Teoría y filosofía económicas

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Economía / Teoría y filosofía económicas (1575)

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  • Research in Economic Anthropology
    B.L. Isaac
    Features 11 papers covering: Women as Artisans from Colombia and the Phillippines; Money and Witchcraft from Niger and Tanzania; Resistance to Economic Development for Canada, Mexico and the US; Changing Rural Economies from Guatemala and Kenya and more. ...

    211,49 €

  • Ethnic Economies
    Ivan H. Light / Ivan HLight / Ivan Light / Stephen J. Gold / Stephen JGold / Steven J. Gold / Steven JGold
    The phenomenon of increasingly visible groups of immigrant entrepreneurs raises a host of questions. What are the causes of immigrant entrepreneurship and what are its consequences? This work provides a broad view of entrepreneurship in multicultural communities. ...

    155,04 €

  • Agricultural Crisis in America
    Dana L. Hoag / Dana LHoag

    82,45 €

  • The Productive Edge
    Richard Keith Lester

    21,53 €

  • The Subsistence Perspective
    Maria Mies / Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen
    A product of twenty years of analysis and activism, this unique book poses a radical alternative to the current free-market industrial system. A book of history, theory and polemic, the authors show how, if we are to survive, economies must become needs-based, environmentally sustainable, co-operative and local. They explain how the current capitalist system is none of these th...

    141,36 €

  • The Subsistence Perspective
    Maria Mies / Veronika Bennholdt-Thomsen
    A product of twenty years of analysis and activism, this unique book poses a radical alternative to the current free-market industrial system. A book of history, theory and polemic, the authors show how, if we are to survive, economies must become needs-based, environmentally sustainable, co-operative and local. They explain how the current capitalist system is none of these th...

    60,34 €

  • Elites, Minorities and Economic Growth
    ESBrezis / PTemin / Scheerens
    Divided into two parts, this book examines the relationship between elites, minorities, and economic growth. The first part contains essays on the role of economic and political elites in America, Europe and the Middle East. The second part contains essays on the role of minorities in past and present industrialization in Europe and Asia. ...

    294,83 €

  • The Theory of Aggregate Investment in Closed Economic Systems
    K. K. Dompere / KKDompere / Kofi K. Dompere / Kofi KDompere

    121,89 €

  • The Theory of Aggregate Investment and Output Dynamics in Open Economic Systems
    K. K. Dompere / KKDompere / Kofi K. Dompere / Kofi KDompere

    121,97 €

  • A General Theory of Competition
    Shelby D. Hunt

    147,45 €

  • The Way It Worked and Why It Won’t
    Gordon C. Bjork / Gordon CBjork

    121,49 €

  • Culture and Economy After the Cultural Turn

    85,16 €

  • The Way It Worked and Why It Won’t
    Gordon Bjork

    53,40 €

  • Energy and the Rise and Fall of Political Economy
    Bernard C. Beaudreau / Bernard CBeaudreau

    121,85 €

  • Approaches to Global Governance Theory
    Showcases diverse theoretical approaches in the emerging area of global governance. ...

    43,05 €

  • Growth, Inequality, and Globalization
    Jeffrey G. Williamson / Jeffrey GWilliamson / Philippe Aghion

    156,44 €

  • Growth, Inequality, and Globalization
    Jeffrey G. Williamson / Jeffrey GWilliamson / Jeffrey Williamson / Philippe Aghion

    56,94 €

  • Economics at the Wheel
    Richard C. Porter / Richard CPorter
    Talks about cars and driving, and the various problems that cars and drivers create for America. This book explains actual government policy intended to reduce the damage cars and drivers do to us, and it explains why these government policies are almost all failures because they attack the wrong problem or attack it in the wrong way. ...

    191,21 €

  • Contemporary Capitalism

    44,66 €

  • Fabricating the Keynesian Revolution
    David Laidler

    117,56 €

  • Fabricating the Keynesian Revolution
    David Laidler / Laidler David

    51,27 €

  • The Managerial Process and Impact of Foreign Investment in Greater China
    Lin Guijin
    The 6th volume of Advances in Chinese Industrial Services, focuses on 'The Managerial Process and Impact of Foreign Investment in Greater China' ...

    200,54 €

  • Economic Theory of Capitalism and Its Crises
    Paul Zarembka
    Provides articles advancing the theoretical understanding of modern capitalism, including comparing post-Keynesian and Marxian conceptions of the endogenity of money, periodizing stages of capitalism, and understanding what 'growth' means precisely beyond its common representations around gross domestic product. ...

    211,85 €

  • Emissions Permit Experiments
    Charles Holt / Mark Isaac RMark Isaac
    Over the years, many governments, including the United States and Canada, have launched a major shift to what are sometimes called 'incentive based' pollution control procedures. Because these proposed systems inherently required institutional design, they constituted a natural domain for laboratory experimental economics research. ...

    191,32 €

  • Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology
    Jeff EBiddle / Warren JSamuels
    Includes papers on: Edwin Cannan, economic theory and the history of economic thought; Gardiner C Means, the relation of his administered price hypothesis to neoclassical price theory; Alfred Marshall’s approach to economics differed from neoclassical economics; and notes taken by Victor E Smith from lectures by William Jaffe on Alfred Marshall. ...

    190,86 €

  • Econometrics and Economic Theory in the 20th Century

    108,07 €

  • Democratic Choice and Taxation
    Stanley L. Winer / Stanley LWiner / Walter Hettich

    136,24 €

  • Economic Inequality and Income Distribution
    D. G. Champernowne / David G. Champernowne / David GChampernowne / DGChampernowne / F. A. Cowell / FACowell

    69,34 €

  • Economic Inequality and Income Distribution
    D. G. Champernowne / DGChampernowne / F. A. Cowell / FACowell

    97,51 €

  • Post Keynesian Price Theory
    Frederic S. Lee / Frederic SLee

    118,00 €