Tecnología: cuestiones generales

Tecnología, ingeniería, agricultura / Tecnología: cuestiones generales (20624)

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  • Rules and Practice for Adjusting Watches
    Walter J. Kleinlein
    Rules and Practice for Adjusting Watches, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned...

    21,44 €

  • Методи визначення твердості матеріалів
    Василь І. Мощенок / Василь Мощенок / Наталія Лалазарова
    У підручнику представлено 12 лабораторних робіт з визначення об’ємної твердості металів, вимірюваних за допомогою класичних твердомірів Брінелля, Роквелла, Віккерса, а також лабораторні роботи по вимірюванню твердості пірамідою Берковича у нанодіапазоні. Кожна робота представляє закінчене наукове дослідження, що дає змогу значно поширити функціональні можливості сучасних твердо...

    97,44 €

  • Climate Dragon
    S.W. Lawrence
    Climate fiction without apocalypse, set in and around Washington, D.C. Newly minted engineering professor Jake Harper, dealing with issues of mild dyslexia and awkwardness with public speaking, wants to stave off climate weirding by re-engineering the North American electric grids. His pregnant partner Abbey London, sassy but irresistible, starts her practice as an infectious d...

    17,24 €

  • Utilização de jatos confluentes verticais de impacto em Sistemas AVAC
    Juvenaldo Pastola
    Este livro é um contributo para a redução do consumo energético relacionado com a utilização de sistemas AVAC em edificios habitacionais e afins na medida que apresenta um técnica moderna de insuflação de ar climatizado. Os resultados apresentados neste livro, foram obtidos através da metodologia de investigação numérica e experimental desenvolvidas no sentido de avaliar a util...

    85,65 €

  • Knowledge Is Power
    Charles Knight
    'Knowledge Is Power' is a book written by British publisher and writer Charles Knight. It was first published in 1855. The book is a part of Knight’s larger project, 'The Library of Entertaining Knowledge,' which aimed to make educational and informative literature accessible to a broader audience. 'Knowledge Is Power' explores the importance of knowledge and education and advo...

    18,74 €

  • Das Ökosystem des Produktionsprozesses eines Start-ups. Buch 1
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Die innovative Umwandlung der Merkmale des Ökosystems des intelligenten Produktionsprozesses in einem bestimmten Objekt in ein entwickeltes kombiniertes Supersystem mit miteinander verbundenen Subsystemen der Online-Steuerung in Echtzeit, einschließlich - Module der Energieversorgung und Wasseraufbereitung erfolgt in fast allen wichtigen Elementen der modernen, sogenannten inte...

    49,74 €

  • L’écosystème du processus de production d’une startup. Livre 1
    Antonina Kuzhim
    La transformation innovante des caractéristiques de l’écosystème du processus de production intelligent dans une propriété particulière en un supersystème combiné développé avec des sous-systèmes interconnectés de contrôle en ligne en temps réel, y compris - des modules d’approvisionnement en énergie et de traitement de l’eau se produit dans presque tous les éléments majeurs de...

    49,68 €

  • L’ecosistema del processo produttivo di una startup. Libro 1
    Antonina Kuzhim
    La trasformazione innovativa delle caratteristiche dell’ecosistema del processo di produzione intelligente in una particolare proprietà in un supersistema combinato sviluppato con sottosistemi interconnessi di controllo online in tempo reale, compresi i moduli di approvvigionamento energetico e di trattamento delle acque, avviene in quasi tutti i principali elementi delle moder...

    49,68 €

  • O ecossistema do processo de produção de uma startup. Livro 1
    Antonina Kuzhim
    A transformação inovadora das características do ecossistema do processo de produção inteligente numa propriedade específica num supersistema combinado desenvolvido com subsistemas interligados de controlo em linha em tempo real, incluindo módulos de fornecimento de energia e tratamento de água, tem lugar em quase todos os elementos principais das estruturas de produção moderna...

    49,68 €

  • The ecosystem of a startup’s production process. Book 2
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Innovative transformation of the smart production process ecosystem characteristics in a specific real estate object into a developed combined supersystem with interconnected subsystems of online control in real time including - energy supply and water treatment modules.The supersystem includes preliminary analysis of long-term forecasts of development of the given field of eng...

    49,68 €

  • Das Ökosystem des Produktionsprozesses eines Start-ups. Buch 2
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Innovative Umwandlung der Merkmale des Ökosystems des intelligenten Produktionsprozesses in einer bestimmten Immobilie in ein entwickeltes kombiniertes Supersystem mit miteinander verbundenen Untersystemen der Online-Steuerung in Echtzeit, einschließlich der Module für Energieversorgung und Wasseraufbereitung.Das Supersystem umfasst die vorläufige Analyse der langfristigen Prog...

    49,74 €

  • L’ecosistema del processo produttivo di una startup. Libro 2
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Trasformazione innovativa delle caratteristiche dell’ecosistema del processo di produzione intelligente in una proprietà specifica in un supersistema combinato sviluppato con sottosistemi interconnessi di controllo online in tempo reale, tra cui - moduli di approvvigionamento energetico e di trattamento delle acque.Il supersistema comprende l’analisi preliminare delle prevision...

    49,68 €

  • O ecossistema do processo de produção de uma startup. Livro 2
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Transformação inovadora das características do ecossistema do processo de produção inteligente numa propriedade específica num supersistema combinado desenvolvido com subsistemas interligados de controlo em linha em tempo real, incluindo módulos de fornecimento de energia e tratamento de água.O supersistema inclui a análise preliminar das previsões a longo prazo do desenvolvime...

    49,68 €

  • L’écosystème du processus de production d’une startup. Livre 2
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Transformation innovante des caractéristiques de l’écosystème du processus de production intelligent dans un bien immobilier spécifique en un supersystème combiné développé avec des sous-systèmes interconnectés de contrôle en ligne en temps réel, y compris - modules d’approvisionnement en énergie et de traitement de l’eau.Le supersystème comprend une analyse préliminaire des pr...

    49,68 €

  • Das Ökosystem des Produktionsprozesses eines Start-ups. Buch 3
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Innovative Umwandlung der Merkmale des Ökosystems des intelligenten Produktionsprozesses in einer bestimmten Immobilie in ein entwickeltes kombiniertes Supersystem mit miteinander verbundenen Untersystemen der Online-Steuerung in Echtzeit, einschließlich - Energieversorgung und Wasseraufbereitungsmodule.Das Supersystem umfasst die vorläufige Analyse der langfristigen Prognosen ...

    49,87 €

  • The ecosystem of a startup’s production process. Book 3
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Innovative transformation of the smart production process ecosystem characteristics in a specific real estate object into a developed combined supersystem with interconnected subsystems of online control in real time including - energy supply and water treatment modules.The supersystem includes preliminary analysis of long-term forecasts of development of the given field of eng...

    49,81 €

  • L’écosystème du processus de production d’une startup. Livre 3
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Transformation innovante des caractéristiques de l’écosystème du processus de production intelligent dans un bien immobilier spécifique en un supersystème combiné développé avec des sous-systèmes interconnectés de contrôle en ligne en temps réel, y compris des modules d’approvisionnement en énergie et de traitement de l’eau.Le supersystème comprend une analyse préliminaire des ...

    49,87 €

  • L’ecosistema del processo produttivo di una startup. Libro 3
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Trasformazione innovativa delle caratteristiche dell’ecosistema del processo di produzione intelligente in una proprietà specifica in un supersistema combinato sviluppato con sottosistemi interconnessi di controllo online in tempo reale, compresi i moduli di approvvigionamento energetico e di trattamento delle acque.Il supersistema comprende l’analisi preliminare delle previsio...

    49,87 €

  • O ecossistema do processo de produção de uma startup. Livro 3
    Antonina Kuzhim
    Transformação inovadora das características do ecossistema do processo de produção inteligente numa propriedade específica num supersistema combinado desenvolvido com subsistemas interligados de controlo em linha em tempo real, incluindo módulos de fornecimento de energia e tratamento de água.O supersistema inclui a análise preliminar das previsões a longo prazo do desenvolvime...

    49,81 €

  • Targeted
    Renee Pittman
    Pure, undeniable, sinister personalities today are at the helm of brilliant, advanced psychophysical technologies, who are inhumanely destroying the lives of men, women, and children. They are devoid of compassion believing it cannot be proven and this mentality officially sanctioned.Neuroweapons, Nanotechnologies, the Brain Computer Interface (BCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI...

    34,90 €

    G. Sai Krishna / Subhashish Dey
    Flood frequency analysis involves the fitting of a probability model to the sample of annual peak flood recorded over a period of 30 years observation, for a catchment of a Prakasam Barrage. The probability plot and flood frequency curves by Gumbel distribution of Prakasam Barrage reservoir are prepared using three different plotting position formulas which are Weibull, Gringor...

    61,69 €

  • A History of the Murray Canal
    Dan Buchanan
    During the 1790s, Upper Canada’s first lieutenant governor, John Graves Simcoe, promoted the idea of a canal in the area between the Bay of Quinte and Presqu’ile Bay on Lake Ontario, but his idea did not come into fruition until decades later. Why did it take so long?In A History of the Murray Canal, historian Dan Buchanan provides a detailed account of the building of the Murr...

    41,34 €

  • A History of the Murray Canal
    Dan Buchanan
    During the 1790s, Upper Canada’s first lieutenant governor, John Graves Simcoe, promoted the idea of a canal in the area between the Bay of Quinte and Presqu’ile Bay on Lake Ontario, but his idea did not come into fruition until decades later. Why did it take so long?In A History of the Murray Canal, historian Dan Buchanan provides a detailed account of the building of the Murr...

    54,55 €

  • Conception et analyse optimales
    D Raja Kullayappa / H Rehana Anjum / M Naga Ramya Krishna
    Conception et analyse optimales d’un arbre de transmission en composite pour une automobile : Le remplacement des structures métalliques conventionnelles par des structures composites présente de nombreux avantages en raison de la rigidité et de la résistance spécifiques plus élevées des matériaux composites. Ce travail porte sur le remplacement d’arbres de transmission convent...

    60,20 €

  • Оптимальное проектирование и анализ
    Д Раджа Куллаяппа / М Наг Рамья Кришна / Х Рехана Анджум
    Оптимальное проектирование и анализ композитного приводного вала для автомобиля: Замена композитных конструкций на обычные металлические имеет много преимуществ из-за более высокой удельной жесткости и прочности композитных материалов. В данной работе рассматривается замена традиционных двухкомпонентных стальных карданных валов на однокомпонентные карданные валы из эпоксидного ...

    60,20 €

  • Gestão de Qualidade na Estrutura Globalizada
    Sandro Gabriel Libretti Prestes
    Nessa oportunidade, tratamos sobre o sistema de gestão de qualidade de forma clara e abrangente possível, as quais buscam caminhos para a estruturação de um sistema de gerenciamento, com estratégias de busca de melhoria contínua com a comprovação da importância da visão proativa, para tomada de decisões, baseado e amparado a fatos vivenciados ao longo do meu caminho profissiona...

    61,44 €

  • Concepção de Software Hidráulico
    Agnércio Maria Sambo / Mário Tauzene Afonso Matangue
    A presente pesquisa versa sobre concepção de um Software para dimensionamento de diversos tipos de Estações de Tratamento de Água, baseando-se nos preceitos normativos da NBR ABNT 12216:1992. Apesar da água ser indispensável ao organismo humano, ela geralmente contém substâncias que precisam ser parcialmente ou completamente removidos para que a sua concentração não seja prejud...

    61,88 €

  • Transformation de la modélisation BPMN en REO
    Pankaj E. Kasar
    La taille des systèmes logiciels actuels augmente considérablement. Cela rend la vérification et la validation de ces systèmes de plus en plus difficiles. Non seulement la taille des systèmes augmente, mais un nombre croissant de fonctionnalités et de formalismes doivent être développés et pris en charge pour modéliser et analyser les applications réelles. Chaque système est re...

    49,74 €

  • Преобразование моделирования BPMN в REO
    Панкадж Э. Касар
    Современные программные системы сильно увеличиваются в размерах. Это делает верификацию и валидацию таких систем все более сложной задачей. Увеличивается не только размер систем, но и количество функций и формализмов, которые необходимо разрабатывать и поддерживать для моделирования и анализа реальных приложений. Каждая система представляется в виде модели. Существует множество...

    49,74 €

  • Umwandlung von BPMN in REO-Modellierung
    Pankaj E. Kasar
    Heutige Softwaresysteme werden immer umfangreicher. Dies macht die Verifizierung und Validierung dieser Systeme zu einer immer schwierigeren Aufgabe. Nicht nur die Größe der Systeme nimmt zu, es müssen auch immer mehr Funktionen und Formalismen entwickelt und unterstützt werden, um reale Anwendungen zu modellieren und zu analysieren. Jedes System wird in Form eines Modells darg...

    49,74 €