
Matemáticas y ciencia / Química (6139)

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  • Structural Design and Properties of Coordination Polymers
    The assembly of organic ligands and metal centres yields coordination polymers, many of which find applications in conductivity, catalysis, magnetism, gas sorption, biological sensing and luminescence. The structure and topology of coordination polymers may be manipulated by changing the reaction conditions, leading to a large variety of structurally and topologically unique pr...

    43,77 €

  • Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries 2017
    Kwo Young
    This book contains twenty papers focusing on research investigations in the field of nickel/metal hydride (Ni/MH) batteries in 2017. These papers summarize the joint efforts in Ni/MH battery research from BASF, Wayne State University, Michigan State University, FDK Corp, Institute for Energy Technology, Central South University, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Zhe...

    83,95 €

    This book provides state-of-the-art information on how studies in applied theoretical organic chemistry are conducted. It highlights the many approaches and tools available to those interested in using computational chemistry to predict and rationalize structures and reactivity of organic molecules. Chapters not only describe theoretical techniques in detail, but also describe ...

    277,44 €

    En-Ge Wang / Xin-Zheng Li / XIN-ZHENG LI & EN-GE WANG
    This book provides a relatively complete introduction to the methods used in computational condensed matter. A wide range of electronic structure theories are introduced, including traditional quantum chemistry methods, density functional theory, many-body perturbation theory, and more. Molecular dynamics simulations are also discussed, with extensions to enhanced sampling and ...

    123,83 €

  • Catalysis for Low Temperature Fuel Cells
    Today, the development of active and stable catalysts still represents a challenge to overcome in the research field of low temperature fuel cells. Operation at low temperatures demands the utilization of highly active catalysts to reduce the activation energy of the electrochemical reactions involved at the electrodes, and thus obtain practical performances and high efficienci...

    59,74 €

  • Trends in Microextraction Techniques for Sample Preparation
    Micro-extraction techniques in sample preparation are gaining interest among analytical chemists as they comply with green analytical chemistry demands and ensure environmental protection and public safety. Savings in cost and time are considered as valuable benefits by using novel micro-extraction approaches in sample handling. Selectivity, sensitivity and lower detection limi...

    59,87 €

  • Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reaction and Potential Applications
    Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling remains a powerful tool in organic synthesis for C–C bond formation and has various industrial applications, for example, the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and materials. Intensive research efforts are being made into finding ways of improving and expanding the scope of this process, and the development of more efficient catalytic systems for this e...

    67,89 €

    Irina Rodica Rabeja
    Marie Sklodowska Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934) was one of the greatest scientific minds that brought a fundamental contribution in science opening the door to the understanding/knowledge of the structure of the atom in the 20th century.                 Marie Sklodowska Curie’s hypothesis that the spontaneous emission of powerful rays by some chemical elements, emission ...

    89,28 €

  • Advances and Applications of Nano-antimicrobial Treatments
    Nowadays, great concerns are associated with the resistance demonstrated by many microorganisms towards the conventional antibiotic therapies. The failure of traditional antimicrobials, and the increasing healthcare costs, have encouraged scientific research and the development of novel antimicrobial agents. Particularly, there is a great deal of interest in nanotechnologies an...

    51,68 €

  • Handbook of Research on Uncovering New Methods for Ecosystem Management through Bioremediation
    Kajal Srivastava / Shivom Singh
    Maintaining and preserving the environment is a crucial consideration in an era where climate change and rising sea levels are common knowledge. It is important for researchers and developers alike to explore potential solutions for a steadily warming world. The Handbook of Research on Uncovering New Methods for Ecosystem Management through Bioremediation focuses on the agricul...

    426,84 €

  • Photovoltaic Materials and Electronic Devices
    Given the state-of-the-art in solar photovoltaic (PV) technology and favorable financing terms, it is clear that PV has already obtained grid parity in specific locations [1]. Advances in the next generation of photovoltaic materials and photovoltaic devices can further reduce costs to enable all of humanity to utilize sustainable and renewable solar power [2]. This Special Iss...

    66,80 €

  • Catalytic Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds
    Jean-François Lamonier
    The degradation of air quality by the release of volatile organic compounds (VOC) into the air particularly harms human health and our environment. Regulation of outdoor VOC emissions are required to prevent the formation of ground-level ozone, which is principally responsible for photochemical smog. Indoor emissions of VOC have been the subject of recent consideration from man...

    82,85 €

  • The Story Book of Science
    Jean Henri Fabre
    Fabre had many scholarly achievements. He was a popular teacher, physicist, chemist and botanist. However, he is probably best known for his findings in the field of entomology, the study of insects, and is considered by many to be the father of modern entomology. Much of his enduring popularity is due to his marvelous teaching ability and his manner of writing about the lives ...

    36,91 €

  • Новые производные нафтоксазина как антитубулиновые и анти-ВИЧ агенты
    Рагхунатх Бхосале / Ракхи Гавали
    Рак и СПИД являются основными причинами глобальной проблемы здравоохранения, приводящей к смерти во всем мире. За последние несколько десятилетий таргетная терапия стала идеалистическим и сложным подходом к разработке селективных противораковых и противоСПИДных средств. Таким образом, для более эффективной борьбы с этими серьезными заболеваниями требуется обновление или модифик...

    77,95 €

  • Nuovi derivati della naftossina come agenti antitubulina e anti-HIV
    Raghunath Bhosale / Rakhi Gawali
    Il cancro e l’AIDS sono le principali cause di salute globale che provocano morti in tutto il mondo. Negli ultimi decenni, la terapia mirata è emersa come un approccio idealistico e stimolante per l’evoluzione di agenti antitumorali e anti-AIDS selettivi. È quindi necessario un aggiornamento o una modifica delle attuali terapie per combattere in modo più efficace queste gravi m...

    77,95 €

  • Novos derivados de naftoxazina como agentes antitubulina e anti-HIV
    Raghunath Bhosale / Rakhi Gawali
    O cancro e a SIDA são as principais causas de problemas de saúde globais que causam mortes em todo o mundo. Durante as últimas décadas, a terapia orientada surgiu como uma abordagem idealista e desafiadora para a evolução de agentes selectivos anti-cancro e anti-SIDA. Por conseguinte, é necessário atualizar ou modificar as terapêuticas actuais para combater estas doenças graves...

    77,95 €

  • Neue Naphthoxazin-Derivate als Antitubulin- und Anti-HIV-Wirkstoffe
    Raghunath Bhosale / Rakhi Gawali
    Krebs und AIDS sind die Hauptursachen für globale Gesundheitsprobleme, die weltweit zum Tod führen. In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich die zielgerichtete Therapie als idealistischer und anspruchsvoller Ansatz für die Entwicklung selektiver Krebs- und AIDS-Medikamente erwiesen. Daher ist eine Aktualisierung oder Änderung der derzeitigen Therapeutika erforderlich, um diese schwe...

    77,95 €

  • Nouveaux dérivés de la naphtoxazine comme agents antitubuline et anti-VIH
    Raghunath Bhosale / Rakhi Gawali
    Le cancer et le sida sont les principales causes de mortalité dans le monde. Au cours des dernières décennies, la thérapie ciblée est apparue comme une approche idéaliste et stimulante pour l’évolution des agents anticancéreux et anti-sida sélectifs. Par conséquent, une mise à jour ou une modification des thérapies actuelles est nécessaire pour lutter plus efficacement contre c...

    77,95 €

  • Der Horizont der atomaren Theorien
    Pourya Zarshenas
    In der Quantenwelt werden unsere Intuitionen über die Natur weniger zuverlässig. Zum einen haben Quantenobjekte keine perfekt vorhersagbaren Bewegungen - nicht einmal im Prinzip. Ein Quantenraumschiff würde nicht einer einzigen Bahn folgen. Stattdessen würde es sich so verhalten, als würde es vielen verschiedenen Pfaden folgen. Während die NASA also den genauen Weg einer gewöhn...

    85,70 €

  • L’horizon des théories atomiques
    Pourya Zarshenas
    Dans le monde quantique, nos intuitions sur la nature deviennent moins fiables. Tout d’abord, les objets quantiques n’ont pas de mouvements parfaitement prévisibles, même en principe. Un vaisseau spatial quantique ne suivrait pas une trajectoire unique. Au contraire, il agirait comme s’il suivait plusieurs chemins différents. Ainsi, alors que la NASA peut suivre le chemin préci...

    85,71 €

  • L’orizzonte delle teorie atomiche
    Pourya Zarshenas
    Nel mondo quantistico, le nostre intuizioni sulla natura diventano meno affidabili. Ad esempio, gli oggetti quantistici non hanno moti perfettamente prevedibili, nemmeno in linea di principio. Una navicella spaziale quantistica non seguirebbe un unico percorso. Al contrario, si comporterebbe come se stesse seguendo molti percorsi diversi. Quindi, mentre la NASA può tenere tracc...

    85,72 €

  • O horizonte das teorias atómicas
    Pourya Zarshenas
    No mundo quântico, as nossas intuições sobre a natureza tornam-se menos fiáveis. Por um lado, os objectos quânticos não têm movimentos perfeitamente previsíveis - nem mesmo em princípio. Uma nave espacial quântica não seguiria um único caminho. Em vez disso, agiria como se estivesse a seguir muitos caminhos diferentes. Assim, embora a NASA possa acompanhar o caminho exato perco...

    85,72 €

  • Горизонт атомных теорий
    Поуря Заршенас
    В квантовом мире наши интуитивные представления о природе становятся менее надежными. Например, у квантовых объектов нет идеально предсказуемых движений - даже в принципе. Квантовый космический корабль не будет двигаться по одному пути. Вместо этого он будет вести себя так, будто следует по множеству разных путей. Поэтому, если НАСА может отследить точный путь обычного космичес...

    85,68 €

  • Ein Tauchgang durch das Labyrinth der Schottky-Fehler
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Schottky-Defekte, die 1938 von Walter H. Schottky entdeckt wurden, sind kristalline Unvollkommenheiten, die eine entscheidende Rolle bei den Eigenschaften von Materialien spielen. Diese Defekte, die durch den Verlust von Atomen in einer Kristallstruktur entstehen, beeinflussen die elektrische Leitfähigkeit, die mechanische Festigkeit, die optischen und die katalytischen Eigensc...

    60,32 €

  • A dive into the labyrinth of Schottky defects
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Schottky defects, discovered by Walter H. Schottky in 1938, are crystalline imperfections that play a crucial role in the properties of materials. These defects, which result from the loss of atoms in a crystalline structure, affect the electrical conductivity, mechanical strength, optical and catalytic properties of materials. Understanding and controlling these defects are ma...

    60,20 €

  • Um mergulho no labirinto dos defeitos Schottky
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Os defeitos de Schottky, descobertos por Walter H. Schottky em 1938, são imperfeições cristalinas que desempenham um papel crucial nas propriedades dos materiais. Estes defeitos, que resultam da perda de átomos numa estrutura cristalina, afectam a condutividade eléctrica, a resistência mecânica e as propriedades ópticas e catalíticas dos materiais. Compreender e controlar estes...

    60,26 €

  • Un’immersione nel labirinto dei difetti Schottky
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    I difetti di Schottky, scoperti da Walter H. Schottky nel 1938, sono imperfezioni cristalline che svolgono un ruolo cruciale nelle proprietà dei materiali. Questi difetti, che derivano dalla perdita di atomi in una struttura cristallina, influenzano la conduttività elettrica, la resistenza meccanica, le proprietà ottiche e catalitiche dei materiali. La comprensione e il control...

    60,20 €

  • Погружение в лабиринт дефектов Шоттки
    Абдельхафид Мимуни
    Дефекты Шоттки, открытые Уолтером Х. Шоттки в 1938 году, - это кристаллические несовершенства, которые играют решающую роль в свойствах материалов. Эти дефекты, возникающие в результате потери атомов в кристаллической структуре, влияют на электропроводность, механическую прочность, оптические и каталитические свойства материалов. Понимание и контроль этих дефектов являются осно...

    60,32 €

  • Resonant Infrared Detectors and Emitters
    This book is a sequel of The Physics of Quantum Well Infrared Photodetectors (1997), which covered the basic physics of QWIPs. In the intervening 27 years, QWIP properties pertinent to infrared detection are much better understood, and QWIP technology has become a mainstream, widely deployed infrared technology. The main progress is the ability to know the QWIP absorption quant...

    194,77 €

  • Quanten-Odyssee
    Abdelhafid Mimouni
    Die moderne Physik beruht auf zwei wichtigen Säulen: der Quantenmechanik und der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, die unser Verständnis des Universums grundlegend verändert haben. Trotz dieser Fortschritte bleibt die Vereinigung dieser beiden Theorien eine große Herausforderung. In diesem Buch unternehmen wir eine innovative Erkundung, die auf der kühnen Idee beruht, dass die Z...

    61,57 €