と自発性を取り戻す方法を、著者らは、自分や他者の体験をもとに示しています。 本書では、喪失を乗り越えるために必要な課題を、確立されたプログラムでご提供しています。 本書には新たに以下の喪失からの回復方法が追加されています。・信仰心の喪失・失業や経済的原因による喪失・病気やケガを原因とする喪失・アルコール依存を原因とする喪失・機能不全家庭を原因とする喪失 グリーフリカバリー・ハンドブックは、誰もが本棚に持っておくべき画期的で古典的な実用書です。 ...

    13,15 €

    Clara Lucas
    'Emotional Intelligence 2.0' is a comprehensive guide to developing and enhancing one’s emotional intelligence skills. The book offers practical strategies and techniques for understanding and managing emotions, improving communication, and building stronger relationships. With a focus on practicality, the book provides readers with tools they can use in their daily lives to in...

    23,03 €

  • Empowered - Master Your Emotions In Relationships
    Rachel Stone
    Build Better Bonds And Banish Attachment Worries Forever!It’s time to take control of your emotions before they take over you... even if you’ve tried everything before.Are you fed up with feeling anxious and stressed in all your relationships?Do you feel unable to communicate effectively, build connections, or maintain healthy boundaries?Take back control with 'EMPOWERED - Mast...

    12,34 €