
Humanidades / Filosofía (76630)

  • Abenteuer in der Matrix
    Terry Hyland
    Simulationsargumente, wonach das Universum und unsere Erfahrungen mit ihm möglicherweise Computersimulationen sind, die von fortgeschrittenen Zivilisationen (entweder von Außerirdischen oder von unseren menschlichen/posthumanen Nachfahren) konstruiert wurden, sind seit Bostroms ursprünglicher philosophischer Formulierung der Hauptposition im Jahr 2003 Gegenstand einer breiten D...

    82,85 €

  • 科学、哲学、历史思考扎记
    政治哲学家约翰•洛克认为,创立政治社会的目的是为了更好保护私有财产。在这种前提下,社会公认价值优先次序必是私产在前政府在后,私有财产独立于 世而非附属政府。作为社会科学家,徐泽荣氏于狱发现,交换价值乃是可被三种检验逻辑证明,实质乃为效用价值, 绝非古典经济学、马克思主义第一定理坚称的劳动价值。 从此,论点'剥削来自权力勾结资本而非私有财产本身'便 从哲学观点上升成为科学观点。这是牛津大学前后校友 (基督教堂vs圣安东尼)心有灵犀的一脉通灵。本书作者反复地、简明地阐述了科学证非劳动价值要 义,正文共计90篇大多联系实际地、通俗易懂地阐述了这 些道理。港台、西方崇尚哈耶克学说的人,其实并不明白马克思公有制思想、实践的巨大危害,所以一向忽视对于官僚资本主义2.4的批判、扫除。巴西总统米莱所称的均益主 义(原译集体主义,不对)对比马克思公有制,危害性简直是小...

    40,72 €

  • The Decline of the West
    Oswald Spengler
    The first volume of Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West is a milestone in historiography. It is not a standard history book. Instead, it tries to explain the mechanisms that make different cultures tick. While classical culture had no concept of the past or future and was only fixated on the present, Western culture is focused on the past as memory and the future as uncon...

    40,64 €

  • The Decline of the West
    Oswald Spengler
    In the second and more controversial, albeit optimistic, volume of The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler deals with the world-historical perspectives of his comparative cultural morphology. The periodical calm surrounding the constant and eternally recurring movements, described in the first volume, is over. Spengler develops his theory of 'Caesarism' - a tendency towards di...

    54,94 €

  • The Decline of the West
    Oswald Spengler
    The first volume of Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West is a milestone in historiography. It is not a standard history book. Instead, it tries to explain the mechanisms that make different cultures tick. While classical culture had no concept of the past or future and was only fixated on the present, Western culture is focused on the past as memory and the future as uncon...

    52,59 €

  • The Decline of the West
    Oswald Spengler
    In the second and more controversial, albeit optimistic, volume of The Decline of the West, Oswald Spengler deals with the world-historical perspectives of his comparative cultural morphology. The periodical calm surrounding the constant and eternally recurring movements, described in the first volume, is over. Spengler develops his theory of 'Caesarism' - a tendency towards di...

    43,00 €

  • Quiet Talks with World Winners
    S. D. Gordon
    There is a great passion burning in the heart of God. It is tenderly warm and tenaciously strong. Its fires never burn low, nor lose their fine glow. That passion is to win man back home again. The whole world of man is included in its warm, eager reach.  In the early 1900s, S.D. Gordon was a widely traveled speaker in high demand. His quiet manner, simplicity, illustrative qua...

    14,26 €

  • Joy and Power
    Henry Van Dyke
    Written as a sort of declaration of love to Christianity, 'Joy and Power: Three Messages with One Meaning' by Henry Van Dyke explores faith through the lenses of joy and power. Van Dyke draws comparisons to other religions, displaying his faith in full view. His dedication and the joy he feels from his devotion is palpable. No matter what the reader’s religious beliefs may be, ...

    8,57 €

  • Rationalism
    J. M. Robertson
    John Mackinnon Robertson (1856-1933) was a Scottish journalist, author, and politician known for his work in various fields, including literature, history, and philosophy. Here are some key aspects of J. M. Robertson’s life and career:  Early Life and Education: Robertson was born on November 14, 1856, in London, England, to Scottish parents. He studied at the University of Edi...

    9,06 €

  • Essays on Education
    Herbert Spencer
    'Essays on Education' is a collection of writings by Herbert Spencer, a prominent 19th-century English philosopher, sociologist, and political theorist. The book, first published in the mid-19th century, reflects Spencer’s views on education and its role in society during his time. Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) was a major proponent of evolutionary theory and a leading figure in ...

    9,72 €

  • Master and Man
    Leo Tolstoy
    'Master and Man' is a short story written by Leo Tolstoy, first published in 1895. Despite its brevity, the narrative is rich in philosophical depth and explores themes such as human nature, morality, and the pursuit of material wealth. The story is set against the backdrop of a Russian winter and follows the journey of two main characters, Vasili Andreevich Brekhunov (the mast...

    8,93 €

  • Artifacts for Diderot’s Elements of Physiology
    Gregory Bringman
    Artifacts for Diderot’s Elements of Physiology is a translation of Denis Diderot’s rare 18th Century work, Éléments de physiologie, situating it in light of New Materialism and other current debates in continental philosophy. It takes one of many possible theoretical tours through this oeuvre of Diderot, as well as incorporates other supplementary artifacts, including translati...

    50,77 €

  • Human Consciousness - The Impact of Language and Culture
    This book proposes that human consciousness is Cartesian dualistic, two-layered affair, that the layers are integrated but discrete, and provides the explanation that human individuals, as part of an altricial species, acquire cognition through an ongoing education and socialisation process that lasts several years. The book also proposes that time does not exist without high c...

    21,37 €

  • La société dans la quête du sens de l’existence humaine
    Maurice MAKAYA ma NGIMBI
    La socialité naturelle de l’homme s’explique par la quête du sens de son existence que révèle le déploiement dialectique de l’action. En effet, l’étude de l’action est une réponse à la question: 'Oui ou non, la vie a-t-elle un sens, et l’homme a-t-il une destinée'?Faisant fond sur l’action, mieux sur l’indigence constitutionnelle de l’action, Maurice Blondel s’élève peu à peu j...

    126,96 €

  • Deus Em Morphe
    Marcos Dias
    Essa obra faz parte de uma trilogia, o primeiro, intitulado de Deus em Morphe e o segundo, Monoteísmo Absoluto, essa primeira obra foca exaustivamente nas questões bíblicas, históricas e filosóficas, elucidando de maneira surpreendente a formulação do pensamento cristão dentro das mais diversas vertentes, que vai desde o monarquismo modalístico e dinâmico, arianismo e todas sua...

    42,48 €

  • Seneca and the Self

    37,74 €

  • Self-Blame and Moral Responsibility
    Andreas Brekke Carlsson

    41,90 €

  • Kant’s Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
    Michael Bennett McNulty

    41,72 €

  • Heidegger on Logic

    41,79 €

  • Public Reason and Diversity
    Gerald Gaus

    41,82 €

  • Mechanisms in Science
    Stathis Psillos / Stavros Ioannidis

    41,79 €

  • Judgement and Sense in Modern French Philosophy
    Henry Somers-Hall

    41,85 €

  • Aquinas on Efficient Causation and Causal Powers
    Gloria Frost

    41,96 €

  • Manual Para Confissão
    Frei O. Carm. Marcelo Amaral De Aquino
    O Manual para Confissão,examina de forma abrangente e profunda a prática da confissão na Igreja. O autor destaca a relevância desse sacramento como um meio crucial de reconciliação com Deus, apresentando discernimentos teológicos e práticos sobre como os católicos podem colher benefícios espirituais ao participar regularmente desse ato de contrição. Ao abordar o processo de pre...

    6,04 €

  • Manual De Bolso Do Aprendiz Maçom
    Clayton Prebelli
    Para você, meu irmão aprendiz, que tenta entender os Augstos Mistérios e significados dos nossos preciosos símbolos, este manual será de grande auxílio. Nesta obra não exponho nenhum dos segredos, mas sim, dou uma visão própria de cada ensinamento qu me foi transmitido e assimilado por mim durante minha jornada nos degraus da Escada de Jacó. Aos profanos que buscam entender mel...

    9,07 €

  • The Philosophy of Freedom
    Rudolf Steiner
    Originally published in 1894, Rudolf Steiner’s Die Philosophie der Freiheit was considered by Steiner to be his most enduring work above all others. 'Are we free, whether we know it or not? Is any notion of individual freedom merely an illusion?' Steiner tackles these age-old questions in a new and unique way. He shows that, by considering our own activity of thinking, we can r...

    13,77 €

  • History of Human Society
    Frank Wilson Blackmar
    This book tells what we know of man, how he first lived, how he worked with other men, what kinds of houses he built, what tools he made, and how he formed a government under which to live. So we learn of the activities of men in the past and what they have passed on to us. In this way we may become acquainted with the different stages in the process which we call civilization....

    14,29 €

  • Rollo’s Philosophy
    Jacob Abbott
    acob Abbott (1803-1879) was an American writer of children’s books. He was a prolific author, writing juvenile fiction, brief histories, biographies, religious books for the general reader, and a few works in popular science. His Rollo Books, such as Rollo at Work (1837) and Rollo at Play (1837) are the best known of his writings, having as their chief characters a representati...

    12,17 €

  • Where Science and Religion Meet
    William Scott Palmer
    I have not named my authorities or given references to any passages in their books. My critics, friendly or unfriendly, may complain of this omission. But I hope they will not. I hope they will see that I have gathered my materials together for a clearly shown purpose with which particular references and frequent defined quotations would have interfered. I wanted to build a way...

    11,78 €

  • The Philosophy Of Spinoza
    Benedictus De Spinoza
    The object in taking the Ethics as much as possible out of the geometrical form, was not to improve upon the author’s text; it was to give the lay reader a text of Spinoza he would find pleasanter to read and easier to understand. To the practice of popularization, Spinoza, one may confidently feel, would not be averse. He himself gave a short popular statement of his philosoph...

    19,77 €