Salud y desarrollo personal

Salud y desarrollo personal (155361)

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  • Don't Get Outworked
    Darren Taylor
    Darren Taylor, author of Don’t Get Outworked, is a business owner, fitness model, father, mentor, and long-time entrepreneur. He is currently on his mission to success, just like you. Mr. Don’t Get Outworked himself shares with you the strong work ethic that has never failed him, the lessons he learned in what works and what doesn’t, and now he shares this with you so that you ...

    25,80 €

    Amanda Nelson
    In this book, Amanda takes you on her journey and shows you step by step how she was able to kick a 17-year drug/alcohol addiction and bounce back when no one believed in her. She now lives a happy, vibrant life and wants the same for you.At first, she thought she had it all under control, but one night, Amanda came face to face with reality when she found herself standing alon...

    12,18 €

  • Glücklich trotz Scheidung
    Rossana Condoleo
    'Glücklich trotz Scheidung' ist der ultimative, umfangreichste Ratgeber für Frauen und Männer, die sich scheiden lassen (hilft vor-durch-danach einer Trennung / Scheidung). Die Autorin und Lebensberaterin motiviert ihre Leser mit Humor, und sorgt für Lösungen und eine positive Einstellung von der ersten bis zur letzten Seite.Teil I erleichtert die emotionale Last und hilft: Str...

    18,50 €

  • Save Your Life with the Power of pH Balance
    Blythe Ayne
    Why do gorgeous, fresh, clean little babies smell sweet? Because, chemically, they are predominately composed of sweet smelling, alkaline, mineralized water, and their bodies are pH balanced. To be in optimum health, we need to aspire to keep our bodies in pH balance.Save Your Life with the Power of pH Balance tells you in straight-forward language the basics of acquiring and m...

    16,57 €

  • The Key to LIFE
    Jim Phillips
    LIFE is singing the song within you that yearns to be sung.  Join Jim Phillips as he explains the “simplexities” of LIFE over the course of your current, unique “souljourn”. The Key to LIFE: Living In Full Expression reveals ancient wisdom within the context of modern day living that unlocks the vault of Divine wisdom within you. Jim’s insights and experiences offer an opportun...

    21,50 €

  • Origami f¸r Kinder
    Young Scholar
    Origami f¸r Kinder ist ein Aktivit‰tsbuch, das Kinder und Interessierte lehrt, wie man Papier in wunderbare Tierformen und mehr faltet. Origami ist eine F‰higkeit, die dich von den anderen abhebt und dieses Buch zeigt dir, wie man es in einfachen, klaren Schritten macht.Es gibt einen K¸nstler in jedem Kind, lass es nicht verblassen oder zur¸ckbleiben, n‰hren es mit diesem Origa...

    10,75 €

  • Origami per bambini
    Young Scholar
    Origami per bambini e un libro di attivita, il bambino e le prospettive come piegare la carta in forme animali meravigliosi e insegna di piu. Origami e una capacita che si distingue dagli altri e questo libro mostra come farlo in chiare, semplici passaggi. Egli e un artista in ogni bambino, non lasciare svanire o il soggiorno Fed Origami per la creativita dei bambini deve esser...

    10,04 €

  • Health and Fitness Social Media Prompts
    Writing a 60,000 word book? Piece of cake. Writing a 140 character tweet? Awkward silence. On the surface social media seems easy--just say what’s on your mind! But saying what’s on your mind rarely leads to more followers, and frequently even leads to unfollows. The creative minds behind the audience-building online social software BuzzTrace created this book of over 200 promp...

    4,63 €

  • Malbuch
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Arbeiten an der Farm Coloring Book ist eine Sammlung von schönen Illustrationen von Landwirten und Tieren in der Umgebung, in der sie leben. Die Bilder sind groß und zeigen Landwirte und Tiere in ihrer alltäglichen Aktivität engagiert.Arbeiten in der Farm mit Kuh, Pferde, Schweine, Schafe etc; Kann Spaß machen. Pflanzung und Ernte liefert Nahrung. Die Bilder sind sehr engagiert...

    7,11 €

  • Libro para colorear
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Trabajar en el libro de colorear granja es una colección de hermosas ilustraciones de los agricultores y los animales en el medio ambiente que viven pulg Las imágenes son grandes y muestran a los agricultores y los animales que participan en su actividad cotidiana.Trabajando en la granja con vaca, caballos, cerdos, ovejas etc; puede ser divertido. La siembra y cosecha proporcio...

    6,52 €

  • Livre de coloriage
    Coloring Pages for Kids
    Travailler sur le Farm Coloring Book est une collection de belles illustrations des agriculteurs et des animaux dans l'environnement dans lequel ils vivent. Les images sont grandes et montrent fermiers et animaux engagés dans leur activité quotidienne.Travailler à la ferme avec de la vache, des chevaux, des porcs, des moutons, etc; peut être amusant. La plantation et la réc...

    7,11 €

  • Healing Satori
    Dr. Ken W Dick
    At some point, you become fed up with feeling unwell. The rollercoaster ride of doctor visits, blood tests, X-rays, needles, and prescriptions doesn’t sustain you and you wonder where it all went wrong. You feel you deserve better. Wouldn’t it be great if you could just start over? Healing Satori is a self-empowering approach that takes you past the cold stethoscope and sterile...

    18,40 €

  • Lessons From The Other Side
    Michael T Vara
    In this book, Michael T. Vara tells his true accounts of his experience of the paranormal realm. Michael vividly retells his own personal heartfelt encounters in having an Out of Body Experience, but also his close exposure to spirits from the other side and his short connection to the unknown dimensional universe through the psychedelic drug LSD. All separate, but many inciden...

    8,30 €

  • Happiness
    Ace McCloud
    How long has it been since you felt truly happy? Do you long for joy to fill your heart?Whether you want to (1) defeat fear and dread, (2) learn to look on the bright side of life, or (3) find a way to stop feeling so miserable, this book will teach you everything you need to know.Is the drudgery of your life keeping your spirits low?You don't have to always feel like the g...

    18,76 €

  • Gluten Free
    Ace McCloud
    Are you tired of having low energy? Do you suffer every time you eat bread, pizza, or pasta? Do you wish you could feel good more often?Whether you want to (1) eliminate gluten from your diet entirely, (2) feel better and have more energy, or (3) explore a variety of healthy gluten-free recipes, then this is the book for you!Your discomfort and low energy may be caused by the g...

    9,69 €

  • Gratitude
    Ace McCloud
    Do you feel blind to the abundance all around you? Are you tired of feeling unhappy?Whether you want to (1) live better and be happier, (2) eliminate negative feelings and emotions , or (3) discover a life that is worth living, then this is the book for you!Don't just muddle about in grey oblivion; deliberately choose gratefulness and bring the color back into your life!You...

    18,76 €

  • Forgiveness
    Ace McCloud
    Are you tired of suffering from the pain of old wounds that won't go away? Do you wish you could just let it all go and be truly happy again?Whether you want to (1) eliminate negative thoughts and emotions, (2) let go of grudges and thoughts of revenge, or (3) free your mind and be happy again, then this is the book for you.Don't let old grudges and negative memories ru...

    9,46 €

  • Océan Underwater poissons livre de coloriage et de la vie de la mer
    Young Scholar
    Livre de coloration de l'océan sous-marin Fish and Sea Life est le dernier livre à colorier pour apprendre sur la vie sous les vagues. Il ya un tout nouveau monde sous la mer, les requins, les tortues, les dauphins, les poulpes, etc.,Les créatures de la mer viennent dans différentes rangées de couleurs et de textures. Engagez votre petit avec ce livre à colorier qui augment...

    6,57 €

  • Creativity
    Ace McCloud
    Do you wish you could enter the 'flow' state of mind when needed? Would you love to be motivated and inspired when it counts most?Whether you want to (1) learn how to light a fire under yourself to get powerful results, (2) easily tap into your inner creative genius, or (3) discover how to enter the 'flow' and get incredible things done, then this is the book for you!Are you ex...

    17,96 €

  • Acid Reflux
    Ace McCloud
    Stop acid reflux dead in its tracks – NATURALLY!Whether you want to (1) reverse the damage done to your digestive system, (2) treat your symptoms, or (3) heal your acid reflux entirely, this book will get you there.How long will you suffer needlessly?The best news of all is that acid reflux is reversible. You can stop that nasty acid from wreaking havoc on your digestive system...

    9,13 €

  • U.S. Taxes for Worldly Americans
    Wagner Olivier
    Introducing the 2024 Edition of the Amazon Expat Tax BestsellerAre you a U.S. citizen residing abroad? Living beyond American borders doesn’t exempt you from the long arm of the IRS. The United States taxes its citizens on worldwide income, no matter where they roam. But fear not! Navigating the complexities of expat taxation just got easier with this updated guide.In U.S. Taxe...

    22,44 €

  • Choiceables
    Andrea Defries
    “I love this clear, simple but deeply empowering and inspirational new book that opens our eyes and our hearts to seeing who we each, truly are. Using how we make choices, Andrea provides us with a unique model to significantly understand ourselves better and to improve the daily choices we make. I highly recommend you read this perceptive and wise little book and adopt Andrea’...

    16,35 €

  • Hands Off My Food!
    Dr. Sina McCullough
    Americans have stopped being watchdogs over their own food supply. Roughly 100 years ago, with the birth of the FDA, we handed that responsibility over to the government and the food industry. They, in turn, have fundamentally transformed our food supply and it’s making us sick, including our children. Not only are we losing our health to food related illnesses like cancer and ...

    11,29 €

  • 43 Rezepte um Nierenstein vorzubeugen
    Joe Correa
    43 Rezepte um Nierenstein vorzubeugen: Iss smart und schütze dich vor den Schmerzen bei NierensteinenVon Joe Correa CSN Diese Rezepte sind nicht nur lecker sondern auch voll von essentiellen Nährstoffen, die unser Körper braucht um die Bildung von Nierensteinen zu verhindern und auch um sie zu zerstören.Die meisten Nierensteinen entstehen, wenn sich kristallbildende Substanzen ...

    22,47 €

  • Happiness Millionaire
    Janet Jones
    Get ready to be a Happiness Millionaire and change your life forever. Are you struggling to reach your potential, believing there is more to life but don’t know how to change it? Perhaps you are feeling unconfident, unfulfilled or even a little vulnerable? Chances are you’re suffering from a poverty mindset, born out of fear. You’re not alone. In fact, I used to feel the sam...

    28,58 €

  • Inner Sky
    Steven Layer
    A conversation about life's experiences. If I had one afternoon to spend with my friend Lily, just diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, what would I say?  I had been where she is now, yet against all the odds found the way to experience a complete and spontaneous healing. The secrets I was shown are the opposite of what society teaches us. This was not...

    28,77 €

  • Spoiler Alert
    Jacquie Purcell / Korttany Finn
    One thing you can count on in life is the fact that you are going to die. How’s that for a buzzkill? Most people diligently ignore the reality of their future demise. Thinking about death somehow seems wrong. Luckily, a real life coroner challenged a few thousand internet strangers to do the thinking for you. The result is a collection of morbid and slightly embarrassing questi...

    9,88 €

  • Blush
    Molly Davis
    Whether meeting up for happy hour after a long day of work, catching up with a friend, unwinding after another day of parenting, sipping a glass while stealing time for a long, quiet soak in the tub, or commiserating over lost love, lost parents, lost jobs, lost years or lost waistlines, our wine feels like a sacred ritual that a lot of us can relate to. “We should get together...

    16,38 €

  • Sex After...
    KaNisha L. Hall
    KaNisha L. Hall, M.D.'s 'Sex After...' is the all-encompassing guide to personal sexual empowerment for women of all generations. This work emanates from the sexual challenges faced by those closest to Dr. KaNisha L. Hall, in addition to many women observed in her daily medical practice. Dr. KaNisha L. Hall's desire to provide every woman with the tools to take ownershi...

    20,59 €

  • Dear People in the Yellow House
    Dave Kardee
    Just when Dave thought things couldn't get any worse, the world proved him wrong. Dear People in the Yellow House is a story of childhood tragedy that reveals the dark side of Australia and its education business. Dave Kardee has written a coming of age story like no other.The ultimate goal of this project is to: Expose and eradicate the physical, emotional, and sexual mist...

    10,99 €