2030 Predicted Victory

2030 Predicted Victory

Yeong Hwan Choi

10,96 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
10,96 €
IVA incluido
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In 2030, amidst a low birth rate era, with gender and generational conflicts escalating, the economy teeters on the brink of collapse with national debt at 300% of GDP. As politicians’ corruption involving bribes, sexual favors, and abuse of power is exposed by a hacker, the enraged populace unites and takes to the streets. The chairman of AG Telecom, a conglomerate that controls 90 percent of social networking sites and communication networks, asks his chief of staff. Is it F=ma? In the past, guns and knives were in power, and pens were once stronger than knives. Amidst this chaos, the chairman of AG Telecom recognizes the power of information and forms a new team under the motto F=AI to seize ultimate power. However, a general’s coup and the outbreak of the Second Korean War reveal that all this turmoil is just part of his grand plan that 'destruction is creation.' If one can calculate all variables, including destiny, talent, and economic status, can anyone win the game of thrones? Will the chairman of AG Telecom grasp the ultimate power? History repeats itself, and in the chaos, who will be the last one standing?

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