Economía del desarrollo y economías emergentes

Economía, finanzas, empresa y gestión / Economía / Economía del desarrollo y economías emergentes (3912)

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  • Knowledge Management for Corporate Social Responsibility
    In a changing and complex environment currently facing the main challenges of sustainable development, effective management of knowledge, intellectual assets, organizational learning, and talent management are the basis for social innovation and new ways of competition. In this sense, management and business practice are incorporating social and environmental demands made by al...

    282,27 €

  • Leverage the Arts Ecosystem to Influence Local Prosperity
    M. Catherine Proctor / TBD
    A stimulating intersection of opportunity and trepidation: Art and Business!A vibrant arts sector impacts local business, citizens, youth, artists, governments--in short, everyone! Integrating unique, authentic, creative assets that flow from the arts across multiple sectors support community prosperity. Through mutually-beneficial partnerships, local stakeholders build a web o...

    22,17 €

  • Mapping Poverty through Data Integration and Artificial Intelligence
    Asian Development Bank
    This special supplement to the Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2020 discusses how poverty estimates can be enhanced by integrating household surveys and censuses with data extracted from satellite imagery. As part of a special ADB knowledge initiative, computer vision techniques and machine-learning algorithms were applied on datasets from the Philippines and Thailand ...

    27,04 €

    Globalization has forced international firms to be competitive, innovative, and most importantly, adaptive to the changing economic conditions and consumer behavior, and emerging threats from local firms based in developing countries and emerging markets. These markets also have one of the fastest growth rates in the world given the advancement in technology, the rise in global...

    105,92 €

    Modernization is a complex phenomenon in the world, and is termed as a development goal in some countries and regions. This book, the first of its kind, discusses how a country can become modernized. It takes a new approach to addressing core issues in the era of globalization from a Chinese perspective. It analyzes how to become a developed and modernized country, why are some...

    214,57 €

  • The Inter-Bank Bond Market in the People’s Republic of China
    Asian Development Bank
    This edition focuses on the China Inter-Bank Bond Market (CIBM), which is the largest bond market segment in the People’s Republic of China.The CIBM is one of only two bond markets in the country that are accessible to foreign investment; the other being the Exchange Bond Market. The legal and regulatory frameworks, features, challenges, and opportunities for the CIBM are outl...

    50,23 €

  • Gastronomy for Tourism Development
    Gastronomy for Tourism Development provides readers with insight into the political reasons all countries in the region pay little attention to the common gastronomic heritage. It challenges the issues faced by those within the industry, addressing the potential for the region to become a sustainable and attractive European food destination. ...

    152,33 €

  • From Plough to Entrepreneurship
    Vusumuzi R. Kumalo / Vusumuzi RKumalo
    From Plough to Entrepreneurship is motivated largely by the fact that Africans were deprived of economic and political autonomy by white government in South Africa. This marginalisation lies in the complex and interconnected processes of displacement and dispossession by which Africans were first dispossessed of their own land; then deprived of independent productive opportunit...

    49,77 €

  • Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and ICTs
    Currently, most organizations are dependent on IS/ICT in order to support their business strategies. IS/ICT can promote the implementation of strategies and enhancers of optimization of the various aspects of the business. In market enterprises and social organizations, digital economy and ICTs are important tools that can empower social entrepreneurship initiatives to develop,...

    426,23 €

  • Transforming Urban-Rural Water Linkages into High-Quality Investments
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication discusses the urban-rural water linkages (URWLs) approach to restoring river health in degraded environments. It emphasizes how the approach tackles issues relevant to land use, water withdrawal, and pollution.The URWL approach can be effectively embedded into the project design to maximize the benefits of investment projects, which are aimed at restoring degra...

    29,91 €

  • Vegetable Production and Value Chains in Mongolia
    Asian Development Bank ADB
    This publication analyzes Mongolia’s market and value chain for vegetables, including aspects of climate-resilient smallholder production and access to promote self-sufficiency and generate more income for vegetable growers.The Government of Mongolia has identified agriculture as a priority area for growth. Agriculture sector development is key to diversifying the economy, redu...

    32,13 €

  • The Broken Ladder
    Anirudh Krishna

    35,64 €

    Foundations of the Future examines the geo-economic and geo-strategic implications of a growing global "battle" to promote infrastructural connectivity across and between continents of the world. In this context, it highlights the importance of China's Belt and Road Initiative and of corresponding initiatives by the United States, Japan, India and Australia, among others.Th...

    44,52 €

  • Azerbaijan
    Asian Development Bank
    Azerbaijan has set the course for the economy to reduce its dependence on oil by promoting new drivers of growth. This publication emphasizes the need for diversification, particularly in the agriculture, tourism, and manufacturing sectors.By 2025, under the Strategic Roads Maps of the Government of Azerbaijan, a more diversified economy should take shape led by these three sec...

    33,10 €

  • Skyrocket Your Business at Zero Cost
    Dr. Francis N Mbunya / Dr. Francis N. Mbunya
    Skyrocket Your Business helps readers create a gateway to the change they want to make by showing them how not to waste another moment investing their money and effort in the wrong direction. ...

    13,22 €

  • Handbook on Microgrids for Power Quality and Connectivity
    Asian Development Bank
    This handbook serves as a guide to evaluate the feasibility of microgrid systems. It also provides information on microgrids for urban and industrial applications, considering current technological pathways and power system structures.Microgrids are poised to play a big role in the electricity ecosystem of the future-with decarbonization, digitalization, decentralization, and n...

    32,87 €

  • Effective Mentoring
    Eileen Hutchinson
    This workbook is a toolkit for anyone who wants to develop effective mentoring skills and links to ILM certificated courses.Mentoring tools and practices are being used in every aspect of business and personal development. Eileen Hutchinson has developed an exciting practical series of workbooks called 'The Hutchinson Guide to' bringing to light the evolution of mentoring and c...

    20,36 €

  • Crecimiento sin desarrollo. Un estudio comparado de Perú, Chile y Corea del Sur
    Rubén Berríos
    Berríos nos da a entender cómo algunos países completan la transformación para convertirse en economías desarrolladas y qué lecciones se pueden extraer de estas experiencias. El Perú es un ejemplo instructivo de los desafíos del desarrollo debido a que es un país que tiene abundantes recursos naturales y potencial para dirigirse por esta senda, pero enfrenta, todavía, dificulta...

    29,12 €

  • Freedom’s Laboratory
    Audra J Wolfe
    Scientists like to proclaim that science knows no borders. Scientific researchers follow the evidence where it leads, their conclusions free of prejudice or ideology. But is that really the case? In Freedom's Laboratory, Audra J. Wolfe shows how these ideas were tested to their limits in the high-stakes propaganda battles of the Cold War.Wolfe examines the role that scienti...

    27,52 €

  • Impact of Zakat on Sustainable Economic Development
    Adel Sarea
    Zakat, a religious obligation in the form of almsgiving, is highly important both in Islam and in the Islamic economy. As Muslim communities face financial hardships around the world, Zakat has emerged as a vital component within these communities and could play a major role in sustainable economic development by helping society to alleviate poverty and promote social equality....

    281,76 €

  • Advancing Innovation and Sustainable Outcomes in International Graduate Education
    The allocation of resources in international universities to adopt and institutionalize solutions must be prioritized above obsolete or wasteful practices. Changing economic and social cultures necessitate new and advancing educational strategies for the promotion of graduate student success. Advancing Innovation and Sustainable Outcomes in International Graduate Education is a...

    282,10 €

  • Pacific Economic Monitor - July 2020
    Asian Development Bank
    Most Pacific island countries appear to have avoided direct health impacts from the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Yet, the pandemic highlights the need to strengthen their health and social protection systems. This edition of the Pacific Economic Monitor discusses the impacts of COVID-19 and provides an overview of other current economic and development issues in Pacific deve...

    25,70 €

    In recent years, the "supply-side structural reform" has become a popular term in all regions and fields in China. The supply-side structural reform is the key component of the Chinese government's economic policy framework during the "13th Five-Year Plan" period. It is crucial in both theory and practice, to have an accurate understanding of its background, content, essent...

    117,98 €

  • Overview of Mongolia’s Water Resources System and Management
    Asian Development Bank
    This publication evaluates water security in Mongolia and provides analyses based from other documents and studies for a multidimensional overview of the country’s water resources system and management.It recommends a path forward based on integrated water resources management as well as national and local institutional development, through a targeted investment program. The as...

    28,85 €

  • Reforms, Opportunities, and Challenges for State-Owned Enterprises
    Edimon Ginting / Kaukab Naqvi
    This book explores issues relating to the role and performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in Azerbaijan, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, the People's Republic of China, and Viet Nam, with insights on evolving roles in the Republic of Korea.Each of the five developing member countries of ADB featured in this book provides a unique development context, but together they present...

    42,88 €

  • The COVID-19 Impact on Philippine Business
    Asian Development Bank
    This report draws on a survey of Philippine businesses to provide initial facts and ideas to help the government develop evidence-based policies to support enterprises hurt by the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic.It includes key findings from ADB’s Philippine enterprise survey carried out in April and May 2020 to gauge the impact of COVID-19 on the business community. Th...

    36,91 €

  • Next Steps for ASEAN+3 Central Securities Depository and Real-Time Gross Settlement Linkages
    Asian Development Bank
    This report provides an update on progress toward the establishment of a regional settlement intermediary to support investment and more integrated bond markets among ASEAN+3 economies.The proposed intermediary is to be based on bilateral links between national central securities depositories and central banks’ real-time gross settlement systems. This model can realize cross-bo...

    28,76 €

  • Growth of Motorcycle Use in Metro Manila
    Asian Development Bank
    This study analyzes the use of motorcycles in Metro Manila with the aim of informing government policy related to road safety and transport planning.Motorcycles are increasingly being used for daily commutes as well to provide logistics services. The study explores the various drivers, characteristics, and implications of increased motorcycle use. Taking into account these impl...

    34,06 €

  • Sustainability Reporting, Ethics, and Strategic Management Strategies for Modern Organizations
    Current modern companies, which are also the key factors of a global economy, are subject to increasing pressures to conduct their business in an environmentally responsible manner, due to social and environmental problems. Improving long-term environmental performance can bring economic benefits to those companies that are innovative and environmentally sensitive, especially b...

    282,05 €

  • Impact of Zakat on Sustainable Economic Development
    Adel Sarea

    215,90 €