Sweet and Sour Cotton Candy Doesn’t Melt

Sweet and Sour Cotton Candy Doesn’t Melt

Yeong Hwan Choi

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Sweet and Sour Cotton Candy, pet dog Maltese 'Hope' and 'Lucky' who were once with me were shining stars in life.After going through two separations, I realized how much the love they left behind meant. 'Hope' is a sour cotton candy'Lucky' is a sweet cotton candy The sweet and sour cotton candy remains in the heart forever.Their warm affection and innocence filled my heart sweetly,Every time their little tongue licked their face, they could taste the love. Like the softness of cotton candy, their warm body temperature and fur remained on the fingertips, creating longing. Like colorful cotton candy,White fur, pinkish belly, and deadly black jelly. I wonder if we took off all the cotton candy that was being handed over one by one.I’ve said so many things in my life that I love you. Reflecting on the sweet and sour memories, with a heartwarming storyI want to share my longing and appreciation with you.

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